Life as we know it...

Apr 03, 2009 09:20

So I've decided to embark on this crazy 101 Things in 1001 Days Project.  A couple of people I know online are doing this and it inspired me to do it as well.  So it took me the better part of 2 1/2 days to compile my list.  When you look at other people's lists it doesn't seem so big, but when you write that list yourself it's HUGE.

I'm going to put my list here and it is in no particular order.  I just wrote it as I thought of the things.  I have it in Word so I can rearrange it and make it easier to keep up with, but I will update here.

Some of the stuff on the list is a big deal and others are things I've been meaning to do, but never took the steps to actually do them.

My official start date is April 4, 2009 and ending December 31, 2011.

So here is the list below
this cut.

1.      Do not eat out for two whole weeks at a time twice during this time. (0/2)

2.      Finish painting the play/computer room.

3.      Take a belly dance class.

4.      Take a sewing class.

5.      Actually use the sewing machine I own to make something.

6.      Read 20 of the books that I already own. (0/20)

7.      Take a painting class.

8.      Refresh my Spanish and learn to speak some.

9.      Get my passport.

10.   Begin learning basic Italian.

11.  Use the Japanese CDs and then decide if I want to keep them or get rid of them.

12.  Paint my bedroom.

13.  De-clutter the garage and put up shelves to keep it de-cluttered.

14.  Take Amtrac someplace.

15.  Go to the beach at least once a month, even in the winter.(0/33)

16.  Go an entire week (7 whole days) without using the computer for anything. (0/7).

17.  Plant vegetables in the backyard for 2009 and 2010, 2011.

18.  Redo the landscaping in the front yard to make it have more curb appeal.

19.  Fish with the boys in the pond at least once a month. (0/33)

20.  Take the kids camping at least 3 times in the next 2years 8 months. (0/3).

21.  Visit DC in Spring or Fall and walk the mall.

22.  Buy a bike for myself.

23.  Ride said bike at least once a week (in good weather) with the kids.

24.  Donate, sell or trash any clothes that I do not wear, cannot wear or is worn out.

25.  Begin weight-loss efforts in earnest after the baby is born.  Loose 90lbs. (0/90).

26.  Join Postcrossing and send at least 12 Postcards in a year. (0/12)

27.  Complete Project 365 1 photo a day for a year beginning April 4, 2009-April 4-2010.

28.  Complete the 100 pushups challenge, actually achieving 100 pushups.

29.  Begin a running program.  Start by running once a week.

30.  Work up to running a 5K by Spring 2011. (Hopefully sooner).

31.  Host a costume Halloween party for the kids and their friends.

32.  Start a playgroup/meetup in my area with other moms.

33.  Go on a whale-watching boat trip through the aquarium.

34.  Go on a dolphin-watching boat trip through the aquarium.

35.  Go to Jamestown historic park.

36.  Go to the Strawberry Festival in Pungo in May 2009.

37.  Start Gavin and the new baby savings accounts.

38.  Contribute at least $10 a month to each child’s savings account.

39.  Go to the Symphony once.

40.  Go see a play.

41.  Go to an art museum alone.

42.  Read through the Bible completely.

43.  Organize all paper photos into albums.

44.  Print out all digital photos.

45.  Put all digital photos into albums.

46.  Back up said digital photos so they will not be lost.

47.  Go visit Amy in Las Vegas.

48.  Go visit Dora in Alabama.

49.  Go visit Beth in DC at least twice a year.

50.  Get acupuncture at least once.

51.  Get a facial at least once.

52.  Go on a horseback ride.

53.  Take a family vacation to Disney World.

54.  Get family portraits done yearly. (0/3).

55.  Catch-up on Ethan’s Scout Scrapbook.

56.  Update Gavin’s baby book.

57.  Start a baby book for the new baby.

58.  Send a new photo of the kids to the grandparents every month for the duration of this project. (0/33).

59.  Replace the broken blinds in my bedroom and the playroom.

60.  Procure curtains for all the bedrooms.

61.  Procure window treatments for the playroom.

62.  Organize my craft supplies where I can actually find things.

63.  Organize my genealogy notebooks.

64.  Spend at least 2 hours a month working on genealogy projects. (0/66).

65.  Clear out toys that the kids do not play with or that are broken.

66.  Go out on a fishing boat and catch a fish.

67.  Go sailing.

68.  Ride one of those four people bikes at the boardwalk.

69.  Learn to crab and go crabbing.

70.  Build a sandcastle with the kids at the beach.

71.  Payoff at least 2/3 of our credit card debt.  More if possible.

72.  Completely get rid of anything that we do not need or use.  ANYTHING! No matter who gave it to you or where you got it.  Clutter is not needed!

73.  Start a savings account just for myself.

74.  Go for a morning walk with the kids three times a week. (weather permitting).

75.  Join a local organization or club pertaining to childbirth or doula.

76.  Learn about aromatherapy.

77.  Go visit Grandma in Illinois for a whole week and do whatever she wants to do.

78.  Take the online Meditation course from Edgar Cayce.

79.  Have a colonic.

80.  Undergo past life regression.

81.  Take a class about past lives.

82.  Finish the detail painting in my bathroom.

83.  Visit a winery and taste the wine.

84.  Set up a chore chart for Ethan and actually follow through with his allowance.

85.  Go to one of those pottery painting places and paint something by myself.

86.  Plan a super romantic getaway for our 15th wedding anniversary, (May 25, 2011).

87.  Actually go on the super romantic getaway.

88.  Make a meal plan for each week and stick to it.

89.  Take the kids to the park or mall playground once a week.

90.  Buy a canvas for each of us and have each one of us to paint something to be displayed in our playroom.

91.  Buy clay and sculpt something.

92.  Visit the tea plantation in Charleston and buy some fresh tea.

93.  Learn to crochet.

94.  Crochet something useful and give it as a gift.

95.  Make a knot blanket with the kids for Project Linus.

96.  Change all of our light bulbs to the energy efficient ones.

97.  Get the car cleaned/vacuumed once a month.

98.  Start a retirement savings account.

99.  Put $5 in my own savings account for each item I actually complete.

100.                Donate $10 to charity for every item not attempted.

101.                Donate $5 to charity for every item not completed


101 in 1001 days

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