
Nov 18, 2010 22:16

Who: Atem, Yuugi, and Kaiba [THAT CAN BE POSTING ORDER TOO I GUESS?]
What: Atem and Kaiba were having nap time. Yuugi wants Pink bandages so they have to wake up now. Or something.
When: A few hours after Atem and Kaiba conk out, and maybe one or two after Yuugi and Jounouchi get attacked? TIMEFRAME WHAT
Where: The arcade
Warning: lots of hilarious ( Read more... )

yuugi mutou, atem mutou, seto kaiba

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pintsizeduelist November 19 2010, 03:39:41 UTC
Yuugi wasn't going to the woods with those creatures everywhere. Like hell he was. Once Jounouchi was alright and he passed out and.. woke up sometime later, he really needed to know where Atem was.

So, he headed to the arcade, still wearing his ripped work shirt and with cuts and bites and pushed open the door.

"Mou hitori no boku! Are you in here?"


shutupandduelme November 19 2010, 03:57:12 UTC
There was no one in the front of the arcade, though the machines were on and the token dispenser was ready to read LPs. It was silent besides that, and the back office door was closed, as it usually was whether Kaiba was there or not. If Yuugi looked closely, he would probably see the faint light from the hibernating laptop inside.

If he listened...he might have heard a shuffle or two. Yuugi's call had gotten through the wall into the back office, and Kaiba was stirring.

He was still trained to react to voices, especially when he was doing something as vulnerable as sleeping. It just wasn't enough to make him fully aware just yet. With a frown, Kaiba started to shift himself awake.


note_atem November 19 2010, 04:00:31 UTC
Yuugi's voice failed to reach him at all. His body refused to acknowledge anything at all except the shifting underneath it. He needed this sleep, badly. Not just for the days he spent wandering around outside but for the energy he depleted when he'd used the puzzle. He just wasn't ready to get up yet, not even close.

He snuggled closer to the only warm thing close enough, the almost calm and familiar thing he remembered falling asleep to. His fingers curled lightly in the front of Seto's shirt unconsciously, almost afraid of losing him in his sleep.


pintsizeduelist November 19 2010, 06:41:24 UTC
Panic that was already there started to grip at him, and he felt even more woozy, having to lean against the air hockey table to stay upright. He gripped onto his pendant to try to keep himself focused. Okay. They had to be somewhere, right?

Atem had to be somewhere and he was fine but this being unable to see him thing plus the whole thing with everyone being attacked and Ichigo and Jounouchi was leaving him a little high strung. Plus god only knew how he managed to pull off how he saved Jounouchi, and even then his body didn't want anything to do with being awake..

He just had to know Atem was okay.

Maybe it was delirium. Exhaustion. Blood loss. Stress. All of the above.

He noticed the flickering light on the laptop and moved toward it, using machines to steady himself.


shutupandduelme November 19 2010, 08:02:29 UTC
There was somebody moving out there, Kaiba was sure of it, even through his sleep hazed brain. Where there was, or whether it was Mokuba or Atem clinging to his shirt like that was irrelevant. There was a threat, and he had someone he had to protect.

He shifted again, trying to pull himself into sitting up. Whatever it was, he had to be awake to meet it. He would be dead if Gozaburo caught Mokuba in his room again.


note_atem November 19 2010, 08:06:49 UTC
Again the only thing that registered to him was the fact that his comfort was moving. It only caused him to cling tighter. Not yet, not yet. Not for a few more hours. Even now he could sort of feel that hazy line between sleep and awake but he wanted nothing to do with it. He just wanted to be peacefully sleeping again.

"Stop.." Almost a direct mimic of when he'd fallen asleep earlier with Seto and the brunet had tried to haul him back to town. Only right now Atem was less aware and conscious than he'd been then.


pintsizeduelist November 19 2010, 08:16:43 UTC
Yuugi followed the laptop blinking, almost entranced by it. Really, he was so tired, he couldn't focus on anything else.

Quietly he padded across the arcade, hesitating once he got to the back door. It was dark in there.. maybe they weren't in there? Or maybe they were hiding.

Or maybe his other self was sleeping back there.

This felt like an odd violation of privacy. Of Kaiba's privacy.

...but what if Atem was back there, horribly injured?

There was such conflict in his mind, but in the end his concern won out. Slowly, he opened the door, and peeked inside.

"....Mou hitori no boku?"


shutupandduelme November 19 2010, 08:32:26 UTC
That tug on his shirt was tempting. That request was even more so. Kaiba didn't get to sleep often, and when he did it wasn't always in such a comfortable place as this. He didn't really want to ruin it. Without an alarm telling him he had to, or his internal clock pushing him, he was on the cusp of settling back down and dropping into a deeper sleep.

Then the door opened. Kaiba sat up abruptly with a hiss, and pulled Atem possessively to his chest on instinct alone. Whoever it was had already seen them by now. Shoving the other away (definitely Atem, he could make out that hair anywhere.) wouldn't help anyone.

And that question...Kaiba bit back a curse.


note_atem November 19 2010, 08:35:44 UTC
Now that Yuugi was closer, that name that they'd shared broke through some of that unconscious barrier. "Mm.."

The final straw was Kaiba sitting all the way up so fast, and him getting tugged and held tightly. He blinked his eyes open, unable to really tell what was going on. All he knew was that he felt anxious and had been startled from quite a deep sleep.

"Wh-what's going on?" He'd held on to Kaiba with probably much the same instinctive tactics that had the CEO holding him.


pintsizeduelist November 19 2010, 08:40:39 UTC
The light no longer interested him. He stood there, eyes wide, as he saw Atem and Kaiba sleeping together.

Well, maybe not. Kaiba was looking at him, and Atem was..

...oh god.

His breath died in his throat. He was a deer in headlights for all of ten seconds before he quickly shut the door, turned, and ran. "S-Sorry!"

Or rather, turned and tripped over his own feet. Somehow he caught himself against another machine but he didn't even bother to see which one.

Suddenly, getting far away from the arcade and Kaiba was top priority.


WRY SO SCARED, YUUGI? shutupandduelme November 19 2010, 08:55:39 UTC
Oh....he was running. They couldn't have that.

Kaiba was on his feet without even thinking about it. "Stay here!" he barked over his shoulder at Atem before he was off and out the door. With his legs, the brunet could make a quick time, even without his boots or coat. He also wasn't exactly banging into any machines, either.

As the distance between them dropped, Kaiba reached out his (pink bandaged) arm to try and seize Yuugi by the hair. If he could get the smaller man on the ground and subdued, they could all settle this out. Completely calmly and logically. Sure.


WHAT IS GOING ON note_atem November 19 2010, 08:58:21 UTC
Now he was really confused. Was that Yuugi in the doorway? And Kaiba was holding him tightly? .... No wait, Yuugi wasn't in the doorway anymore. And he'd apologized for something. Then Kaiba had left him and ordered him to-


Realization dawned over his sleep fogged brain. But if Yuugi was here then that meant something bad happened or something important for that matter. He shook his head, trying to wake himself up. Then he stood and, of course, directly ignored Seto's orders to stay anywhere and got up, going after the two.


YOU SUNK THE TITANIC OF COURSE YOU ARE SCARY pintsizeduelist November 19 2010, 09:04:30 UTC
Oh god, Kaiba was yelling. And oh god, his own injuries weren't helping him move quicker. But he was ignoring that as best as he could. The door was right there, it was so close, it was within reach-

"Ow!" Kaiba of course had to go for his hair. His hair. This also added to the fact that doing so yanked him backwards, and he instinctively flailed out his arms in a panic. "H-Hey! Let me go!"

Which just went downhill from there. Subduing a kid who's been bullied for most of his existence is not a calm and logical action. He does not just agree to it, especially when said person is twice his size, was currently pissed off at him to begin with... and the bullied kid was already beaten up by something else and running on left over adrenaline and pain.

"I didn't see anything! Honest!" Or please don't kill me, as he flailed and squirmed and tried to get away, not noticing Atem was close by.


I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING! shutupandduelme November 19 2010, 09:15:14 UTC
Yuugi fought like a little kid. It would have been funny if Kaiba hadn't been trying so hard to both keep the shorter duelist on the ground and avoid having his face kicked.

His hand twisted tighter in Yuugi's hair as a warning. "There was nothing to see!" he snapped. "My clothes are on, you moron! Calm do-ah!" Kaiba said, interrupted by, as he had been afraid of, a kick to the face.

To his credit, the brunet didn't completely release his grip on Yuugi's hair, but his free hand went straight to his nose. Now his only grip on Yuugi was that fist in his hair, for better or for worse.


YOU TWO ARE IMPOSSIBLE note_atem November 19 2010, 09:18:22 UTC
Atem arrived at this little fantastic scene too little too late it seemed. Both men were on the ground and in the midst of a scuffle. He might have blamed it on Kaiba for grabbing Yuugi's hair first, most likely anyway. He knew what it was like to have that done, especially by the CEO.

But it also seemed like Yuugi had just maybe possibly broken Kaiba's nose. Well.. at least there was no blood yet.

"Both of you stop!" He was too entirely tired to deal with any of this right now. He knelt, one hand going to Yuugi's wrist, the other to Kaiba's.


BUT HE STARTED IT pintsizeduelist November 19 2010, 16:48:03 UTC
In Yuugi's defense, he really doesn't have the energy to move that much. Plus, hello? Leather pants? Yeah, he can't kick hard in them anyway. It was most likely a flail or a surprise swat than anything. I get hit in the nose all the time!

All he cared about was getting that fist out of his hair, because that really hurt. So enjoy those tears leaking out of his eyes because damn it, that hurt.

Also, Atem earned a little wince as he grabbed at Yuugi's wrist. Even if it wasn't a hard motion, he didn't expect it, and there's an injury there. Sprains are glorious. Then again, his wincing could be because of Kaiba and his dalek grip on his hair.

"S-Sorry.." Yuugi tried not to whimper, but there was no way he could possibly feel worse at this moment. Especially with his hair being pulled. "Y-You surprised me."


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