The Saturday tale of three fangirls featuring:
And me- Sally-chan
I don’t usually do review type posts (probably because I don’t usually have much to say about the episodes) but “The Stolen Earth” just HAD to have one. And just to be different this will give you the insight into three (girly) minds instead of one.
6pm. We are cooking pasta in a campsite. At some point Kimi-kun’s mother tells us that the t.v in the caravan doesn’t work. Ah. Slight moment of panic. Kimi-kun’s mum phones (or is phoned by) Kimi-kun’s auntie who vaguely mentions her son wanting to watch the program later. Cue Kimi-kun’s mother saying that the t.v isn’t working and could we come round to watch doctor who? God bless her.
6:30pm- Kimi-kun didn’t read the pasta instructions properly and has put lots of water in with the pasta instead of putting the sauce in THEN adding water. Cue slight frenzied panic about cooking the pasta. We add the sauce (it now looks like soup) and wait a bit. We drain some of the sauce and eat the pasta though it’s uncooked. Kimi, Sarah and Sally do the washing up in a record time of 4 minutes- including walking distance to and from the wash-up point.
6:45pm- We try and chivvy Kimi’s parents. They tidy up- we are forever aware that the clock is ticking. Kimi’s auntie lives 15 minutes away. Another slight panic in forgetting when doctor who actually begins (though Sally had rang her dad earlier and been told it was on at 7:10pm).
7pm-We arrive feeling ever-so-slightly bouncy. Toilet stops are made (though none of the doors in the house seem to shut properly- including that of the downstairs loo) and we watch the end of the program before doctor who. Light is shining on the screen annoying Sally. She suggests moving to the sofa closest to the t.v. We all squeeze on, Kimi and Sally crushing Sarah.
7:10pm-Cue the beginning of Doctor Who. We wonder where the opening credits have gone, and then are surprised at how fast the names wiz by when they finally do appear.
The episode progresses.
We cannot understand a word of (mad) Dalek Caan. Sally doesn’t really understand the storyline but at that point in time it doesn’t seem to matter.
Davros reveals the skin under his jacket- “eeew”.
Sally is aware of Sarah’s heart beat and wonders how hard her own is beating.
Cue the-doctor-and-rose-re-union-moment that will no doubt be the next “Doomsday” footage of music videos. Sally is holding Sarah’s leg so tight she is sure she is stopping the blood flow but doesn’t let go until the episode is finished. Sally is not sure which part of Kimi Sarah grabbed but thinks she doesn’t want to know.
The episode ends. Crys of horror, shock and fangirly annoyance are made at the t.v. We stay and watch Confidential, yet there is hardly any Rose and Doctor stuff.
After the episode we return to the campsite in a state of fangirly bleh and eat melted chocolate. Kimi is particularly depressed. Sally tries to assure her that David cannot be leaving yet as he is in the Christmas special and has seen photos (yet has no idea what will happen in the next episode as she has not read spoilers on livejournal).
Hyperness replaces depression as the chocolate is devoured (with marshmallows). Out of (possible) insanity Kimi tries fitting a whole chocolate digestive in her mouth. Sarah and Sally copy, both managing. Much giggling is made. Kimi goes even more off the wall and sticks a marshmallow to her head and pretends to be Davros. Sarah and Sally giggle even more, causing Kimi to choke on the digestive. Crack theories are made about Davros being killed by a chocolate digestive.
A SQUEE phone call is made to Sally’s mother, who, on picking up the phone, screams at us. The whole campsite can hear as the phone is on loudspeaker but we don’t care as it is too important a conversation. Sally’s mother tries to assure Kimi that the doctor CANNOT regenerate as he was only partly shot. Sally also comments on this. Sarah and Sally both wish for much Doctor/Rose screentime next Saturday and for them to have tiembabies. Sally fears this will not happen but wishes for it anyway. Sarah says that Russel will be hunted down by women across the country with guns if there isn’t a doctor/rose smooch. Sally agrees. Kimi just wants David.
Sunday- Sally returns from the campsite and after dinner watches Doctor Who (on big shiny new HD t.v) with mother. Sally does not get the bit about the bees. She still cannot understand Dalek Caan even after rewinding and rewatching.
Mother decides that Russel T should die (joke) as she thinks that it is way to cruel for the doctor to get shot while running towards Rose. Sally wonders why the tenth doctor cannot have a happy ending like the ninth doctor at the end of series one. Sally feels let down by the lack of smooching. Mother agrees- and mum’s are always right.
Sally and Sarah realise they are busy next week and will have to work yet will suffer from OMG-its-the-last-doctor-who-this-Saturday and will be in a state of suspended bleh.
Sally wishes for a time machine.
Sally writes weird journal on Sunday evening hoping that good things will happen and that she has enough time to post it before having a bath and going to bed.