A little too not over you.

Apr 23, 2009 11:42

Who: Hibari Kyoya and Chrome Dokuro
What: Chrome had not met Hibari for a long time and she decided to force persuade him into them meeting up.
When: April 22nd/23rd
Where: Around the island
Warnings: Hibari's usual "I'll bite you to death" self.

Tell me why. )

tyl! hibari kyoya, chrome dokuro

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kamikorosu_18 May 4 2009, 20:21:01 UTC
Hibari sighed as he ran his hand through his hair--a bit frustrated. "I'm not breaking up with you. There. That was the basic meaning of what I just said." Though he may have sounded a bit mad, but he really wasn't. Just a bit frustrated with the whole crap about the setting and the habitat.

His eyes softened for a while--then went back to its hard state. He stood up and walked towards the other. Then he pursued to placing his hand on top of her head and crouched down so that he could see her at eye level. "What are you doing, brooding?"


illusionagi May 5 2009, 07:50:00 UTC
"N-No, why would I be brooding..?" Chrome looked straight into Hibari's eyes as he crouched down to her eye level. "And if I was, it didn't matter anyway..." She diverted her attention from Hibari to her skirt as she looked down.


kamikorosu_18 May 5 2009, 22:46:01 UTC
Hibari sighed and ran a hand through his hair again. He doesn't know why she was brooding, though she was clearly brooding. But, he decided to drop to topic as he stood up and walked to his place on the couch and sat. "It doesn't matter? What are you talking about? Of course it matters. If you are unhappy, you should say so." Well, he thought, at least she should tell him what was wrong. He may not be able to solve it, but clearly...it may help--it doesn't hurt to try, at least.

"So you won't tell me." He started, though he knew he was going to drop the topic sooner or later. He wasn't going to force the other to tell him. Instead, he was going to wait for her to tell him--and not sooner or vice versa. But he hated waiting.

So he dropped the topic and sighed. "Fine, it's fine. It's as you say, it doesn't matter anyway." It really did matter, but he won't say it out loud. Ever.


illusionagi May 6 2009, 10:14:20 UTC
"I'm- not unhappy. I'm happy, really.." Chrome said, in an unconvincing tone. Even Chrome doesn't know what was wrong with her. She simply felt forlorn over simple stuff, and yet she didn't know what was bothering her. Knowing that deep inside, she had really wanted to consult Hibari about it, but how was she supposed to phrase that she had no particular idea what was wrong with her? Hibari was soon to let the matter go, but she knew that Hibari would want to know as well.

Moving from her seat, she settled down beside Hibari and looked at him straight in the eye. "I- just feel upset about certain matters.."


kamikorosu_18 May 7 2009, 01:49:06 UTC
Hibari still deemed to be unconvinced by her explanation, but decided to let it go for now. He'd ask about it later--probably at a much better time, that is. She wasn't unhappy, was she? Well, she doesn't look about it that way--

--but he didn't run around with it any longer and decided to just let it go. Let it slip--for now. "If you want to tell me, you can." He paused for a moment, then added, "I'm not that open, but at least I can listen."

He watched as she walked over to him and sat down beside him, looking at him, directly. "Upset? About what?"


illusionagi May 7 2009, 06:31:57 UTC
Chrome looked down, her voice hesitant, "I- I don't know.. I think I just feel like I've gotten sick and tired of this place and I- I don't know.." Hibari was willing to hear her out, wasn't he? She looked at her fingers which were interlocked tightly, and her voice quivered, "This place isn't that nice as it looked a few weeks ago, Hibari-san.."


kamikorosu_18 May 7 2009, 21:14:57 UTC
Hibari nodded, and sighed. It was true that things tend to get boring after a while. He sighed again as he rubbed his temples, trying to relieve the pain and irritation. Soon, he stopped and got up, walking to the kitchen--he found that the place had returned to its normal state. Out of the pitcher, he poured some cold water and slowly sipped it. "Nothing is ever nice here."

Slowly, he brought back another cup and placed it in front of the purple-haired girl. Of course, as usual, he didn't say anything. But the cup was just sitting there on the table, waiting for the girl to pick it up and drink it. He sighed again and placed his cup down. "Do you want to go outside and walk around?"


illusionagi May 8 2009, 05:40:17 UTC
Chrome picked up the cup which was left on the table and she took a sip of the water and nodded as her head tilted to look over at Hibari. "I'd love to go for a walk.."


kamikorosu_18 May 8 2009, 05:59:06 UTC
Hibari got up and sighed. He placed the cup back on the counter and slipped on his jacket-blazer and looked back. "Are you coming?"


illusionagi May 8 2009, 10:53:35 UTC
Chrome nodded as she set her cup on the table and stood up, "Yes- Where're we going?"


kamikorosu_18 May 8 2009, 21:19:58 UTC
Hibari sighed. There she was. So passive and undecisive again. Jeez. "It depends on you. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me."


illusionagi May 8 2009, 23:13:31 UTC
"Hm- how about a walk in the park then..?" Chrome asked, as she headed for the door.


kamikorosu_18 May 8 2009, 23:35:00 UTC
Hibari sighed. "If you want." Then, he too, walked towards the door and abruptly stepped out.


illusionagi May 8 2009, 23:42:36 UTC
Chrome hurried to catch up with Hibari and slipped her soft hands into his, before looking up at him to see how'd he react.


kamikorosu_18 May 9 2009, 00:53:55 UTC
Hibari's eyes widened a bit, but returned to its normal size not long after. He kept on facing forward--after locking his door, of course. He didn't take the fact that she had slipped her hands into his very heavily.

However, not too long after, he tightened his grip on her hand, enclosing her hand gently.


illusionagi May 9 2009, 01:03:09 UTC
Chrome felt Hibari's hands squeezing hers gently and she squeezed back, while leaning her head against his shoulders.


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