Who: Zexion and Kairi (wut), eventually Michiru and possibly Demyx...?
What: Zexion offered to let Kairi stay in with him, unaware of the fact that he does actually have a room mate
When: May 29th
Where: House 13
Warnings: Um, pajamas? Unintentional flirting? XD
And so it begins... )
I came here to get away from those thoughts...and feelings... Nodding to herself she quickly grabbed the napkins and headed back over to where the mess was. Hopefully the tea didn't sink too far into the carpet for her to get out. As she passed by the teal haired beauty and Nobody she heard Zexion ask Michiru if she wanted dinner with them. As she pressed the napkins into the carpet to clean the mess up she looked up at Michiru.
"Yes, please join us! If we don't have enough food..." she paused, trying to think of anything that she could cook. Forget it, I'm ordering out. "..then I could order pizza?" she offered weakly.
She realized that she had yet to answer Kairi. She turned to the girl and smiled. "It would be my pleasure to dine with you, Kairi-san." She looked back to Zexion, and though her expression revealed only her humble graciousness at being asked to dine with them, the cold had not left her eyes. "And with you, Zexion-san. I appreciate your excellent hospitality," she said, showing complete sincerity.
He nodded politely at Michiru, matching her cold stare with one of utter indifference.
"You are quite welcome."
It would be most intriguing to see how his time here unfolded.
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