It's raining, pouring...and I'm meeting..myself?

Apr 08, 2009 19:07

Who: Kairi, Namine (now open to KH peoples!)
What: Kairi and Namine meet...didn't they become one?
Where: Salkia Forest
When: April 8th
Warnings: None as of now.
This is our dance... )

kairi, namine, open, riku, sora, roxas

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radientgarden April 12 2009, 03:53:10 UTC
Kairi stayed rooted to her spot in front of Riku's bedroom door way. Looking over at Namine she gave the girl another smile before taking her hand again. If the lights were on Kairi would've noticed Riku had changed back into his normal attire, but then again if the lights were on she would've have asked if he had any candles. A sigh of relief passed through her lips. Yay! He had candles! Now all he had to do now was light them and--

A new voice made Kairi's head snap up. Her heart began to beat wildly in her chest. Sora? Was it really Sora behind that door? Sure she heard someone knocking on the door but she figured it was the storm playing tricks on her mind. Kairi lifted her 1337pod to use its light to see where Riku--oh look he was back in normal clothes, yay!--open the door to reveal one wet boy.

Azure eyes went wide in their sockets. "Sora!" Kairi breathed, letting go of Namine's hand to quickly (hopefully not knocking into anything) walk across the room to embrace her friend. "Sora!" she said again, not caring he was wet as she hugged him tightly.


Someone wasn't INVITED :'( existanceindark April 12 2009, 04:15:18 UTC
Roxas had spent the better part of his afternoon walking through portals of darkness, looking for Kairi and Namine. He would pop in one location of the forest, then suddenly pop off into another location if he didn't see the two. He even decided to pop into a few places around the town to look for them.

Eventually, he'd gone back home.

Until he saw over THE NETWORK that they were at Riku's place.

He frowned and ported in, wearing his Organization XIII coat, still wet from the rain.

He was not a happy little nobody.


Awww, poor little nobody... 8D show_me_silly April 12 2009, 07:19:55 UTC
Sora grinned at Riku when the door opened. Of course the first words to come out of his best friend's mouth was something teasing. He laughed when Riku called him a drowned rat. Snickering, he meandered into the room and smiled brightly when he saw Namine.

"Namine! Where's Kai--"

He was suddenly cut off when his other best friend quickly threw herself into his arms in a hug. Sora laughed and hugged Kairi back. He was so happy to see her here, and he couldn't really hold himself back. Naturally she didn't care that he was sopping wet, and neither did Riku (and it was HIS apartment he was getting all soggy).

"I can't believe you guys are here!" Sora cried happily, reaching for a spare towel (it might have been used already, it was a little damp), and he rubbed his hair dry. "This is great! Kairi, I hope you gave Riku an earful about how he abandoned us back on Destiny Island!"

Before he could continued, a certain nobody appeared on the scene. Sora turned to him, albeit a little shocked, and he grinned brightly. "Roxas! Oh man, you're as drenched as I am!"


don't worry roxas! have a nami to cheer you up! memorysketching April 13 2009, 02:15:23 UTC
Namine smiled back at her Somebody, holding onto her hand and following after her whenever she began to move again. It was great to see her and Riku and even if she couldn't see him yet, it was the same way with Sora!

She blinked when Kairi ran to hug the brunet, her hand coming up to cover her mouth and stifle a giggle, her eyes shutting afterwards. Everybody seemed so happy to see eachother and she just couldn't help the fact that it made her mood lift.

``I can't believe it either,`` murmured the blonde girl, her hand coming up to brush away her wet hair before the sight of another portal came into her vision.

Her eyes went wide, her mouth opening in shock. ``Roxas!`` she cried, rushing towards him and hugging him tightly despite the fact that he was still wet.


ASKDFJALSKDJF;ALSJFD existanceindark April 13 2009, 06:31:48 UTC
Thanks, Sora. Way to state the obvious. Sometimes Roxas wondered exactly how he was the brunette's nobody... especially when Sora would say things like that. He sighed and shook his head. Really?

...And suddenly there was a blond hugging him.

...A blond who was a fellow nobody!

"Namine." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her in a light hug. Even back in Twilight Town when he knew Namine, he had never hugged her... This was a new thing for him. He wasn't quite sure how to react.


screw it, I'm tired and sleepy..POSTING TIME! xD radientgarden April 13 2009, 14:49:33 UTC
Even with Sora drenched from the rain Kairi still hugged her other best friend. A huge smile was plastered on her face now that all three of them were reunited again. Hopefully nothing would separate them this time. She pulled back so the boy could dry his hair off. She placed a hand over her mouth to keep herself from giggling.

"Yes I did. And he's made sure to not do it again." Kairi replied teasingly. It was then that Roxas appeared. Finally! There was a face to the voice she heard in her head when she couldn't remember Sora. When Namine hugged him Kairi smiled at him, barely containing her excitement. She wanted to wait for the blonde girl to get off of him before giving the Nobody a hug herself but that didn't last too long.

"Roxas!" she said happily as she hugged him and Namine. "I'm so glad you're here and I get to meet you."


his_way2dawn April 13 2009, 21:50:24 UTC
Riku watched with a smile as Kairi and Sora embraced, looking away when he sensed the newest presence. Roxas... He merely watched the other for a moment, then blinked before heading to grab the matches from the drawer. If he wanted to be here to meet the girls, that was fine with him... As long as he didn't start anything.

He lit the candles and set them in the main room, just giving enough light for them to see eachother, but just barely. "There we go." He turned to observe Kairi join in the hug, laughing slightly under his breath and pushing silver hair out of his face. "It's just a party in here, isn't it?" Hopefully his roomie wouldn't mind.


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