Boku no turn!

Sep 26, 2010 10:36

Who: Yuugi Mutou, Seto Kaiba, and OPEN. (NOTE: There will be no order to this as the actual duel will probably be glossed over. Just a pre-game sorta thing, a duel/cheer squad thing, and then the ending. Also, if you said you were going to watch in Yuugi's entry, feel free to show up!)
What: Yuugi challenged Kaiba to a throwdown duel. Here's the ( Read more... )

cissnei, yuugi mutou, open, seto kaiba, kagome, larxene, katsuya jounouchi, usagi tsukino, atem mutou

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I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, IT'S ALL TSUN TSUN HERE. shutupandduelme September 26 2010, 18:12:14 UTC
There was no chance of Yuugi getting a break on this. He had challenged Kaiba in public, and it had been accepted. Mokuba was not here to pull the brunet's attention away. And out of all the reasons, and perhaps the most dangerous, Kaiba was curious. He hadn't had the chance to seriously duel Yuugi and Yuugi alone yet. Atem had gone to him to move him on to the after life, and Yuugi had won. The CEO had never understood why. There was a faint thought in the back of his mind that maybe, possibly, he would find the answers he sought in the duel. It would even better if he could see it in the younger boy, then win.

First thing's first, though. He had to actually get there. If Yuugi was calling it early, Kaiba would call it just in time. He wasn't far off from the other, white coat flaring out behind him and Duel Disk sitting comfortably on his arm. His face was completely impassive and his stare was intense. The CEO wasn't feeling quite as much of a pull as he usually did when he was dueling Atem...but it wasn't a look of contempt. It was better than most duelists would get.

"Shuffle it all you like, the answer isn't going to come to you," he said coolly, announcing his presence with his head high.


DON'T MIND ME GUIZ note_atem September 26 2010, 20:00:07 UTC
Of course he'd encouraged his partner into dueling Kaiba. He'd encourage Yuugi into dueling anyone- or doing anything. Yuugi could do anything, and it was his job to make him see that. To nurture and encourage. He still hadn't forgot that. And he'd been so proud when Yuugi had challenged Kaiba, just like he said (well sort of, but it was a good start!).

So it wasn't very hard to separate himself from work for a little while to go watch the duel. He'd be there. He'd promised. And he'd rather be nowhere else. There was sort of a weird twinge in his chest though. It would be odd to watch Yuugi duel- and duel Kaiba no less. But he still wanted to be there.

Head held high, arms tucked across his chest, he appeared silently on the sidelines. This was exciting. It was fantastic. If only he could get everyone else on the island to start dueling, maybe they'd understand.


KAIBA IS LIKE THE GRINCH; HIS HEART IS THREE SIZES TOO SMALL. pintsizeduelist September 26 2010, 22:06:13 UTC
Yuugi tensed a bit when Kaiba arrived. As usual, he made an entrance. Right on time, as well. He smiled a bit, despite himself, but even that was rather... clumsy and nervous.

He knew why Kaiba wanted to battle. He wanted to see if Yuugi was worth his time. Alone, anyway. The duels with him in the past had been with Atem, and Yuugi had just.. offered input, really, when necessary.

He still wasn't sure how he beat Atem on his own. He was afraid to even ask, either, since that battle was definitely a sensitive point for Atem.

But.. the fact that Kaiba had mentioned it first..

"It always does, eventually!" Yuugi had replied with a shy grin, not yet noticing his other lurking in the shadows, too focused on Kaiba's billowy entrance to be too observant. "I believe in what they have to say!"


I would up that multiplier by at least double, tbh. shutupandduelme September 26 2010, 22:22:41 UTC
With Yuugi's presence as unimpressive as could be, Kaiba was free do have a perfunctory scan of his surroundings before the duel. He had fully expected Atem (because ultimately the duel was his idea, according to what was uncovered on the NETWORK) and even offered his rival a glance of acknowledgment before moving on. Usagi's presence...was less interesting. They'd be lucky if she didn't do something foolish before the duel was over. More reason to make it quick, then.

His gaze eventually settled on Yuugi for the second time, as a smirk played over his lips. "A man who hears his cards speaking to him belongs in the hospital, not on the dueling field," he commented.

The brunet took a few steps forward until they were the proper regulation distance away, before raising his arm and allowing the Disk plates to slide into place. "Then again, you always were groping for someone else's strength to depend on rather than your own. How many of your rabble shall I be expecting to show up?"

He wasn't going to hold back, in words or in action. If Yuugi was capable of beating Atem, he could handle it.


Kaiba wry u so meen note_atem September 26 2010, 22:30:19 UTC
Atem immediately gave Kaiba a nod back, out of respect. And he'd managed to wipe the smile off his face to do it. He couldn't really appear to be as excited as he was. That was.. perhaps childish of him. And while rooting for Yuugi, he was also somehow rooting for Kaiba as well. So it had to all be silent.

Though his hands clenched slightly, tucking tighter into his chest as he watched Kaiba talk down to his partner. It was very hard not to interrupt, but he knew his place here. He couldn't protect Yuugi from this. Even if he really, really wanted to tell Kaiba to watch it.


You're a mean one, Mr. Kaiba~ pintsizeduelist September 27 2010, 20:03:26 UTC
Kaiba's words stung more than he would've liked them to, and he felt his cheeks darken a little. Still, he tried to stand strong.. even if standing strong for him left him with that lacking confident slouch he tended to have all the time. This was a bad idea. A really bad idea.

The puzzle felt heavier on his neck. He didn't want to do this. Suddenly, it weighed in on him how horrible an idea this was. He didn't feel the pull at the edges of his subconscious, nor did he feel the hovering presence next to him. The option to disappear into his soul room wasn't an option, even if his free hand lightly moved to brush against one of it's sides. A subtle check to make sure it was still there.

Yuugi felt horribly alone. Was this what dueling without Atem felt like?

"It hasn't failed me yet." Yuugi spoke with as much confidence as he could manage, for it was words not only his Grandfather reinforced, but his other self, as well. "Trusting in your deck is a big part in being a duelist!"

He still didn't notice Atem, too wrapped up in Kaiba and the fact that he was suddenly insulting his beliefs. As was... expected, really. It was just new to deal with them on his own. Sure, Yuugi dealt with bullies constantly.. but he could tell the insults he got from Kaiba weren't the usual kind of teasing or abuse he got from the jerks at school. No, these bothered him in a different way.. one he didn't entirely understand.

"There's nothing wrong with relying on your friends, Kaiba-kun."

He smiled at the mention of his friends, despite the way Kaiba commented on them, though inwardly he was a wreck. He couldn't deny the fact that he did rely on others for strength but... a glance to Usagi and the small crowd that gathered, especially faces he was a bit surprised at seeing, seemed to quiet that for the moment. Atem was, more or less, in a blind spot to his other side; since he was quiet and 'inconspicuous', he didn't notice him yet. He spoke as calmly as he could manage, latching onto his beliefs and holding steadfast, besides the fact that he was rather flustered.

"And I didn't say we had to wait for anyone! Unless you intend on stalling for even more time.."


/steals everyone's presents...except for KC products shutupandduelme September 27 2010, 20:43:54 UTC
Kaiba's smirk spread a little wider as he watched Yuugi's cheeks darken and his posture falter. This boy was acting no better than the rank amateurs he had faced in tournaments. It was all the more reason to get to the game. Seeing the other duelist like this was encouraging...and disappointing at the same time. He was sure that disappointment would fade soon. It had to.

"Only offering you whatever handicap you need," he remarked mockingly. It didn't matter. Yuugi could bring the whole Island to scream for him, and he would hardly notice. "But if you're so eager to see your defeat, so be it. Duel!"

The Duel Disk shimmered at his voice command, a promise of things to come. Yuugi would get his look at the upgraded holograms after all. In comparison to his, with the exception of the Blue Eyes White Dragon and a few other monsters, the images coming from Kaiba's Disk blew Yuugi's out of the water.


I WANTED THOSE PRESENTS ;_; note_atem September 27 2010, 21:05:35 UTC
Atem's posture was absolutely rigid. Not with anxiety, but with upset. No one had the right to speak to Yuugi like that. He only had relaxed a little when Yuugi seemed to be handling himself at least alright. He could tell the signs that said that his partner might have not been faring so well underneath the facade he was trying to pass off. But it was.. enough.

Or maybe not. Even as Kaiba was about ready to call duel, he decided to call something else. A soft reminder of his presence. And that he was always going to be there for Yuugi when the other needed him (at least on this island).

"Aibou." Full of confidence and warmth. A small way of saying, I'm here and I believe in you.


HEY MY SILLY BANDZ ;o; pintsizeduelist September 28 2010, 04:03:23 UTC
"I don't need a handicap." Yuugi stated, rather defensively... to the ground at Kaiba's feet. His friendships were important to him; he'd be nothing without his friends. To always be there, for him to always be available to.. that's all Yuugi ever wanted. And he took his friendships very seriously.

As Kaiba signaled the start of the duel, he reached for his own disk to activate it. He paused, but then.. he heard Atem's voice. He straightened up and glanced over, trying to find the source. So, he did show up. Not that he doubted it, but... knowing he was there..

Yuugi smiled, and nodded, before glancing back over to Kaiba with a slightly straighter posture to his stance. His disk was activated and his cards were drawn, and... honestly, though he did expect the Blue Eyes dragons to look perfect.. the rest of the holograms were equally impressive.

It made him an overjoyed fanboy eager just to play against them, regardless of the outcome.

"My turn!" Declaring his turns in a far less arrogant way, he summoned his monsters regardless of how they looked. After all, it was what they could do that mattered, in the end.

Yes, even Kuriboh popped out to play.


NO SILLY BANDZ FOR U. shutupandduelme September 28 2010, 04:15:36 UTC
What they could do...was not what Kaiba expected. He started off the duel stone faced, his tunnel vision limiting the world to just himself and Yuugi. Every play he made was just as commanding as it would have been against Atem. He couldn't risk offering any less.

But as the cards were played, and life points fell, his glare grew darker. He could see the mistakes Yuugi was making. This was the person Atem chose to defeat him? Kaiba ended up making particularly nasty work of Kuriboh, just to make a point.

"You're starting to make me think Atem was trying to lose in Egypt," he growled. "Play like you mean it, or submit and let my cards burn you away. I sacrifice my two monsters to summon the third Blue Eyes White Dragon!"


BUT I LYKES COLLECTING note_atem September 28 2010, 04:51:11 UTC
As the duel went on, he stood straight and very alert. He was rooting for Yuugi, always. Even.. even if he could easily as well see the certain mistakes the younger was making. He still believed in his partner. Even if the duel didn't go his way, he believed Yuugi was trying his hardest.

The smack talking, however, had gone on long enough. Especially with what Kaiba had just said. It wasn't only a remark at Yuugi, but himself as well. One he just couldn't sit quiet for anymore.

"Kaiba! Watch your words!" He had to shout over the roar of the monsters and the Duel Disks- or at least that's what he hoped it looked like. That insult dug at him more than he would have liked to admit.


HEY THOSE ARE MINE GIVE THEM BACK pintsizeduelist September 28 2010, 06:38:22 UTC
Yuugi flinched as Kuriboh was ruthlessly attacked, and a glance to his counter showed what he knew already: his life points suffered at that. What was wrong with him? He couldn't get his head into the game. There was something distracting him... and he wasn't sure what.

Sure, Kaiba's dragons were intimidating, but he's fought them before. He had wanted to make sure to keep them from emerging, but they did.. they did anyway. They always emerged.

He glanced at his hand again, trying to mask his upset at the words Kaiba was spouting.. Atem wouldn't have lost on purpose to him, would he?

Atem stepped in verbally though, and that recaptured his attention, but.. Yuugi was just... this was awful. He wasn't sure why he was losing. Why did he agree to this again?

The holograms were beautiful, though..

Yuugi shook his head and drew the next card, and blinked at it a moment. It was... the Magician of Faith. The card he saw before the match.

...Anzu's card.

It struck an odd chord in him, even now despite knowing what it was. He shook his head and used a few spell cards to power up his Dark Magician, setting two cards face down, as well as one monster in defense position.

He estimated he only had a handful of turns left before he lost. And losing to Kaiba.. was a scarier thought than winning to him."

"Your turn!"


/carries them up Mt. Crumpet shutupandduelme September 28 2010, 07:28:48 UTC
Kaiba just smirked and shook his head, sparing a glance towards Atem for the first time since the match started. "It's either your duel or his," he shouted back. "It's a little late to change your mind now!"

He turned back to Yuugi and his dragons. What a sight they would be in another month or so. Even now, they towered above the field, heads held high as his pride and soul ought to be. And with his next card...which Kaiba knew exactly, even as he pulled it, they would be more beautiful still. With the way Yuugi had been playing, he didn't really deserve this end. But the CEO was hardly going to hold back for anything.

"You're finished, Yuugi," he proclaimed, before brandishing the Polymerization card in front of him. "I combine my Blue Eyes White Dragons into the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" he called.


/is now little Yuugi Loo Who pintsizeduelist September 28 2010, 09:22:21 UTC
Yuugi could feel himself panic, feel the end of the battle lurking in the distance. He shielded his eyes from the light of the Ultimate dragon because seriously, despite it being a hologram it was so bright to look at it.

It might as well have seriously existed, standing there, reflecting the sun's rays into his eyes.

Yuugi drew a card, and then used a spell card to draw more. There had to be.. something..

...There it was. And another.

Maybe if he activated the spell card earlier, if he drew out the card earlier, it might've made a difference, but..

He stared at the Swords of Revealing Light card. He could play it.. he could use it to buy more time. But then what? He realized how vastly inferior his deck was to the one that he and Atem used to share. After all... Atem was the king of games. Not Yuugi.

It was as if his deck was trying to tell him something. His faith wasn't truly in his deck.

He smiled a bit, as if realization. Maybe Atem did let him win... amazing how the duel brought such sadness to Atem and how Kaiba mocked it.. maybe Atem regretted it?

He slouched a bit. None of his monsters could handle an attack from the Ultimate dragon. And his life points.. while he did quite a number on Kaiba's, the amount he had remaining certainly overshadowed what was on Yuugi's side of the field.

"...I don't have anything that could protect my life points from your dragons, Kaiba-kun." He admitted in such a way that kind of... stabbed at his heart. Atem had spoiled him to the thought of winning all the time, and it was.. very bitter.

"You win."


/gives pat on head note_atem September 28 2010, 09:28:09 UTC
Atem never thought of the possibility of Yuugi losing. Even when faced with the awesome might of that dragon, Atem seriously thought Yuugi could do it. He never doubted his partner, not once. And when he saw Yuugi using his cards to effectively draw more, it was almost as if he were a spirit again. He thought he knew the card in Yuugi's hand-

Yuugi had been staring at it, after all. It must have been something worth while. Something to hold Kaiba off. He was waiting for Yuugi to play it, looking at Kaiba to get his reaction when the brunet realized the duel was not over-

And it was his own reaction that surprised him. He paled, his head whipping back around to Yuugi. He was... giving up?! How could that be?! How was that possible?! Yuugi never gave up! He was grasping at something, there was a painful feeling in his chest. This wasn't real, it just couldn't be. Yuugi never.. never gave up. In his darkest times when he had wanted to give up, Yuugi was always there to tell him to continue on. could this be? He was so startled, standing there blank faced, that he really couldn't even muster up anything to say. What was going on?


..Screw that. /Ignores shutupandduelme September 28 2010, 18:41:05 UTC
Kaiba head lifted. He stared intently at his opponent across the field, unable to accept what he had just heard. True, the Duel was just about over. Anyone could see that, considering Yuugi's decisions up to this point. But to just give up? That was unacceptable.

"You don't deserve such a quick end after that," Kaiba growled, absolutely disgusted. He lifted his arm again, his cards positioned to point in a straight line towards Yuugi. "But I have no interest in continuing this farce. Attack, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

The Dragon's three heads reared back and released a blast so bright it would force everyone to look away or turn their heads. Everyone except Kaiba himself, of course. But there was none of that self-satisfaction that usually crept onto his face in the final strike of a duel. It was only the stone face he had worn the entire time...with a hint of disappointment.


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