Apr 06, 2005 00:29
To the best of your knowledge:(questions posed by)
1) How much does Marxism affect your daily life?
"But even the product of labour itself has undergone a change in our hands"!(Das Kapital).That's what you get for your answer to number five.
2) Are people inherently good?
I have a feeling we will have a semantic issue here, so feel free to debate, but my answer is no. People invented good and evil, and even though it could be argued (easily) that we invented ourselves as well, when you say 'inherent', I consider that to refer to a quality present in all humans from the time they are born. Even though these qualities can be projected onto the newborns by others, that does not necessarily have anything to do with the actual child's character. Also, 'good and bad' change value in different societies, so a good person in one may be evil in another, without changing anything other than physical location. "If the effects are not reproduceable....."you know the rest.
3) Are you?
If we were to pretend for a moment that good and bad are inherent 'traits', I plea the Abraxas styled approach: I am an amalgamation. Extremes are absurd. I am also absurd, but only sometimes. Where is Lewis carroll when I need him?
As Jessica Rabbit said, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."
4) If you could change any one aspect of yourself, what would it be?
If we are referring to change in the past, I wouldn't. In the future: that's easy! I want good, dependable access to my memory. If I could memorize things at will, I could get my PHd in just about anything, and I would love the joke of being a "doctor". I could teach in universities...but alas, this is unlikely.
5) How will your life change the world?
Please refer to the Lorenz effect.