How do you take your coffee Mister Kaiba? [Backlogged and over]

May 07, 2009 21:04

Who: Tsukino Usagi, Kaiba Seto
What: Usagi is going over to Kaiba's since he needs coffee and..."nice".
When: May 6
Where: Seto's House
Warnings: Nice!Kaiba, and Usagi's cuteness.

Coffee is for closers )

tsukino usagi, seto kaiba

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shutupandduelme May 9 2009, 03:32:33 UTC
"You fully deserve to see this," Kaiba replied, his snarling tone making his true meaning quite clear. He took a few steps back, both to let his holograms have the full effect, and to put some distance between them.

Without any further explanation, he took three of the four cards and returned them to his deck, leaving one of the Blue Eyes White Dragons in his hand. "I am answering your question. I don't owe you anything after this," he said coolly, wanting to put it in the plainest language so Usagi would understand.

With a well practiced move of his arm, the Duel Disk turned on and snapped into position with a shimmer of light, the Solid Vision responding exactly as it was supposed to. An unexpected relief washed over the CEO. He hadn't had time to check if his Duel Disk was still working since it's appearance in his room. At least something was behaving like it was supposed to. He pressed the card to the Duel Disk in one graceful movement. "Blue Eyes White Dragon, attack mode," he said quietly, not feeling his usual rush of adrenaline that he had grown used to during a duel.

The Solid Vision shimmered in response, and with a scream and a brilliant burst of light, the Blue Eyes White Dragon came into being in front of him, its hologram still just as almost perfect as it had always been at home. Kaiba couldn't help but smirk in triumph. Whomever controlled the Island certainly couldn't take everything from him.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 9 2009, 03:45:20 UTC
Usagi said nothing, turning her attention away from Kaiba taking in the meaning of his words. She shook her head again, kneeling down to pick up the bandage from the ground. Why was he so hell bent on not being indebted to anyone was beyond her. She had told him how many times he didn't owe her anything. Well...maybe he did owe her some kindness, not forced kindness but that was well beyond his grasp.

The blonde turned her attention to Kaiba when he summoned his dragon. When he placed the card down there was a scream and light. Usagi found herself tensing up as she snapped her head back and saw the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Instinct was starting to kick in as she reached into her skirt pocket to hold her locket tightly. The last time she saw a dragon this...huge and powerful was Emerald, or what was once the Second in Command of the Black Moon Kingdom.

For a split second she thought she saw Emerald's dragon form. Usagi inhaled a shaky breath, trying to calm herself down. It's only a hologram. Not real, Can't harm anyone or anything. It's just a hologram.. She mentally chanted as her heart slowed its racing pace.

"It's nice..." she said softly after a period of silence to find her voice. She averted her gaze away from the dragon to face a smirking Kaiba. "So that's it, take it." she held out the bandage to him. While she wanted Kaiba to take care of his hand she didn't want to run off with the item and have him call her a thief.


shutupandduelme May 9 2009, 03:59:10 UTC
Usagi's expression certainly did wonders to to Kaiba's mood. Fear was good. Fear meant that his holograms looked real. Of course, looking real just wasn't good enough. Not for him.

"It's not nice, it's beautiful," Kaiba murmured half to himself, watching the dragon preen above him. "Someday, I'm going to figure out a way to make them solid. Maybe, since I seem to have all this time now, I might do it here." The bandage being thrust in his face jerked him out of his thoughts once again. The smirk faded just as quickly as it had appeared.

"I told you, my hand is fine," he said in a warning tone, glancing at the bandage for a minute before moving to turn off the Duel Disk and replace his card back in its holster. With a put upon sigh, he held it up for her inspection. "A few scratches across the knuckles. It doesn't even hurt," he insisted.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 9 2009, 04:08:03 UTC
Under different circumstances (like if she were staring at a picture book instead of a hologram) Usagi would've called the dragon beautiful, but at the moment she wanted it to go away. Kaiba seemed certainly enthralled by the dragon. She gave him a skeptical look. Did he really want them real? Like, fire breathing and ruining buildings real?

Usagi was taken back once more when Kaiba, mean old Kaiba, actually held his hand up for her to inspect. Her gaze softened and her anger simmered. He's trying...he's...trying. Usagi thought, looking over his hand. While there were some scratches across the knuckles she was still worried. "Yes but it looked like it hurt. Maybe you should put some antibiotic cream or something to make sure no bacteria infect it...and I found this in the house," Usagi replied sounding happier still offering the bandage to Kaiba for him to take.

"If...if you're going to make the dragon real are you going to make it powerful enough to hurt someone?" she asked choosing her words carefully as not to upset Kaiba any more than she had today.


shutupandduelme May 9 2009, 04:22:54 UTC
"I wouldn't do it if it hurt that much," Kaiba replied, quickly plucking the bandage from Usagi's fingers and crossing his arms to cover the hand in question. "I wash my hands, it will be fine."

The second question surprised him. "Hn, I wouldn't make something like that for just anyone, there's nothing to worry about," he replied, rolling his eyes slightly. "It would be just for me. Just for...nostalgia's sake, I suppose, and perhaps to compete with the current champion. He can summon monsters that can be touched. He claims it's magic, I'm not so sure about that, but either way, I know I can do better," Kaiba replied bluntly, glancing at the Duel Disk on his arm with a thoughtful look.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 9 2009, 04:35:44 UTC
Usagi gave a sigh of relief. So if he made the dragons real he wouldn't use them to hurt anyone. Guess he has a real passion for them... She thought, a small smile coming to her face when Kaiba told her he would do it for nostalgia. It at least showed not all of his actions and words were cold and mean.

When the subject went to magic Usagi perked a little. He said he didn't believe though...but how...that's interesting. she thought, lowering her for a moment as she tried to recall if there was such magic that could make monsters real. Baka! Different world, different rules! Usagi shook her head seeing as how she couldn't recall anything of that sort happening in the Moon Kingdom.

"Well...maybe it is magic? There are some things people can do that others can't. I bet I can show you something you can't do that could be classified as magic!" she chirped then shut her mouth. BAKA! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO SHOW HIM?! SAILOR MOON! IDIOT!!! LUNA WILL KILL ME!


shutupandduelme May 9 2009, 04:46:27 UTC
Kaiba snorted and shook his head. "I doubt it. Listen, I'm sure your story is quite creative, but I'd really like to listen to it sometime," he replied, pausing then adding a sharp curse at the end once he realized what he had said. He ran a hand roughly through his hair in frustration.

"You know, if you could fix whatever's making me say these things, I'd believe in whatever you want," he said gruffly. Though, his pride wouldn't let her get off with just that. "And there is nothing I cannot do." he added.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 9 2009, 05:03:09 UTC
Usagi began to pout at Kaiba. She was telling the truth! A truth she wasn't supposed to tell! Still she wanted to prove Kaiba least once! "While I can't fix that and I'm sure you can do anything...well almost." she replied, all common sense flying out the window as she reached into skirt pocket and then subspace pocket to bring out the disguise pen.

She brought the pen out for Kaiba to see, all the while grinning. She held the item above her head before calling out, "Disguise power! Turn me into a Duelist!" The gem sitting on top of the pen glowed for a moment as multi-colored specks of light came out engulfing her body for a few moments. When the lights died down there was Usagi but in a completely different outfit.

She stood before him dressed in a dark denim skirt with a black studded belt around her hips and white leggings. Her torso was covered with a white sleeveless top with a 'v' neck with a black vest sitting on top of that. Hanging around her neck was a crescent Moon choker with star earrings. Adorning her feet were a pair of ankle boots and the most noticeable change was her hair it wasn't long anymore but chin length.

"Well?" she waiting for Kaiba's reaction.


shutupandduelme May 9 2009, 05:16:02 UTC
Kaiba took a step back, his brow creasing slightly after the lights cleared. "Nice trick," he said, shaking his head slightly. "I think the lights work really well. Very distracting to the eye. You'd be a great tournament announcer with that sort of thing."

He shook his head, more forcefully this time, and turned on his heel back towards the house. "I think I told you I wanted to lay down on the L337Pod, right? I probably should get to that," he said dismissively, his mind already very very good at looking for practical explanations to something magical in nature. "You should go hang out with Yami, you two would get along well," he added, striding back to the house.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 9 2009, 05:25:02 UTC
The effect Usagi wanted from Kaiba didn't happen. Her bubble was burst, but at least her cover blown and...well since he didn't believe in magic he wouldn't think she was magical. A sigh left her lips as she willed the glamor to go away, reverting back to her civilian form. She shook her head again. I guess his kindness streak of one ended right there. Usagi put the Disguise Pen away back into her subspace pocket.

"I didn't say it was magical Kaiba, I said it was something that could've been mistaken for magic," she explained, putting her hands behind her head. She watched him heading back to his house and figured she might as well not go back even though the tote bag was technically hers.

"Alright Kaiba...feel better." she replied sounding somewhat defeated, hoping the cup of coffee she left out for him was still hot for him as she turned on her heel to walk away.


shutupandduelme May 9 2009, 05:34:36 UTC
"I'm not going to be responsible for keeping track of anyone else's stuff!" Kaiba called back to her after a few minutes of being in the house, and a balled up tote bag fell to the ground near where she was standing.

Foolish girl. She was no help at all. He might have even played along with her magic bit if she had been able to fix whatever was happening to him. was so easy to mess with her. And Mokuba did always get so excited when there was ice cream waiting for him. Kaiba wouldn't kill him to let her keep making this pointless attempt towards friendship. At least she was as amusing as Jounouchi.


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