Nov 21, 2006 21:31
I'm getting tired of people asking me if I've weaned Gavin yet. It's really none of their business. I usually just say that we are happy with the way things are going. I'm torn about weaning him anyway. He is most likely our last child and I enjoy the closeness and bonding of nursing so much, I'm not really ready to stop. But on the other hand I'd like to get to sleep through the night and not have to nurse several times. Gavin's only 13 months old. I think Ethan was around 14 or 15 months old when I weaned him. With him it was easy, I don't forsee it being easy for Gavin. Gavin is so much more clingy than Ethan was. I really don't like using the word clingy, but I don't know how else to describe it. Since he was born he had only wanted to be with me. When he was 4 days old and had to go back to the hospital for jaundice and was placed into an incubator under lights he cried the whole time. The only time he stopped crying was when I was holding him. I could only hold him every two hours or so. The nurses kept telling me that most babies just lay back under the warm lights and sleep, but not my Gavy...he cried and cried and cried. It was horrible. So see, he was born this way. I didn't "spoil" him into it.
I'm also tired of people asking if he's still sleeping with us. Again, it's none of their business. He is and will be sleeping with us as long as he wants to. Ethan slept with us off and on until I was pregnant last year. Even after Gavin was born we would sometimes wake up to find him in the bed with us. All four of us snuggled up sleeping. Sometimes now he brings his pillow and blanket and sleeps on the floor in our room. In Japan families all sleep in the same room often on the same mattress. I don't feel like it's a problem.