Who: Yuugi and OPEN!
What: Yuugi wants to try to forget things like death and nightmares and stuff. Since he's tired of blowing all his monies at the arcade, time to put some of Kagome's teachings to work!
When: Late afternoon... after his talk with Kagome and yet.. somehow before he goes to train with Cissnei? /idk
Where: Archery court
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She called out as she walked up to him. She went to put a hand gently on his shoulder then pulled the boy in for a hug. She felt as though she was getting closer to the boy and she knew that she worried him with her action. She realized now how stupid it was but she didn't regret it. She felt as though she needed to do something, if anything to call Kia out and have the girl focus her on Kagome.
"I'm sorry Yuugi, I guess the nightmare and Madotsuki's death bothered me a lot more and I just wanted...to try something."
"....Try something?" He didn't mean to ask, it just kind of.. came out of his mouth. Plus, the way she made it sound, it was planned or something.
"Well I just wanted Kia to understand how I felt. If I upset her enough, she might come directly after me. Besides, I'm not one to just stand aside and let things like this happen without speaking out against her."
"I think she knows..." he said quietly. "But its not like you're alone."
"She....she made me see what would happen if I should fail in my mission. It..it's even worse now because of Salkia. I get those faces out of my mind."
She moves her head so she's hiding her expression "I made so many people upset with that post but I had enough. I just fell so useless."
She placed one hand gently on top of his.
The famous last words of an optimist.
"When I was sent home.. it was like I was never even here. So your mission at home... shouldn't worry you too much now. It'll be there when you leave here."
She smiled but it was a sad smile. "If we fail....so many people will die. All of my friends and who knows how many more."
She sighed and glanced around her for a second. She closed her eyes and then reopened them.
"Thank you Yuugi."
However, her thanking him triggered his modesty.
"Ahh... I didn't do anything...you don't have to thank me."
"You have done a lot for me Yuugi."
She smiled as she glanced at his work. You're coming along."
More blushing, before he ducked his head slightly and glanced away.
"Thank you. I've been trying to get as much practice in as I can."
"I can tell."
She suddenly hunched down so she could face him. Her eyes focused on his.
"Yuugi, don't push yourself so hard. My circumstances are different then yours. To tell you the truth, I'm the reincarnation of a Priestess and because of that I was able to absorb some of her powers. She's the reason why I can shoot, so don't try to be like me. You're doing a great a job."
Now he felt silly. Maybe he shouldnt be doing this afterall... however, he's kind of pinged by something she said.
"You're the reincarnation of someone, too?"
She blinked. "Yeah she's here on the Island. Her name is Kikyou and she was..is Priestess in the Feudal Era who had a very important job. She fell in love with...with Inuyasha whose also here and she lost her live to someone who tricked them. In her possession was the Sacred Jewel. This Jewel can be used for good or evil and its extremely powerful. It can raise a demon's or human's power incredibly high. In Kikyou's possession it was purified and could do no harm. When she died, she was burned with it and 500 years later, I was born with it inside of me. I also have some of Kikyou's abilities like being able to shoot."
She smiled slightly but then had to ask. "Who are you the reincarnation of?"
"I.." Wow, this was.. weird to explain. He smiled sheepishly, glancing back toward the target.
"I was... an Egyptian pharaoh in my past life." Gee, wonder who that could be.
She blinked at that and thought to Atem who sometimes mentions Egyptian things and besides it would fit. They do look an awfully a lot alike..
"You're the reincarnation of Atem?"
And the way she mentioned it...
It was hard for Yuugi to really grasp it sometimes. Atem was everything he wanted to be one day; confident, independent, strong. He looked up to the ex-Pharaoh, called him his 'other self' and yet according to Atem, they were equals, despite being completely different.
"Yeah, I've been told that before." Sheepish expressions were the norm for him.
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