A little too not over you.

Apr 23, 2009 11:42

Who: Hibari Kyoya and Chrome Dokuro
What: Chrome had not met Hibari for a long time and she decided to force persuade him into them meeting up.
When: April 22nd/23rd
Where: Around the island
Warnings: Hibari's usual "I'll bite you to death" self.

Tell me why. )

tyl! hibari kyoya, chrome dokuro

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kamikorosu_18 April 23 2009, 03:58:14 UTC
Hibari sighed as he walked to the door--the huts, that is, and opened the door to face a familiar face. He sighed with her in his presence, and he clutched his head, groaning. This is just so stupid... He paused his thoughts and faced her again, though his fingers were lapped in his hair, as he ran his fingers through it. "Dokuro..." He started, though his sentence may never continue. He just could not find anything to say to her at the moment. All was--very awkward.

"Ah, yes. Long time no see..." He sighed again as he went back into his little couch-looking thing and sat upon it. For one, everything was not was it was, and now this? Jeez. It was messing with him a bit too much. And he hated it very much. What was this, a riot? "What do you plan on doing?"


illusionagi April 23 2009, 04:02:14 UTC
Chrome stepped into his house, more of his hut, and settled down on an uncomfortable looking chair, made of straw. Her mind raced, and her heart clenched slightly. She had thought that meeting with Hibari would have made things less awkward, but it had not seem to do the trick.

She shook out of her thoughts and mumbled, "I don't know.. I do not have anything on today." She paused for a moment and asked the question that she have been yearning to ask for so long. "So- how have you been..?"


kamikorosu_18 April 23 2009, 04:09:03 UTC
His fingers were still sifting through his hair, the slightly irritated face still present--and embedded upon his features. He sighed as he kept on staring at the girl inside of his house. "Hm. You had nothing to do?" He paused, his hand out of his hair, as he yawned a bit. Slowly, he had comed around to and to probably anwer her question at the least.

"There's no need to worry about me. I'm fine." He watched her from his peripheral vision, though his eyes were a bit tired from the staring. "I believe you've been doing well too--now that your counterpart is here?" He had bitten down on his tongue and wanted to kill the man for quite some time--and still did. He scoffed at the thought of the pineappled, mix-match eyed man. That stupid illusionist...


illusionagi April 23 2009, 04:14:36 UTC
Chrome watched Hibari's face as she noticed that he was irritated. "Yes- I had nothing to do.. My new roommate seemed to have done all the household chores for me.. And this island became like- this, so I had nowhere else to go as well." She surveyed the apartment and smiled, "So- how's your new roomate?"

She shook her head, she had not been doing well. In fact, she's having the worst time here. "I'm not doing well, Hibari-san." That was all she said. She didn't think that Hibari would ask her what was wrong, and neither did she plan on him knowing what was wrong with her.


kamikorosu_18 April 23 2009, 04:41:08 UTC
Hibari sighed as he watched her expression change drastically. "I haven't met my roommate yet," he started, though he was clearly convinced that his new roommate was a herbivore, just like the rest of the people on this island. "It seems that everyone is just doing their own things and helping themselves to their own business." He sighed again as he sifted his fingers through his hair again.

"Oh, you're not doing well?" He paused, though he had originally thought that she would be, since that illusionist was here. "Your counterpart is here--you even said so." He leaned forward, though his face still remained calm and unreadable. "What's the matter?"


illusionagi April 23 2009, 04:45:57 UTC
"Oh- ... Yes, everyone seems busy nowadays." Chrome started off weakly. She fingered her skirt nervously and looked down.

"I guess that.. part of the reason why I've not been doing well is because Mukuro-sama is here.."


kamikorosu_18 April 23 2009, 05:03:38 UTC
Hibari cocked an eyebrow, and stared at her attentively. So, the cause of her ill-being is because of that illusionst with the mix-matched eyes, hmm...? He paused at her words, and slowly leaned back. "Everyone is being a hassle to themselves lately. It's boring to watch." He sighed again, and closed his eyes at the constant weirdness of the situation at hand. "So, that guy is the reason--"he stopped, reconsidering the lines she had just recited to him and placed it in a better phrasing. "--part of the reason is because of that idiot of an illusionist?"

((ooc: You didn't write any journal entries for RCA yet~))


illusionagi April 23 2009, 05:07:19 UTC
Chrome pondered about it for awhile before settling in on what to say. "Yes- that's part of the reason.." She thought about it again, and wondered about what Hibari would say next.

((ooc: Yup~ xD))


kamikorosu_18 April 23 2009, 05:14:46 UTC
Hibari stared at her for the longest time, and sighed. "Care to elaborate?" He has wondered why she was so down in the first place. Maybe it was her organs messing with her again. Who knows what's going on. Well, technically, he didn't care much for that fact, but then again--

--he would like to know.

((ooc: Go, go go~ Want to have a good guardian chat with Yama~ fufufuuu~))


illusionagi April 23 2009, 07:28:12 UTC
Chrome sighed for a moment before starting off, "Mukuro-sama has been.. neglecting me lately. I don't feel as close to him as I'm supposed to ever since he's here. His attitude was.. harsh towards me, and I'm not sure what's going on.." She paused for a moment and thought it through.

((ooc: Hahas, okay okay! xD))


kamikorosu_18 April 23 2009, 14:43:30 UTC
Hibari sighed and extended a hand towards the girl's head and patted her purple hair. "Neither of us knows what's going on here--now that he's changed so much.." Perceisely, he didn't really care as to why may happen to the illuionist, nor does he want to care. "Well, he's an idiot, so far as I've ever known." He retreated his hand and sighed.

((ooc: go~ go~))


illusionagi April 24 2009, 13:08:46 UTC
Chrome walked over to Hibari's couch and leaned against him, letting her head rest on his shoulders and she sighed, "This place don't seem like the place a few weeks before.." She gave a short laugh then continued, "You really hate him, don't you?"


kamikorosu_18 April 24 2009, 21:10:17 UTC
Hibari sighed as he felt the girl leaning on to him, resting her head upon his shoulder. It was quite...peaceful--save the jungle and the stupidity of the whole situation with the huts and everything. "It doesn't seem like the place a few weeks ago...because the whole setting has changed drastically."

He looked at her from a weird angle, but glared at what's in front of him, imagine that pineapple male illusionist. "I do. I hate him enough to want to kill him every time I see him."


illusionagi April 25 2009, 00:59:01 UTC
"The new setting seems.. primitive." Chrome commented, thinking aloud as she gazed around the hut. Chairs made of straw, tiki huts. It were as if they were back in time. Then Chrome titled her head up to look at Hibari. "If I begged you not to kill him, would you?"


kamikorosu_18 April 25 2009, 01:09:06 UTC
Hibari sighed, and leaned back into the couch--or couch-looking grass made couch he was sitting on. "Yes. It does." He sighed again, running a hand in his hair. He was getting more stressed since that Rokudo Mukuro came into the picture, which pissed him off no end. "Even if you did beg me to not kill him, I may consider it." He knew he was lying behind his teeth. Even if she did ask him, he would still kill the stupid illusionist--the male pineapple head, whether she liked it or not. It will probably be behind her back though. But who was he to care?


illusionagi April 25 2009, 01:15:33 UTC
Chrome propped herself up so that she was looking at Hibari eye-to-eye. "You're lying, Hibari-san.." She shook her head and sighed, "You will still kill him, no matter what, right?" Chrome knew that he hated Mukuro, but she still didn't know how much he hated him- until now.


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