going to the chapel?

Oct 05, 2004 18:07

Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 18:52:51 -0400

In Colombia and having a wonderful time! One important question and one

Are you free the 15th of October? For a very important event?
Did I leave my shoes at your house when I stayed over (sandals)

Hope all is well with you.

Your Sister.

1. my father thinks she's getting married. he's not pleased. he doesn't like the guy, as he's not rich, jewish, doctor. he proposed in april or may. demanded a decision. around the same time some french man in south africa was also demanding that she decide if she wanted to live with him down there.

(i swear, sometimes my life looks downright normal)

2. when pressed, my brother can neither confirm nor deny - but strongly suggest that i do what i need to in order to take the 15th off.

3. maybe she's adopting, or becoming a Citizen of Columbia, or some other special, important event that isn't marriage.

4. i love and support my sister in her decisions, but it is hard sometimes. i often strongly disagree with her choices. i am sure she does of mine.
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