It's 'Pester Kaiba Day', everybody!

Oct 25, 2010 13:18

Who: Kaiba Seto, Open

What: He just turned twenty, man. He's supposed to be in court today, laughing in the faces of all of those people who tried to take his company or his brother away from him because he was a minor. Instead he was traipsing across town, getting caught up in random visions and trying to fish out his Not!Boyfriend lover rival before he goes and emos himself into a hole. Or into Kia's hands. Either one. What a way to spend a birthday, even if you do hate it.

When: Today, October 25! After Cissnei's thread, as well.
Where: In town, near the apartment building at first.
Warnings: Scary things, the usual Kaiba...stuff, other things to be added if necessary. Nightmares mentioned: Larxene's, little Yuuki's

This was not where Kaiba was supposed to be today. Not according to any of his plans.

He should have been off the Island by now. He had tried to be off the Island by now. Failing that, he should have been safely ensconced in the mountains, far away from anyone who might have tried to waste any of his precious time. He should have been finishing his dragons and testing them for the first time, their carefully designed scales reflecting only the light of the moon and stars. He was supposed to be...well, if not happy, then content. He might have even bothered to catch up on the sleep that weeks of illness and work had deprived him of. There was a duel to plan for, to maybe even win.

But no, the Island always had other ideas. After waking up only to see Mokuba endlessly out of his reach, the rest of the visions had seemed tame by comparison. Cissnei could handle herself. She had only needed, really, to be reminded of that, and the blond man had meant nothing to him. He could shoot without worrying about repercussions here. And the monster he was staring down now, with it's tentacles and bright yellow eyes, wasn't all that impressive. Kaiba had come up with worse on his own, his mind latching onto the visions Atem had imposed on him, and the Wicked Worm Beast with that horrible consuming mouth....

The CEO snarled. No. He was supposed to be dragging people out of this shit, not dwelling on it himself. Besides, the important part was that it wasn't the Wicked Worm Beast. It wasn't his. If he was seeing visions that weren't a part of him (and that creepy statue of the girl constantly appearing out of the corner of his eye really reinforced it), there was much more going on than he had suspected initially. He had to figure this out.

But first, the monster.

atem mutou, open, seto kaiba

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