Aug 05, 2004 15:58
monday - fever. sore throat. sleep. no poly group, no neck lickers. sleep.
tuesday - wake up, no fever. bright idea and go to work. barely run meeting. ensure approval of 50K purchase 11a - fever returns. i am shaking. leave work - find clinic. get meds. have strep. seriously want to be taken care of. no one around just now, try again later. talk with TM. makes that feeling even harder. i miss him, i miss what he represents. i am confused and sick. back to bed.
wednesday - fever. water. meds. crackers. read. sleep. laundry. no bellydance for me. ZK shows up with soft food full of protein and roses. i am well enough not to eat flowers ; ) tucks me in. good night.
today - no fever. sluggish. disinfecting everything.
tomorrow - friends and lovers descend on my house. ; )
saturday - the beach.