
Apr 01, 2009 15:37

Who: Uchiha Itachi and Hyuuga Neji [ cause we never have enough logs |3 ]
What: Both Itachi and Neji are very . . upset and decided to go wandering in the rain. Well, what's going to happen when they run into eachother after their little tussle a while back?
When: April 1st.
Where: Salkia Forest.
Warnings: Uh, emoness for the moment. [ SEE CUT. 8D ( Read more... )

hyuuga neji, uchiha itachi

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spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 04:03:56 UTC
The rain was one of the only things that could calm him. He didn't like human comfort all that much, even when he knew that he had people to go to. Even if that person now was his partner. He knew Kisame was there for him, but he wasn't quite ready to put his thoughts, his emotions into words.

It was a sudden decision that he was going to take a walk. He had kept himself busy for the last few days with cooking, cleaning, sharpening the duller blades of his kunai, work, and just getting out. It kept his mind from wandering, it kept his anger at a decent level, but with the rain he was limited to what he could do.

He had been laying on his bed, his arms folded under his head as he stared at the ceiling. The steady down pour on the roof was the only thing he could really hear but they didn't drown out his thoughts. SO slipping open his window, Itachi hopped down, sprinting through the waterlogged streets, heading toward the forest.

He kept going, deeper into the trees, darting in between the trunks until he found a clearing. He was soaked, his loose hair matted to his face, his clothing heavy an stuck to his skin, and his sandals were filled with the chilly water. Still he stared straight up into the sky, the rain hitting his face, already starting to sooth him into a calmer state.


eighthsight April 2 2009, 04:31:18 UTC
The soft noise of the rain began to lull him into a half sleep, head tilting forwards which caused his hair to fall over his shoulders. Had it been any other time, he probably would have gotten annoyed, but instead, he just stayed leaned forwards, shivering every few minutes when raindrops would hit him.

Though, the sound of rush footsteps made him jerk back up, head turning in that direction before he noticed that they had stopped in the clearing that wasn't too far away. His hand came up, brushing wet hair off his cheeks then lowering to grasp the branch he was sitting on, swinging him down to his feet.

Neji silently moved towards the sound he had heard, using the trees to his advantage until he reached the clearing and crouched on one of the higher branches. He squinted through the rain, half tempted to use his kekkai genkai, but when he caught sight of who was standing in the clearing, he thought better of it.

Biting his lower lip, he slipped back on the branch and pressed himself against the trunk, hiding amongst the leaves there. ``I should have known,`` he whispered to himself, wrapping his arms back over his stomach and sliding into a sit once more.


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 04:59:47 UTC
He had long since closed his eyes, letting the water splatter over his face. He was shivering, visibly. His whole body shook, but he stood there, his eyes blinking away the water from his eyes.

Bringing his hands up, Itachi ran them through his hair, slicking it back, his fingers catching on tangles. His hands remained on his head as he fell to his knees with a sigh.

He thought he heard something, jerking his head to the side, rain drops falling down his face like tears. Maybe they were tears, he couldn't tell, his mind was so jumbled. He looked around, onyx eyes searching through the haze of rain, looking for what could make that noise.

"Too foolish to come out an face me?" he asked. He didn't know who he was asking, but he knew someone, something was there.


eighthsight April 2 2009, 05:38:23 UTC
He could still see Itachi from where he was on the tree branch, though everything was starting to get blurry and that cold feeling from before was starting to come back.

Pulling his legs against his chest for a moment, Neji held his breath to keep it steady, counting slowly in his head then blinking when he heard the elder male's voice. He shifted slightly, tugging his jacket off and tossing it aside, ignoring the fact his tank top was going to get even more drenched.

His head tilted back up, opalescent eyes flashing while he pushed himself back up into a crouch and lunged off the tree branch, landing gracefully a few feet away from the Uchiha.

``No,`` he replied quietly, crossing his arms over his stomach to keep from shivering.


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 06:17:14 UTC
His eyes narrowed, black turning to red. He moved to stand up, his shaking body trembling as he made his way to his feet.

His hair, thanks to the rain had once again stuck to the sides of his face, his hands at his sides itching to throw a punch at Neji, perform some kind of seals and send a jutsu his way. Something to show him the raging turmoil in his mind.


He turned his back to Neji. He didn't want to look at him right now, not even for a moment. Just thinking about it right now made him angry.

"Go away, you are not wanted here."


eighthsight April 2 2009, 06:29:49 UTC
Tensing when red bled through black, his hands lifted from his sides, hovering in front of himself in case he had to fend an attack.

He relaxed when the elder didn't lunge at him or start throwing jutsu his way, hands lowering back to his sides while he slowly took a step forwards.

When Itachi turned his back on him, Neji licked his lips, lifting his hand to brush the hair off his face, though it just fell back into place due to the rain.

He hesitantly moved forwards a bit more, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself quiet because he was sure that he would snap a smart remark if he didn't.


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 12:17:07 UTC
With his eyes closed, Itachi tried, willed him mind to settle. His thoughts raced, almost making him dizzy.

"What do you want, Hyuuga? Didn't I say I was done with you? So tell me then, why you find it necessary to bother me, or have you forgotten who I am?"

His words were dark, but there was no uneven tone to his voice. He turned, facing Neji as he got closer, aiming a kick right as his chest.


eighthsight April 2 2009, 15:11:03 UTC
Again, he took another step forwards, his hands lifting from his side, fingertips rubbing together. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he wanted to keep his guard up.

Of course, those words made him do exactly the opposite. His arms dropped, pale lilac eyes flashing and his head tilting down as he let them set in. How could he forget?

He had only glanced down for a minute, but it was enough because when he looked back up, all he felt next was his breath leave him suddenly and his body bounce twice against the wet ground, coming to a stop only seconds later.

Coughing and wincing slightly, Neji brought up one hand, pushing himself up and wiping some of the mud off his face with the other. He kept his gaze on the ground, doing his best to not look up.


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 15:43:21 UTC
An awkward, twisted sense of satisfaction came over him, accompanied by another feeling, something he couldn't quite describe.

Moving just as fast as his kick had sent Neji backwards, Itachi moved forward, standing in front of him as he landed. He glared down at the boy, rain drops streaking down his face and nose, red eyes blinking more droplets away.

"Get up," he said, his tone commanding. He didn't raise his voice, it just deepened it. He never had a reason to yell so far. "Get up and tell me, face to face why in the hell you're here, bothering me again? Shouldn't you be back in town, curled up with your redhead?"


eighthsight April 2 2009, 18:57:32 UTC
He continued wiping wet dirt off his cheeks, shaking it off his fingers then blinking slowly when the missing nin's feet came into his vision so quickly.

Part of him said to stay down, he didn't deserve to be standing at the moment, but the other half told him that if he didn't get him, the next kick might be in his face.

Once he was on his feet, Neji shook more mud off his fingers then did the same with his shirt before resting his arms at his sides, forcing himself to look up. Everything about him was blank and cold; his arms, chest, heart, mind and he wasn't sure what Itachi wanted to hear, though he could barely force his voice to work at the moment and when he did . . ``I'm sorry,`` he whispered, hands clenching into fists against his hips.


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 19:17:09 UTC
Still staring at Neji, watching as he made his way to his feet, Itachi's glare didn't go away. He reached out, grabbing Neji by the shirt collar, pulling him up close his eyes looking down into the Hyuuga's.

"You're sorry?" he repeated, almost sounding half amused. "That's not good enough. Give me an explanation or this time Tsukiyomi won't come so peacefully."


eighthsight April 2 2009, 19:34:53 UTC
Shaking his head, Neji tried to think of what he was suppose do now, but he couldn't get a straight thought. He blinked when he was pulled forwards, halfway standing on his toes and staring up into those red eyes.

His own eyes flashed at that, arms still hanging limply at his sides even though his mind was screaming at him to do something. ``...I don't know what you want me to say, Itachi. I like Lavi a lot, but I like you too. I'm not sure why,`` he paused, licking his lips despite the rain that was wetting them. ``Though, I do, and if you want to do it, go ahead. I'll ... understand.``


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 20:04:30 UTC
He released his grip on Neji, letting his shirt fall from his grasp. His eyes faded back to black, pain the anger in them.

"Yet you didn't find it in you to say that in the first place? You let both of us find out like you did?" He turned away from Neji once again, his hands balled into fists. He was again caught up in between anger and hurt, something he wouldn't admit out loud.

This time there were tears mixed with the rain streaming down his face as he turned back to Neji. His frustration had built to a point even he couldn't hold it back.

"Why not say something earlier? Why instead do you let it play out like this?"


eighthsight April 2 2009, 21:39:49 UTC
He relaxed when Itachi finally released him, lifting his hand to smooth over his shirt, tugging it down.

``I . . didn't want that to happen,`` he murmured, biting the inside of his cheek once again and lifting his arms, pressing his hands against his face to partially hide himself and wipe away the rain in his eyes.

After a long moment of covering his face, Neji let out a sigh, tugging his hands down and tilting his head back, ignoring the fact the rain continued to fall.

``What in the world was I suppose to say?``


spinincopywheel April 2 2009, 21:52:20 UTC
"Well it did."

He hung his head, watching water drop from the ends of his hair, his eyes even more blurry then normal.

"I don't know Neji, maybe telling both of us how you felt, explaining to us what you were thinking. You should have seen this coming," he replied, speaking to the ground. "Here I thought I was the one going blind."


eighthsight April 2 2009, 22:04:59 UTC
``. . I know.``

His hand slowly reached out, hesitantly touching Itachi's cheek and brushing away some of the wetness there, though it didn't do much.

He sighed once again, letting his hand fall away and rest back at his side, fingers curling into a tight fist, but when he heard Itachi's last comment, his eyes widened ever so slightly. ``What?``


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