How do you take your coffee Mister Kaiba? [Backlogged and over]

May 07, 2009 21:04

Who: Tsukino Usagi, Kaiba Seto
What: Usagi is going over to Kaiba's since he needs coffee and..."nice".
When: May 6
Where: Seto's House
Warnings: Nice!Kaiba, and Usagi's cuteness.

Coffee is for closers )

tsukino usagi, seto kaiba

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shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 04:32:20 UTC
He just didn't get it. There had to be something wrong with the L337Pod, but for the life of him, there didn't seem to be any other signs of it. Kaiba almost let the thought linger that perhaps Jing had been right, and there really was something else going That would be letting the other man win. Kaiba Seto was not in the habit of letting anyone else win ( ... )


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 04:39:23 UTC
The blonde girl was about to tap her foot impatiently waiting for Kaiba to open the door. He wants coffee I do the nice thing and bring it to him. Can't at least hurry up and open the door? she thought, readjusting the bag on her shoulder. Hopefully there was a coffee maker in his house, otherwise he would be in trouble. Usagi was about to knock again when the door opened revealing none other than the CEO himself.

The smile had before was gone as she resister the urge to roll her eyes at him. "Hi to you too," she replied calmly. Could a 'hi' or 'hello' kill you? she thought, watching him look at the tote bag.

Her blue eyes looked down at the coffee can in her bag. "Not really, I brought some other things for you like that ice cream you liked. Oh! And some for Mokuba too, is he here?" she asked. Usagi had yet to meet Mokuba faced to face yet and wanted to know if he ate the ice cream she gave to Seto.


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 04:50:03 UTC
Kaiba was good at reading expressions, and his lips pulled up into a slight smirk once Usagi's smile disappeared, only to fade just as quickly when she mentioned that she had brought more ice cream. She didn't actually take anything I said over the L337Pod seriously, did she, he thought, shaking his head slightly.

"Mokuba's actually not staying here," Kaiba finally replied, his voice kept carefully neutral. "He's been given another housing assignment. But he comes often, I'll give it to him then." He tilted his head towards the interior of the house, then stepped back, allowing her inside. "But I think I told you I love that ice cream," he said, but froze mid-step afterwards. No..that was not...there was no way anyone could change what he said too, was there?!


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 04:58:32 UTC
Usagi didn't take everything Kaiba said over his 1337pod seriously...she just thought it would be nice to give him more ice cream. The strap was starting to cut into her shoulder a little. She slid the strap down so she could hold it in her hands. The blonde shrugged her shoulders slightly hearing Mokuba wasn't it. Oh well, she would try and meet him at some other time then. If not as Usagi then as Sailor Moon.

The smile she had came back when Kaiba said he would give it to him. She was expecting him just to thank her, take the bag and slam the door in her face. Blue eyes blinked a few times when she was allowed to go inside his home. Maybe something else is going on... She thought, going inside ( ... )


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 05:11:14 UTC
The brunet's face darkened to a scowl. "The coffee alone would have been fine," he snapped between clenched teeth, turning away quickly towards the kitchen. To his relief, that sentence actually came out properly.

Also to Kaiba's relief, the dark haired boy that had taken up residence with him didn't seem to be around, leaving the house blissfully quiet. Well, except for Usagi, who's lip appeared to be vibrating for some reason. He stopped to glare at her. "You look very nice today," he hissed, before his eyes went wide and his expression changed just briefly from anger to shock. He turned abruptly away from her.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 05:18:29 UTC
Usagi's smile faltered a little seeing the dark scowl on Kaiba's face. He better watch it or his face will stay that way... She kept her mouth shut as she followed him to the kitchen. Her eyes scanned the house a little noticing how much more bigger it was than her apartment--Baka Usagi of course!--and wondering if he lived alone or with a roommate ( ... )


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 05:28:03 UTC
"I'm fine. Just put the bag down, will you?" he snapped again, biting off the scathing retort he was intending to add on the end. It hurt to think about it, but maybe the girl had had a point before. Maybe it was tied to what he was saying, because it certainly wasn't happening with everything. The thought was unsettling.

To keep himself busy, and to keep Usagi from having the chance to ask more questions, the brunet focused on his brand new, prized coffee maker. His card locked hung precariously over the sink as he flipped some switches on the machine, finally turning it on with the press of one final button. "How much was it for the coffee," he said after a long stretch of silence, deciding just to keep the subjects of conversation as neutral as possible.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 05:41:31 UTC
The blonde blinked her blue eyes at the brunette's snappy reply. She decided it was best not to aggravate him any further. Who knows, he was already tightly wound as is, if he poked at him enough time his head would pop off. Or maybe his body would explode into tiny pieces, but either scenario was bad. She nodded her head and placed the bag on the kitchen counter, carefully taking out the ice cream and coffee can.

"Not telling," she replied with ease, looking around for the fridge. While Kaiba made coffee she would save the ice cream from melting. "I don't want you to pay me back, its fine. I offered so I paid, no biggie." Usagi continued, finding the fridge and walking over to it. She placed the bag inside the freezer taking some notice of the contents inside. She was used to peeking into Mamoru's fridge to see what goodies he had.

"Besides, its something friends do for one another." Usagi finished, shutting the freezer door before turning to look at Kaiba.


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 05:50:53 UTC
The CEO glanced back at Usagi and frowned. So much for neutral topics. "I don't like owing people anything," he replied carefully, watching her while absently reaching for the coffee can.

Suddenly, a thought came to him. "Usagi, how long have you been on Salkia?" he asked, tapping his fingers lightly on the counter. As foolish as the girl was, she might actually know if anyone on the Island had the power to control a person's speech. Not that that was what was occurring to him, of course.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 06:02:45 UTC
With the ice cream in the freezer and Kaiba taking care of the coffee Usagi went back to the counter to lean against it. She sighed and shook her head at the other's answer. She wanted to reply and say friends don't owe each other anything. But he doesn't count me as one, that's fine. The thought had a ring of truth to it, it still hurt a little. Usagi liked to be friends with everyone...even a jerk like Kaiba.

The question thrown at her had Usagi quiet for a moment trying to remember when she first got to Salkia. "About three months why?" she asked with curiosity, what was Kaiba trying to get at?


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 06:06:27 UTC
"In that time, what exactly has happened here? I need to know in as much detail as you can provide," Kaiba replied, his voice slipping back into the familiar territory of giving orders. Still, his rebellious tongue could not help putting a soft "...please," at the end of the command. Kaiba's fist clenched against the countertop.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 06:14:27 UTC
A soft smile appeared on Usagi's lips hearing the soft 'please' at the end of Kaiba's command. She couldn't help but giggle to herself, it was weird (in a good way) to hear Kaiba asking for something. It made him sound...human in a way. Well, more humane. She began to tap her index finger to her chin ( ... )


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 06:23:08 UTC
"Nothing's ever happened that affected a person's speech patterns? Even if it was just one or two people?" Kaiba replied, watching her intently. "Does anyone even know who's doing all of this?"


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 06:27:52 UTC
Usagi shook her head allowing her ribbons of hair to lightly swish about. "No, not that I know of..." she replied, wondering if she could push herself to sit on the counter. Baka! That would be rude. The thought went through her mind as she wondered when Kaiba was going to make his coffee. He said it helped him think...maybe it would make him less grouchy too.

"Nobody knows how any of these things are happening or even why. They just do...kindda like magic." she explained, studying Kaiba for a moment. "Why? Don't you like being nice?" she asked with a sly smile. "Or just nice to me?" she continued trying to make the atmosphere around them less tense.


shutupandduelme May 8 2009, 06:38:28 UTC
Kaiba rolled his eyes at the mention of magic. "There is no such thing as magic. I have spent a year arguing that, and I really don't want to get into it again," he growled.

Behind the brunet, his precious coffee maker beeped, as it had been sitting on for too long with no settings added. He bit back a curse, tossing in a few scoops of the coffee and adding some water, then setting it to brew. When he turned his attention back to her, Usagi's smile just irritated him even more.

With the way things were, that wasn't going to turn out well. "I really enjoy having everything I say come out like this," he snapped, before growling in frustration as once again his words changed as he spoke them.


oomoon_rabbitoo May 8 2009, 06:42:59 UTC
So he didn't believe in magic? Well...magic...the kind I do...okay I can see that, but sort of magic has he seen? Usagi thought wanting to vocalize the question but kept her mouth shut. She heard his coffee machine beeped diverting her attention away from the CEO for a few seconds.

Another giggle escaped her lips hearing Kaiba snapped. He certainly had a temper like Rei's. At least he can't use those temple tags on me. she thought briefly recalling the day she met Rei, the priestess stuck a demon cleansing tag on her forehead. "You should enjoy it more Kaiba, it really is a ton of fun and you know I could make this loads worse." she continued, the mini threat holding no weight.


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