What day is today? It's Mokuba's Birthday.

Jul 07, 2010 14:18

Who: Seto Kaiba and OPEN!
What: It's Mokuba's birthday party! There are streamers and banners and food around! There are no vuvuzela noises in the mess hall! Come check it out, whether you know the kid or not!
When: July 7th, afternoon
Where: The mess hall and outside
Warnings: TBA. Start your own threads guys, you don't necessarily have to be ( Read more... )

cissnei, fate t harlaown, jun motomiya, yuugi mutou, open, seto kaiba, kagome, larxene, atem mutou, mokuba kaiba

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savage_nymphxii July 8 2010, 00:31:04 UTC
Larxene arrived and glanced in. She stood for a few seconds with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Obviously they went through a lot of trouble for this stupid little brat.

The blond walked around the mess hall as she examined the different people. She was quiet and watchful with a smirk on her lips. Although she talked a lot of smack, she was intelligent and she would rather know the people she was up against. Although it did seem as though they extend an invitation just for her.

She approached the food table and she glanced at it. She was a Nobody so she did not eat regular food but that did not stop her from glancing at it.

"So where is the brat?" She asked the room at large.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 02:04:33 UTC
The brunet leaning against the wall didn't move off of it, or even open his eyes. His mouth, however, twitched into a deeper scowl once he heard the shrill and irritating voice. She had no concept of subtlety.

"I think she just spoke," he said dryly over his crossed arms. "I hear no one else throwing around aimless words."


savage_nymphxii July 8 2010, 02:27:28 UTC
The blond heard someone talk and she whipped around with her knives coming out before she thought about it. After looking him over and realizing that she was not worth his time, she just waved him off.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 02:59:17 UTC
He might have ignored it if he hadn't heard the slide of metal across metal. She was an idiot who couldn't even produce creative insults..but flashing weapons around was another problem entirely. Blue eyes opened, revealing a hard stare.

"Are you so scared as to bring in weapons to a children's party?" he remarked icily. "Phobia of boxes?"


LMAO...sorry the whole phobia of boxes was funny savage_nymphxii July 9 2010, 00:29:06 UTC
She had started to walk away when she heard his snide comment. Turning around, she crossed her arms and smirked at him.

"Oh...I am so afraid of you! I thought that you were going to hurt me..."


shutupandduelme July 9 2010, 02:39:42 UTC
Kaiba's eyebrow raised. It seemed every time he spoke to this woman his expectations had to be lowered. His brother could have responded better.

"As much as I'd love to stand here and watch you stumble all over yourself in a weak attempt to play at sarcasm...at least, I think that's what you're trying to do, I'd much rather get to the point," he said dryly.

"The weapons are not welcome."


savage_nymphxii July 11 2010, 01:13:30 UTC
She stared at him and smirked. Moving on hand, her Kunai Knives can be seen but only on her left hand. Looking at them, she glanced back at Kaiba.

"You aren't afraid of them are you? Oh I know they are sooo scary!"

Reaching her right hand out, she shot lightening in his general direction.

"You really are stupid if you think I will listen to you."


shutupandduelme July 11 2010, 03:31:37 UTC
Kaiba twisted on his heel at the sound of the lightning crack, getting out of its way. The spot it left on the wall where he had been standing did not look promising. Still, he looked relatively unconcerned.

"Are you finished?" he asked coolly. "If so, there's one thing you'd do well to be reminded of." He tilted his head towards the multitude of other adults in the room. "Do you really feel like putting on such a pathetic show with so many eyes? You'll have a whole room knowing how weak you are."


savage_nymphxii July 11 2010, 04:45:32 UTC
She watched him move and realized that he was faster then she may have given him credit for however...it didn't bother her. He was a stupid mortal..it would not take too much effort to destroy him.

She laughed at him. "As if you guys scare me. I could take all of you one. Please if you are going point out the obvious...at least make sure you have a valid point behind it."


shutupandduelme July 11 2010, 05:06:49 UTC
Kaiba just smirked. "Stop straining yourself with all those pathetic attempts at insults, and maybe you'll see it. The strongest of your number was dealt with, and then he had others to back him up. Seeing as you feel the need to wave your weapons around and screech at people...no, you won't be much trouble at all."

He shrugged. "The heartless doesn't even respond to you. The others were able to group the heartless. How sad that you cannot."


savage_nymphxii July 11 2010, 05:26:05 UTC
She allowed her self to feel anger at this pity human's insults especially with the heartless remark. How dare he speak to her as though he is above her. She is a Nobody damnit! A member of the Organization! Lightening flew through her body as she called it upon herself. Facing him she put out both hands and allowed it to flow towards him.

"WATCH YOU SPEAK TO A NOBODY YOU VERMIN" She is not screaming as much as she's feeling the power from her attack.


shutupandduelme July 11 2010, 05:44:14 UTC
Kaiba's eyes widened slightly as she summoned the lightning, but there was too much of it to avoid it all. The energy slammed into him hard, and Kaiba's body arched back as his muscles spasmed from the excess electricity. Gods, it burned. But there were still too many people around....and she was still watching. His face remained as still as a mask, and he didn't cry out, not even once.

Pain was something he could deal with. As the electricity stopped crackling through his body, and he had the support of the wall again, he forced his lips into a horribly painful smirk.

"Strike a nerve?" he said in a mocking tone.


savage_nymphxii July 11 2010, 06:12:46 UTC
She watched his body arc back and she knew without him screaming that it had to hurt. She knew from experience what it felt like and she smirked, her alight with amusement...good...it'll teach him how to talk to her.

Realizing that it was pointless speaking to him, she started to walk away.

At his comment, she turned slightly around. "Of course not...did I?" She said in the same tone and on I she of course took out her Knives after putting them away so she could attack him.


shutupandduelme July 11 2010, 06:20:27 UTC
The brunet just laughed. "Does it look like it?" he mocked. "I'm not the one lashing out because I can't handle controlling a little brainless shadow. Doesn't look good for you, does it?"

The burning could wait. He needed this woman out of the mess hall, and if he had to use himself as bait, he would.


savage_nymphxii July 11 2010, 19:12:48 UTC
Stupid human was going to get himself killed by her. She knew very well that Anti was stronger in darkness then she was and that was why they didn't listen to her. She knew that but she would rather die then admit it.

Looking around, she spotted Mokuba and started walking towards him.


shutupandduelme July 11 2010, 20:01:30 UTC
Kaiba certainly noticed that. If she went near Mokuba, all of this would have been pointless. He couldn't allow it. Thankfully her motives were about as transparent as the air around them.

So he laughed, a mocking and harsh sound. It was fairly simple to do, as she really was pathetic. It was just a matter of vocalizing it.

"Is that all?" he snorted, seemingly finding this incredibly hilarious. "All of that bluster, and you can't even finish the job? It's easy to see why no one takes you seriously." He shook his head. "No wonder you tease children. That's about the level you're at...and even then, it's debatable. Not even they seemed to be bothered by you."


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