Who: Kikyou and Open What: Kikyou's never been in such a modern place before. Time to learn more about it. When: All day today. Where: Around the island. Warnings: None that I can think of!
Sesshomaru was traveling the island, doing the same thing as Kikyou. he was looking for a way off this island. He couldn't sense the one responsible for his being here. However, he did sense someone else. Kikyou.
Talk about sensing a strong demonic presence. But it was familiar, thankfully, and wasn't one she was wholly interested in locating. Still, paths did tend to cross frequently.
She turned to him, expression and stance neutral.
Her head tipped in a brief nod of acknowledgment, but nothing more.
"Neither do I." She respected him as well, though mostly it was indirect through apathy. He didn't have anything to do with her 'missions', and therefore was just... sort of there.
She turned to him, expression and stance neutral.
Her head tipped in a brief nod of acknowledgment, but nothing more.
She can play the whole factual game, as well.
"I have been told that we cannot leave this place--no matter how much we try."
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