
Oct 24, 2010 19:58

Who: Cissnei, Illusion!Rufus ShinRa and Open! Multiple threads are love as always~
What: Reliving other's nightmares and having them turn into her own. It seems that the rescuer might need some rescuing this time.(Waffles fails at making these up, so she'll torture the muse some other way.)
Where: Starting in the town. Where ( Read more... )

cissnei, preston marlowe, open, kikyou, seto kaiba, kagome

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i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 00:49:24 UTC
Kagome's eyes widened as she saw Cissnei on the ground with a chain around her neck. She wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Staring at the person holding the end of the chain, Kagome drew her bow.

"Let her go!"


crimsonguarddog October 25 2010, 01:00:00 UTC
The man at the end of the leash turned his eyes away from Cissnei to the girl, a blond brow arched in question at the archaic weapon she held in her hand. Really. "I don't think it is any of your business," He replies smoothly, voice cold all the same. "What I do with my unruly hounds."

For emphasis, he jerks the chain, forcing Cissnei to let go and hit the ground.


bellflower_miko October 25 2010, 01:03:44 UTC
Kikyou had been wandering around, rather disturbed considering she was incredibly apathetic.

She overheard Kagome's voice and approached, watching the two (or three, rather) from a distance.


i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 01:13:58 UTC
Kagome continued to aim the arrow at the man holding Cissnei, completely unaware of Kikyou. All of her attention was focused on the man holding her friends.

"She's my friend so it is my business. Let her go"

When he jerked the chain, she pulled the arrow back even more and took actual aim.

"Let her GO!"


crimsonguarddog October 25 2010, 01:22:36 UTC
"You have friends?" He questioned Cissnei, who only answered him with a snarl." It amused him all that much more. He lessened the tight hold on the collar enough to let the woman breath, if not just to let her see how foolish this exchange was.

Silly girl, thinking she could fight of somebody else's monsters. The illusion's eyes drifted toward Kikyou as well, offering her a unsettling smirk. Another to watch the show?


i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 01:43:01 UTC
She glared at the man. "Of course she has friends!" She said as she glared at him. How can be amused by this. Its horrible to keep someone like that. Her arrow never wavered but it did seem as though he loosened it slightly.

When the eyes moved over Kikyou, Kagome eyes shifted as well and she saw the other Miko. What was Kikyou doing there?


Um, is it kosher if I butt in as well? ;; deadliestberet October 25 2010, 02:13:46 UTC
Preston narrowed his eyes and eyed the scene from a few yards back. Un-slinging his sniper rifle and getting into a prone position on the ground before looking through his scope. Aiming at the man's head before firing his 50. caliber bullet. Looking through the scope he watched eagerly to see if he made the shot or not. If he didn't then there was still that girl with the arrow who would also attack him. Still Preston pulled back the bolt, ejecting the used cartridge and bringing up a fresh bullet to fire.


It's fine it's fine! crimsonguarddog October 25 2010, 02:27:36 UTC
Finally someone thought to take the other out. The shot hits, shattering the illusion of the man and the leash easily like glass, spraying across the sidewalk. Cissnei's hand rise to her throat, pulling off what was left of the collar and tossing it as hard as she could down the street, mind still swimming with the encounter.

You're never going to get rid of us. We are as much of you as you yourself are.

The woman's breathing is a bit shallow, pained though the bruises she expected to show did not form. It took Cissnei a moment longer than usual to go from on her knees to standing, looking at Kagome, then turning around to see where the shot had come form.


i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 02:52:37 UTC
She had just decided to let go when the bullet came flying though the illusion. She sighed and relaxed her arms. She didn't like shooting anything unless she had to but it looked like it was taken out of her hands. She lowered her bow and ran to Cissnei's side.

She went to gently put her hand on the other girl. "Are you okay Cissnei?"


crimsonguarddog October 25 2010, 03:12:36 UTC
Tense and nerves on fire, torn and frayed so not just from the encounter, but everything leading up to it, Cissnei fell into what she knew best, that cold, relentless and ruthlessness that tapered down the kind but serious woman most of the people here had come to know.

"Don't touch me-!" She batted the other's hand away forcefully, words tumbling into a coughing fit, dry and raw. She felt sick, unsure, jumpy and weak most of all. A horrid, horrid feeling.


i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 03:29:18 UTC
She flinched somewhat but besides that she didn't show any emotion. She realized that after Cissnei experienced such a horror, that she would be upset. She sat back on her heels and she looked the other woman over. She didn't say anything but she wasn't about to leave her either.


deadliestberet October 25 2010, 03:31:17 UTC
Preston stared at what was happening from his position. Standing up he was torn between whether or not he should approach them and try to help calm Cissnei down. Sighing he decided to do just that. Walking up to the small group while slinging his rifle around his back.


crimsonguarddog October 25 2010, 03:50:54 UTC
She eyes the approaching Preston first and foremost, stepping so that she could see the both of them at the same time but... Idiotic, Cissnei. Her weak inner voice chides herself.

It doesn't help her relax, but she doesn't look ready to attack anyone.


i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 04:02:30 UTC
Kagome glanced up at Preston and she smiled at him somewhat.

Her eyes widened as she saw the move from Cissnei but she was uncomfortable so she shifted. She slowly moved so she was kneeling instead since it was more comfortable for her. She figured that if she was lower on the ground, it made her look less as a threat. She moved, again with slowness and she put her bow on the ground to show that she was unarmed. She respected Cissnei but she also knew that the other woman was extremely skilled as a warrior.

"Its okay Cissnei...it was just a nightmare." Her voice was low and she lowered her head as she remembered her own. It had been terrifying.


crimsonguarddog October 25 2010, 16:44:22 UTC
Though Kagome's gesture helped, Cissnei was still jumpy, her restraints on the guard dog side of her broken and rendering her feral. This place, this place was a neverending reminder of her failures on Gaia, of ShinRa Zack Meteor Failure and ten minutes too late.

You're doing exactly what he would expect of you. Her inner voice reasons sharply, bringing back some clear conscious to the woman. Her hands relax from being balled up into fists, half moon marks on her palm sure to of been there if not for her gloves. One hand is raised to press into her face, breathing slowing and deepening as she forced herself calm.

No vicious wild dogs out of this one.

"I know."


i_am_kagome October 25 2010, 19:26:03 UTC
Kagome remained exactly how she was sitting and looked up at Cissnei. She gently smiled at the other woman as she glanced around her.

"For an event, Kia could have picked something gentler. I don't know about yours but mine involved seeing my worst nightmare coming to fruition. The worse thing about it is no matter how hard I tried, for a few seconds I froze and the faces of the dead stared up at me as though they were hoping for salvation and that was me."

She shuddered somewhat at the memory. Why did I just tell all of her that? Kagome sighed and shook her head but she had kept her voice soft and soothing hoping to distract the other woman and to relax her.


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