Avoiding someone is harder than you think[BACKLOGGED]

May 24, 2009 21:16

Who: Tsukino Usagi and Kaiba Seto
What: Kaiba wants his cards back and Usagi is sleeping/guilty about the Heartless attacks.
When: May 22
Where: Usagi's apartment
Warnings: Kaiba breaking in, Usagi crying..and issues being resolved!

It was a pretty weak tip, but after two days and no word of his Duel Disk and his deck and its precious contents, Kaiba was getting desperate. Usagi had spoken to…whatever it was he had become over the journals, and had come to where his Duel Disk had fallen. He remembered that much. It was very probable she could have taken it, or at least would have a better idea of the culprit. It was that faint memory that had lead him to stand at the door of Usagi’s apartment, a place he would never dare go otherwise. And of course, the girl didn’t seem to be home.

Kaiba Seto was never one to give up so easily. Even if she wasn’t home, he could still look around. He was in too bad of a mood to actually wait for her to answer the door anyway. Calmly, so not to attract attention to what he was doing, he ran his fingers around the high collar of his coat until he found what he was looking for. A thin wire was stuck into the edge of the collar, left there for just this purpose. Seto hadn’t picked a lock in a long time, but like everything else he knew from under Gozaburo Kaiba’s tutelage, it came back easily. It only took a few minutes before the lock clicked softly and the door gave way. The brunet allowed himself a slight smirk of triumph before he entered the apartment.

It was as messy as he expected, which would make his search much more difficult. He eased some clothing out of a pile on the floor, intending to go through the whole thing before he heard snoring coming from one of the bedrooms. Peering in, he scowled. Usagi had been here the whole time sleeping?! This was unacceptable. He strode over, not taking any care to be quiet and prodded her with his foot.

After the whole ordeal with Hearltess attacking the island the blonde girl thought she deserved at least some sleep. Once the last Heartless had vanished she went straight for her apartment. The place as she suspected was a mess but seeing her bed she ignored it all. Detransforming she quickly changed into a pair of pink pajamas and flopped on the bed. Tomorrow…tomorrow I’ll deal with what’s happened. She thought before sleep settled in.

Usagi had always been a heavy sleeper. It was a wonder sometimes how she managed to barely to get school or be awake for senshi duties in the middle of the night. Having no Luna, Mama or ten alarm clocks stationed around her bed she had no idea who was breaking into her home. When Kaiba prodded her with his foot she ignored it in favor of sleep.

The brunet scowled and cleared his throat. “Usagi. I want my cards,” he huffed.

The blonde didn’t hear a single thing. She continued to ignore whoever was in her room. Unless it was life threatening, such as monsters attacking or breakfast being served, it wasn’t important enough to interrupt her well deserved sleep. Though there was some movement from the blonde to prove she was alive. She rolled over into a more comfortable position.

Kaiba paced by the bed, his scowl darkening further. “Usagi,” he growled. “You know where my Dragons are.”

The blond continued to ignore the other. She was currently dreaming of devouring the world’s largest sundae.

The CEO finally lost his patience, deciding to kick the sleeping girl in the hip.

That action got something of a response from Usagi. She winced, her body sore from fighting the Heartless. “Luna…no kicking…” she murmured, thinking she was back at home. Luna always did something painful to wake her up.

Her lack of response irritated the CEO further. He kicked her again, harder this time.

Usagi winced louder this time around. “Itai! Luna knock it off!” she yelled, continuing to keep her eyes closed. To emphasize her point she rolled to her side, unintentionally turning her back to Kaiba, as she placed her pillow around her face incase the feline decided to lecture her.

That was it. He was ending this farce now. Kaiba growled deep in his throat before landing a resounding kick against Usagi’s side, knocking her completely out of the bed.

A wail escaped her lips as the blonde was knocked out of her own bed. Her face ended up having a personal meeting with the carpet floor. She hadn’t been woke up like that in ages, not since her rookie days as Sailor Moon. What did she do to upset Luna? “I-itai….”

Now this was the response he had been looking for. “Usagi,” he said in a warning tone as he stepped back into a more natural posture. “I want my cards. You have some idea where they are, I am sure of it.”

Hearing the voice of a certain CEO made the girl shake her head. What in the world was he doing here? More importantly was Luna? Yeah…still on Salkia.. She thought sadly then realized, Kaiba! Kaiba was in her room and not a Heartless! She looked up at him with awe in her big blue eyes before guilt settled in. She didn’t save him…but he was here! I managed to harm him though.. The thought passed through her mind as she averted her gaze to the floor. Right, he was here for his cards.

She reached into the air, a hole forming as she pulled out the other’s duel disc and cards. She managed to get them before… Iie, just give it to him and then ask him to leave…I just need more sleep. “Here..” she said, holding the items to him.

The brunet decided not to question the device’s sudden appearance, but grabbed it possessively instead. It took only a second to retrieve the deck inside. The brunet pulled out the first three cards and replaced the others, examining his dragons carefully for any damage. “Now was that really so hard? You sleep like a rock,” he commented absently.

If she were in a better mood Usagi would’ve laughed at the comment. Instead she shook her head to the question. No, it wasn’t hard to get him his things but it was hard dealing with the guilt. She continued to keep her gaze on the floor.

Finally finished with his careful examination of the cards, Kaiba put them away carefully. Only then did he notice Usagi’s behavior. He had fully expected anger; after all, he had broken in. But avoidance…that was something he had never seen from her. “Now, while I’m here, it seems I owe you a shirt,” he said coolly, deciding that perhaps the opportunity for profit might draw the problem out of her.

Once again Usagi shook her head. Kaiba didn’t have to replace her ‘shirt’ or anything. She on the other hand should be asking for his forgiveness for not being able to save him. Or if that didn’t work then avoiding him would do. After all if they hadn’t crossed path’s that night she wouldn’t have hurt him. “Iie..I don’t need it,” she replied softly before adding, “you can…you can leave.” She figured since he had his cards Kaiba would leave.

The brunet frowned slightly. He figured she would make this more difficult than it needed to be. Still, he had a debt to pay, and he wasn’t going to just leave with that as an answer. “I need to take care of this debt, Usagi. Tell me how much.”

The blonde continued to reject the brunette’s offer. She was the one in debt, not him. “…It’s not a debt. Just leave it alone and please…go.” She asked, hoping he would respect her wishes and leave. She wanted to be alone to sulk and get more sleep.

The CEO scowled. “It is to me,” he insisted, his voice cold. “I'd rather not leave you with the ability to hold anything over my head. Just tell me, and I will leave.”

A sigh fell from her lips as she drew her knees in. Was Kaiba really that thick headed? “I wouldn’t hold it against you.” She began, trying to find the right words to say. “I’m the one that owes you…”

Kaiba stepped closer and closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly. “I would, if I was you. Getting my heart almost torn out sounds..well, was.. rather painful. Now stop wasting my time and yours and tell me how much,” he insisted again.

“Wouldn’t be the first time…” The blonde muttered under her breath recalling how her heart crystal was almost stolen from her. Frustration was bubbling in her being. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone? He got what he came for! Usagi released her knees, standing up while lowering her head until her bangs covered her eyes.

“Seto…just leave! Onegai? You owe me nothing, I don’t deserve it.” she asked, hoping using his first name would make him made enough to follow through with what she wanted.

The brunet’s eyes narrowed. “It's Kaiba”, he growled. “And it's not really about whether you deserve it or not, it's me trying to avoid complications later on. How much?”

He still didn’t get it?! How in the world was that possible? I failed at protecting a friend! I don’t deserve anything! She thought, snapping her head up at him. Her eyes were glossed over with unshed tears as she glared at the brunette. “NOTHING!” she yelled. “You don’t owe me anything! There aren’t any complications because when those Heartless came I failed! Now leave!” What else was she going to have to do to get him out of her apartment?

Usagi’s outburst surprised Kaiba enough to force him back a step. A rare expression of surprise appeared on his face for only an instant, before snapping back into a dark scowl. “Sure. You're a failure. You're cowering in here, and won't move on with your life. Are you going to stay in here forever then?” he said, his tone matching his expression.

Any other person would’ve tried to comfort the blonde girl, but Kaiba was…well, Kaiba. Usagi said nothing as she lowered her head once more, letting her bangs hide her eyes. “…you don’t get it do you?” she breathed, fighting back her tears that were threatening to fall.

“I was too late to save Kio-kun…and when I found you…” she paused, reliving the memory right there. She had to inhale a shakey breath to bring her back to reality. “I tried to heal you but I harmed you instead. So yes Kaiba, I am a failure and I’m paying for it right here and now. Now please leave or else I will.” If he wasn’t going to leave then she would, even though he was in her apartment.

His scowl deepened. This girl was more of a weakling than he had thought. “Don't worry, I will,” he replied. “I'm not interested in talking to people with no backbone. Do you really think that that's the worst mistake you could have made? I have endured pain far worse than anything you could ever inflict. But obviously you are too weak to deal with the real world if just one incident breaks you down like this. Tch..I can't believe I even bothered to respond to you.” Duel Disk clipped securely to his arm and his deck intact, Kaiba was ready to go. He wasn’t going to waste his time listening to her wallowing in self-pity. The brunet turned to leave without looking back, the torn edges on the shoulder of his coat flaring with his movement.

Kaiba touched a sensitive nerve right there. Without thinking Usagi reached over to grab a pillow from her bed and flung it at the CEO. Her emotions were in control at the moment. “SHUT YOU MOUTH KAIBA!” she yelled, not caring if the neighbors heard her.

“God it’s like talking to a wall with you! Do you know how helpless I felt seeing you like that?! Watching someone so strong become controlled by the very thing I’m suppose to keep in check?!” The blonde yelled haven’t feeling this upset in ages, at least not since she learned what Galaxia was doing in the universe.

“Can you even fathom how close I was to dying to save your life?! Or even know why I’m so upset?! I lost my friends, ALL OF THEM, to the same evil that made you into a Heartless. So don’t you dare judge me when you’re not the one who’s had to pick up everything you’ve lost over and over again.” She finished sounding like an angry princess.

Kaiba whirled and glared at Usagi, fury quite visible in his eyes. “I will judge those who deserve it. If you have to pick up everything you've lost over and over again, then be strong enough to keep doing it,” he snarled. “As for the rest of it, I believe it was my fault that you almost died. But it didn't happen, I repay my debt and move on. You should feel lucky that you get extra chances at all. Someone so weak does not deserve them.

Usagi was really trying to contain her anger, curling her hands into fists. Her finger nails were pressing into her palms leaving crescent moons as she took a step forward. “I will not be spoken to in such a manor Seto Kaiba!” she countered, because honestly he had no right to speak to her. Princess or not.

“What gives you the right to judge me?! To judge anyone?! I’ve been strong enough all this time but there are times when even the strongest person has to step back to reevaluate themselves! If I were weak I would’ve killed you when you were a Heartless instead of facing you as I am now. You’re the weak one here Kaiba, not me!”

Kaiba snorted and shook his head. ”..And yet you were just going to hide in here sleeping until I brought the subject up. You wanted me to leave,” he replied slowly, as if he was speaking to a child. “You're hiding because you are frightened of something you could not control at the time and cannot change now. Simpering about something that you cannot do anything about at this point is very weak. Perhaps if you were stronger, you could have killed me. It is no strength to hesitate just because it's a 'friend' who's trying to eat your heart.”

The blonde girl glared right back at the CEO. “I don’t destroy Kaiba, I try to heal.” Which was what she tried to do with him but failed. “I kill youma, never people or my friends! I didn’t kill the person who wanted my heart before and I didn’t do it again because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. I wouldn’t be able to face Mokuba knowing I couldn’t save the only family he has left, YOU!” with each word that flowed from her lips so did a few tears.

The brunet frowned slightly. Mokuba did not need to be brought into this. “So you couldn't heal me then. Face it and move on. Mokuba could have done so if something had happened to me. He's been ready for it ever since our parents died. Crying about what happened is a waste of energy,” he replied, crossing his arms in emphasis.

Usagi shook her head a Kaiba, continuing to cry over the situation. She couldn’t believe what he just said. “You’re forgetting one thing Kaiba…Mokuba is still a kid. He still needs his big brother around. Do you know how alone he’ll feel if you were gone? Do you take into account what happens to you greatly affects Mokuba?” she asked, wiping away her tears her future daughter ChibiUsa came into her mind. She was…she was about the same age as Mokuba when she went back to the future.

“I am facing my fear by talking you, aren’t I? And the reason why I’m crying is that its better than me slapping you across the face for your behavior.” She said sternly.

The room was silent for a few minutes, as Kaiba forced himself not to burst out laughing at the threat. “Mokuba is more grown up than you realize. I know he could handle it..he's stronger than I. And you're only talking to me because I forced you into it. Like I said before, you did want me to leave earlier. Just trying to avoid the issue isn't facing anything, and neither is crying. It won't change a damn thing,” he said. “Slapping me won't either..though I doubt you could do it.”

“People are very good at hiding their emotions when they have to Kaiba…” she began, in haling a deep breath. She was getting so sick of what was going on between them. “And I was giving you a gift! I know how much you hate talking to me or being near me so I thought, hey I’ll make up for not saving him by not even breathing the same air as him! Thanks for throwing that back in my face!” she told him, preparing herself to leave. She honestly did not need this, not now.

“Well, you shouldn't have kept my Duel Disk then. I wouldn't have bothered coming to see you at all if it wasn't for that. But somehow I doubt that I'm the only one you've been trying to avoid,” he replied, smirking just a little as the remark hit home.

Damn, was Kaiba a mind reader too? Yes, she was planning on avoiding mainly him and a few others but not forever… “I’m not avoiding anyone…just taking a break to rest.” She replied, telling half the truth instead of a whole lie. “Would you rather I have left it for someone else to take? I’ll remember that the next time I find it lying around.” Sarcasm hung off every word.

“I'm not saying I'm upset about your choice. It's just that you lose the right to complain about my presence when you're keeping my things,” the CEO sniffed. “And If you were just taking a break to rest...there would be no reason to ask me to leave quite so forcefully, would there? Usually, you seem quite pleased with yourself when you can get me to talk.”

Silence filled the words for a few moments until Usagi found her voice. “…I didn’t know you were back to normal…and you didn’t have to kick me..” she muttered that last part to herself as she lowered her head to stare at the ground. “…How else was I supposed to get you out without having you repay me?” she asked then added with some realization, “and in case you haven’t noticed I’m in my pajamas…” The blonde paused there as she stilled her nerves for what she was about to say. Aside from the guilt there was another reason why she was avoiding Kaiba.

“I was…I was also afraid you would think less of me and feeling guilty about what happened I took I took the preemptive measure to try and avoid you…”

Kaiba just shrugged indifferently. Picking a lock was really such a minor thing. “You weren't waking up,” he said bluntly, “I wanted my cards, and I wanted to absolve my debt. You telling me to leave wasn't going to change that, and I couldn't care less about what you're wearing. To be really honest, you shouldn't have bothered worrying about what I think of you. I couldn't care less about you or any other resident on this island. It is the avoiding that makes me think less of you right now.”

“You could’ve found a less painful way to waking me up..” she muttered under her breath. She sighed for a moment, lightly crossing her arms over her chest. “I guess I took some steps backwards when I was trying to be mature with the situation…” she replied, looking up. Her blue eyes took in Kaiba for a moment. Concern and hope flicked through them. “Are you feeling better?”

The brunet rolled his eyes. ”Usagi, I have a torn up shoulder, my best coat is ripped, I'm sore, and I'm still not quite clear about what has happened during the past week. What exactly do you think I should be feeling better about?” he said, tugging at the rips on the right side of his trenchcoat for emphasis.

If she still wasn’t feeling guilty about everything she would’ve given the brunette a small smile. Instead she settled for rolling her eyes at him. “That you’re alive and not…hold on,” she paused, reaching into her sub space pocket to fetch her locket. Maybe now she could heal him without there being any consequences.

“Since you’re…not a shadow anymore then I can finally help you…if…you let me that is.”

“I don't need anyone's help, unless you can fix a very expensive trenchcoat. And I doubt whatever type of 'magic' you claim to use can do that,” Kaiba snorted, shaking his head.

I thought he said he doesn’t believe in magic… The blonde thought. “You’d be surprise…but onegai?” her blue eyes pleading with him.

The CEO glanced at Usagi’s locket with suspicion. That thing…it was a muddled memory, but he remembered seeing that, then being his by horrible pain. He wasn’t too keen on trusting her supposed ‘powers’ either. Time to focus on the mission..then he could leave.” Hm. Tell me how much I owe you for the shirt.”

He was still so bent on trying to replace her fuku. He could be so…stubborn at times! “No…how about instead I heal you and we call it even?”

“Not a chance. How much is the shirt, Usagi, I'm not leaving until you answer,” Kaiba insisted.

Usagi rolled her eyes. How was she supposed to know how much it was? “…Well…to be honest the shirt is part of a sailor suit that isn’t sold in stores…its um..’custom’ made? It’s fine, it repairs itself.” She told him sheepishly. “Please? Kaiba what do you have to lose?”

The brunet completely brushed off the question. “Estimate the cost for me,” he replied coolly.

Boy, was the brunette barking up the wrong tree. Usagi was horrible when it came to estimating anything. “I don’t know? It’s fine, really. Do you want me to prove it to you?” she asked. If she proved her fuku was fine then maybe he would let her heal him.

Kaiba was starting to get angry again. “I don't want you to prove anything, just give me a price so I can leave already,” he growled.

Usagi shook her head not giving up on the situation. “I don’t know! I’ve never been asked that before!” A light bulb went off in her head. “Here you take a wild guess, Moon Eternal Make Up!” she held her locket above her head to transform. She figured since Kaiba shopped at fancy stores maybe he would have a better idea on the price of clothes. For a few moments a bright light engulfed her body before it died down revealing Eternal Sailor Moon.

“See?” she asked, pointing to her uniform. “No fuss, no muss. It’s fine,”

Really, again with the princess crap? The brunet sighed in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. “Fantastic. Really. A price, Usagi, is all I asked for. Not a show,” he muttered.

A tinge of pink decorated her cheeks. “I’m not giving you a show perv!” she exclaimed, not thinking Kaiba would be one for a peep show. Then again…he was a boy…were all boys interested in peep shows? Her thoughts began to stray away from that when she realized something. She flashed the other a cute smile. “Ne, ne Kaiba! I have a surprise for you!”

Sailor Moon didn’t wait for a response as she tapped into the power of the silver crystal, holding up her locket. “Moon Healing Escalation!” she called, sending forth a wave of light at Kaiba to heal his body and repair his clothes.

Kaiba couldn’t help but back up a few steps when she held up the locket. “ I told you I didn't want your help! How hard is it to understand that all I want is a num-“ he started to say, as he moved his arm in emphasis. The words died on his lips as he realized quickly that the expected pain from his shoulder injury was gone. “ ...-ber. Hnn...” he finished weakly.

A smile came on her face seeing Kaiba was healed. She ignored his rant feeling better as she detransformed. “I told you I can’t give you one because I don’t know-oh your jack is all sewn up.” She said happily point to where there was once a tear.

“Make something up then, idiot. I suppose I should pay you for the repair as well,” he snapped, scowling at where the rips in his coat had been. Damn it, the last thing he needed was to owe her any more than he already did.

Usagi’s eyes softened towards Kaiba. She didn’t want to be repaid! How many times had she said that already? “I told you I don’t want to be paid…isn’t there any other way you can repay me? Or not at all?”

“No, there isn't,” he huffed. “I can't exactly offer you a job here, can I? And like I explained before, I will not leave this for you to use against me. Do not bother trying to convince me you won't use it either.”

At the mention of offering her a job she blinked her eyes innocently. “What makes you think I would want to leave Sweet Treats?” she asked, trying to figure that out as an idea popped into her head. “…You can repay me by not repaying me?” she asked, but knew that wouldn’t work. Her brain went back to work causing her to smile brightly.

“I know!” she chirped.

The brunet’s eyes narrowed in suspicion of Usagi’s motives, his hands unconsciously clenching. “No, obviously you don't. Just a number Usagi, I don't even care if it really applies to the cost of a shirt anymore, just..one number. You do know what numbers are, don't you?” he said.

At the insult Usagi’s smile faltered a little. “Hai, of course. I passed algebra, duh. Eight, that’s the number, the same number that corresponds to two ice cream sundaes at Sweet Treats…” she paused to let it sink in before adding, “which you’ll be buying as a way of repaying me. One for you and one for Mokuba.”

Still scowling, but satisfied that she had given him something to work with, Kaiba unhooked his L337Pod from his belt and went through his available funds quickly. “Mokuba will get his sundae. I'll transfer the price of one sundae to your L337Pod for me. Very well,” he said, slipping into his familiar businessman’s tone.

The blonde shook her head. “No! It’s going to the store, not to me.” At least that way her store could make money. Like she said, she didn’t want the money. “And you have to pick it up otherwise I won’t accept the transaction.”

The brunet glanced up at her, his eyebrows twitching slightly. “It's not supposed to be for the store,” he argued, before deciding that it was getting pointless to continue the conversation. “Whatever. I'll buy Mokuba two sundaes. And then I am never speaking to you again,” he conceded, putting a note on his schedule on the L337Pod.

Usagi should’ve seen that coming but it still hurt. Though I deserve it… She thought sadly, bowing her head in understanding. “Hai.” She replied, folding her hands in front of her. Once that was settled Kaiba left her apartment-she didn’t question how in the world he got in-leaving the blonde to crawl back in bed to get some more sleep.

tsukino usagi, seto kaiba

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