You are of course welcome to my class.

Oct 08, 2010 01:10

Who: Kaiba Seto and (little)Yuuki
What: Yuuki doesn't know about computers. Kaiba's not going to allow that.
When: This morning
Where: Carpal Tunnel Arcade
Warnings: Kaiba's life lessons.

The arcade was quiet, as it usually was this early in the morning. It didn't seem to make any difference to Kaiba. As soon as he had checked all the machines (including the coffee machine) and turned them on, he was back on his laptop working away. Of course he knew Yuuki was supposed to be dropped in his presence that day...but it did him no benefit to sit and wait until it happened. It would be obvious when she showed up, anyway.

It takes a few hours but Yuuki does come walking by the arcade. She's excited and happy to be spending time with him. In fact she was so excited that she had a hard time falling asleep last night. But here she comes, rushing through to open the door and step inside, looking around for him.

“ ...Mister Kaiba? “ she called.

"I'm here," Kaiba said coolly after a soft sigh, shifting back away from his desk. At least he had had a few minutes to organize himself.

Yuuki didn't see him but heard this voice. At least he was here. So walked over to the counter, trying to stand on her tip-toes to try and see him. "Okay!"

Kaiba glanced out the open office door, before shaking his head. "Yuuki, in the office. Turn right. Follow my voice," he called.

Yuuki blinked, but did as she was instructed. She turned right and followed his voice. She came up to the doorway and hung there, peeking in a little. "I'm here!"

Kaiba glanced over, inclining his head. "You can come in," he prompted.

With a nod Yuuki steps in, taking a look around the place. She hadn't seen an awesome before so it was interesting to see.

" does ...this work?" she asked, tilting her head a little.

"You wanted to know what a computer was?" The brunet reminded her, motioning her over with a motion of his hand. "This is it."

His laptop was twisted toward her, a simple word document open on it, nothing she could hurt.

Brown eyes blinked, looking at the...square rectangle thing. There was a blank piece of paper on it so she tried to reach up and take it down..but nothing! She couldn’t grab it.

"...what's it do?" she was curious about it, but didn't want to accidentally break it.

"You type on it," Kaiba said. "It's just like writing something down, only you use the keyboard attached.

He leaned over the desk to type away, producing a nonsense sentence. "It's faster and easier to read than writing. Better."

Yuuki watched him, totally in awe of what he was explaining to her. While she could write a little bit, her handwriting was still scribbly. When Kaiba was finished typing she wondered if he would let her try. "...can I try?"

Kaiba took one look at her stubby fingers, then glanced at his laptop. The machine nobody touched. Ever. "You can, if you're careful," he finally said.

She gave him a bright smile.

"I will be, promise! Super, super promise!"

Kaiba sighed and scooted back his chair.

"Then go for it," he said, pulling the computer onto his lap so she could better reach it. And, of course, so he could pull it away if necessary.

Yuuki watched him as he placed the machine on his lap. She thought Kaiba was going to let her sit on his lap but that didn't happen. Carefully she got closer to him, looking down at the keyboard. Using her index finger, she hit the 'h' button then the 'i' button. She glanced up on the screen.

"Hi! I typed hi!" she was clearly impressed with it.

Kaiba sighed. This shouldn't be that great of an accomplishment, at her age. "Yes, you did," he said dryly, not so fond of pointing out the obvious.

Yuuki was oblivious to Kaiba's dry remark, and instead she focused on typing out more simple words she knew. Things like 'dog', 'hello', 'bye' and the like. As she typed she kept on using one finger. She began to pout though.

"How come the...letters aren't next to each other? Why is 'a' far from 'b'?"

"You're supposed to use both hands," he said, spreading his out as an example. "And it's made more on the basis of letters most commonly used, rather than the alphabet."

"Both hands?" Yuuki repeated, staring down at hers. She carefully placed her fingers on the keyboard but found she had trouble trying to type. She was right handed and relied on that to do more of the typing.

" there anything else a computer can do?" she asked, starting to get bored with typing one word after another.

"Quite a bit," Kaiba said. "People run the world on computers now. You can transfer money, communicate with people, and access more information on one than you could in any library. I make games with it."

"More information?" she asked before falling quiet for a moment. "...can you look up...any information on me?"

He looked at her for a moment, trying to work out what she was getting after. Slowly, he shook his head.

"Not the information you want," he said quietly. "The internet on this Island is limited. I can only pull up your signature, messages, and location, same as if on the L337Pod."

Yuuki pouted a little, but shook her head. That was alright. She didn't need to know. She had a family! Atem and Yuugi were her family.

"...that's okay.." she murmured before putting her finger on the mousepad. She blinked when a little arrow moved back and forth.

"...what's this?"

"You can start over," Kaiba continued. "People have done" Her question interrupted him, and he glanced back at the computer to see what she was doing.

"That's the mouse pointer. You interact with what's on the screen with it."

"How...?" she asked, still curious as to how to work the computer. "Are we doing anything else today?"

"It depends on how well you do with this," Kaiba said. "You have to know it to succeed in the real world. Everything runs off of computers now."

He shifted his arm to use his own purchased wireless mouse, the pointer moving with his hand before exiting out of the word processor. "Interfacing with it is how you use it. You just move the pointer with the mouse that I'm using, or the pad under your fingers," he instructed.

Yuuki listened carefully. Okay so...the mouse thing moved when she had her finger on the pad..

"Then what?" she asked, keeping her finger on the pad.

"You move your finger on the pad," Kaiba said dryly. "You press the button underneath to open up something."

Yuuki nodded, moving her finger a little to a small icon and clicked on it. She waited to see what would happen.

The icon changed color, but nothing opened. "Press it it twice. Quickly," Kaiba prompted again.

Yuuki quickly did as she was told. She clicked it twice.

The icon opened this time, showing a full map of Salkia. "Not too different from what the L337Pods can do," he added. "They're really just smaller computers."

"Really?" Yuuki breathed. So the LP was really a small computer? Go figure!

"So...I can find Atem anywhere? On here?" she asked, deciding it was best to not call him 'Daddy' in front of Kaiba.

Kaiba smirked. "If you knew how to pull up his signature. It's a little harder than just pulling up the map or using a word processor," he said.

Yuuki pouted for a moment, thinking over her next question. "...could you show me?"

"Show you to..." Kaiba said, before hesitating. There was no way this kid was going to learn computer code anytime soon. She had to master basic functions before she could even think of having access to code.

"You need to know computer language to use it properly," he finally replied with a frown. "Focus on learning how to use it."

Oh...well that made sense. She...guessed, but since Kaiba was teaching her she trusted him. With a nod she looked back at the mpa, trying to figure out how to close it.


He was expecting more resistance to that. Kaiba glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, then nodded.

"Whatever Atem tells you, learning this could be one of the most important things you do," he insisted. "Babies grow up on these things now. You're already behind as it is."

"..I'm behind?" it wasn't a question but more of a statement. She frowned slightly. She wanted to make Atem proud of her! Same with Yuugi! How could she if she was...behind?

"I'll catch up! I promise I will!" she was eager to learn and succeed.

One brown eyebrow rose. "You will, hn?" Kaiba repeated, surprised at her eagerness.

She nodded her head eagerly. "I want to make Atem and Yuugi proud! So I'll do my best!"

There it was. Kaiba rolled his eyes, unable to resist the impulse.

"They won't know the difference. Do this for yourself," he replied. "That's the only way you'll manage to succeed."

"But..." she pouted a little.

"I am doing this for make them proud..." it made sense to her.

Kaiba sighed.

"That's not doing it for yourself. You want them to react and say something, correct?" he pointed out.

"Yes..." Yuuki didn't see where he was going with this.

"Then you're depending on them to approve of you," he finished. "What does it matter? They're not you. You worry about what you need for yourself, and nothing else. Nobody is going to worry about it for you."

"..But...they're taking care of me...and the least I can behave...and do well..." she told him, looking down at the ground. She was starting to feel uneasy, like she had done something wrong by defending her point to him.

"Yuuki," Kaiba sighed, pressing his hand to the bridge of his nose. "Look at me and tell me what you want to say. I'm not going to pay attention if you're talking to the floor."

Yuuki frowned. Why did she have to look up? He could hear her just fine. Grumbling to herself she looked up, frowning still.

"..But they're taking care of me and the least I can do is behave and do well," she repeated, a little frustration in her voice.

"You can," Kaiba said, nodding a little once she lifted her head, "but it's not a good thing to decide to do something only for someone else. Someone will come and take advantage of you."

"But it's only for them! For them and me, no one else!" she argued.

"This time," the CEO pointed out. "But what happens when the next person you like wants you to do something you don't want to do?"

Yuuki opened her mouth to say she wouldn't but instantly closed she would. At least she thought she would. So Kaiba...did have a point. Slowly she raised her head up at him.

"...I want to do this for me then."

Kaiba blinked at the slow answer, before smirking. "Good. Let's try the keyboard again."

seto kaiba, yuuki kuran

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