Nov 15, 2006 16:09
Have you ever noticed how you can get along through life without a thing, but then that thing comes into your life and it seems you can't do without it? That happened to me over the winter. It ended up badly, and I haven't exactly bounced back from it, so I haven't been around much.
What was cosmically funny about it all, though, as that just when that happened, the company I was working for went into liquidation. I was sent a termination notice on the 7th of Sept. I, and others, were reassured that we would still be paid, that things would be okay, that this was just a transition, so I kept showing up to work. A few weeks of that goes by and then it comes out that, no, we would not be paid, and yes, the majority of people probably wouldn't be brought back. I left that day and said I'd be in with a guarantee of pay for any work I did. How heartless am I? *chuckles*
So, I sorta take a week off to regroup. I look a little bit in want-ads online and such and talk to other people I had been working with. I get mmore and more of the story the more people I talk to. The details aren't important for this blog, but suffice it to say, the guys I was working for are idiots. I do get a call from one of the former directors, stating they got a deal to go through and I was asked to setup their computer network, once he had worked out all the equipment issues. I agreed, once I found out the pay would be coming from the new company, and not this dipshit. So I get a little part time work from that. At the same time I am interviewing for a couple positions, one which would have been in the same suburb and been very nice, but I didn't get it. Oh well, life moves on. I also pick up some contract work for one of the guys that was displaced by the collapse of the old company. This guys pays on time, has clear indications of what he wants, and gets the equipment for me to do the job. I now have him as a permanent contract retainer for any IT work he needs done. So, happy about that. The dipshit cannot get his act together and succeeds in pissing me off again, so I tell the IT manager for the NEW company, I won't be in til there is equipment, since it would only cost them money. Now, understand I have not been paid by them at this point. I go to another interview, this one in downtown Sydney, the CBD, or central/city business district. I enjoy a nice 2 hour interview with these guys, even have the CEo get pulled in for a chat and I seem to get along well with everyone, but my technical skills are a bit lacking. I write it off as a good experience and look for more work.
Except, I get the job. The recruiter calls me that friday asking for references. I give him two and don't expect to hear back. he calls me on Sunday to say they tendered an offer. They want me. I am shocked. I accept verbally, pending reviewing the terms that wed in the recruiters office. I check out all the terms, they seem fantastic and more than I thought I would get from a new position. $50Kpa plus a $5kpa raise once I complete my CCNA. Laptop, Mobile, Home broadband, teaching materials and a brand new environment that fosters me learning and expanding my skills more than ever before. I cannot say it strongly enough, I love my new job!
After starting and getting settled in, I have come to meet all my co-workers and they are all nice people. Always a plus. I am still doing contract work for the one guy, and still get called in for the other dipshit's company, trying to get them up to where they need to be. They get the equipment I can work with, and the next available window I get them up and running. Still haven't been paid yet on that though. C'est la vie.
Now, trying to catch up bills, appease the landlords and get things back on track. Hopefully it will all work out the way I want, but since it never has before, I tend to think it's a vain hope.
Well, that is a brief catchup of some of the major happenings with me. If I haven't spoken to you, it is not because I haven't wanted to. Bills and issues have been occupying most of my time, as was looking for work. Now the new job is keeping me on my toes for the most part so I haven't had much time to chat or get back into routines. But I will try and find time to talk to those that I have missed.
Take care out there all of you.