What day is today? It's Mokuba's Birthday.

Jul 07, 2010 14:18

Who: Seto Kaiba and OPEN!
What: It's Mokuba's birthday party! There are streamers and banners and food around! There are no vuvuzela noises in the mess hall! Come check it out, whether you know the kid or not!
When: July 7th, afternoon
Where: The mess hall and outside
Warnings: TBA. Start your own threads guys, you don't necessarily have to be ( Read more... )

cissnei, fate t harlaown, jun motomiya, yuugi mutou, open, seto kaiba, kagome, larxene, atem mutou, mokuba kaiba

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On The Sidelines.. Again. note_atem July 7 2010, 22:32:24 UTC
Atem had at least recognized that he had to pull himself together for this party. He was doing a little better than previous, enough to show up with that confident flair and at least not so pale appearance. He wasn't feeling better, but he could act like it.

He'd managed to buy before (and in the mess of his cabins find) the two presents he'd gotten for Mokuba. One was the fantastic board game of Candy Land. Atem thought this to be a good combination of the two things Kaiba told him were Mokuba's favorites.

Of course, Usagi had laughed at it. So he'd gone out one more time in search of something and come up with another game called, Uno. He had no idea what it was, but it was a card game, and those were always good. Both presents were wrapped carefully in crisp colored wrapping, the bows added on by the clerks at the store.

He placed them down on a table in the back and then resorted to leaning against the nearest wall. He'd wait and watch to see who came.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 01:58:37 UTC
It was the first time Kaiba had seen his rival in person since they had fought. It still spurred that odd twist in his chest, even though they had (as far as he knew) gotten to the point where they were speaking again. Unfortunately, there was business to be attended to and priorities that were already set. He'd have to approach the other sooner or later.

"You are already doing me the favor of being the face for this. You did not have to bring two gifts," he murmured quietly from his spot on the wall. It was just loud enough for Atem to hear without moving. He hoped.


note_atem July 8 2010, 02:01:58 UTC
The voice was very nice to hear in person, he'd have to admit. But now wasn't the time for sentimentality. It was Mokuba's birthday, and he was... sort of doing a job. Kind of.

He continued to lean, bringing his arms up to cross over his chest while still surveying. Atem didn't really even entertain the idea of looking up at the brunet for one reason or another (perhaps his eyes might give away his condition, or he realized what Kaiba was doing, or maybe his neck hurt. Who could say).

"I bought the gifts before you asked, obviously." Since the shops had disappeared. "But he's my friend, too." Or at least Kaiba had convinced him of that. Of course he wasn't going to show up empty handed.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 02:11:27 UTC
Kaiba wouldn't have noticed any movement from the other man. He was leaning back himself, his eyes closed in an attempt to conserve what little energy he still had. If there was going to be trouble, he would need this time so he could be aware later. Well..and also to enjoy the coolness of the wall. It was doing more for his headache than anything else had lately.

The brunet shrugged. "Even friends usually only do a few things. He will be very excited about whatever it is, I'm sure," he remarked coolly.


note_atem July 8 2010, 02:13:51 UTC
Atem smiled slightly to himself, his eyes lowering after another sweep of the room. Things seemed calm for now, so he could allow a little bit of relaxation. And this wasn't his party to survey, really, it was Kaiba's. If anything happened he couldn't step in without possibly angering the other. Still, that didn't stop him from doing it.

"I'm glad. I tried my best to find something he'd like." Combining the two specifications Kaiba had given him seemed like a very good idea. Despite Usagi's laughter at it.... Which had prompted the second gift.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 02:22:15 UTC
Kaiba smirked. "You could give him boxed air, and he would probably like it. He is...excitable," he said, though it was a bit of an exaggeration. His little brother was very aware and very smart. He was proud of Mokuba for that. It might have been the socializing that really made the boy happy. Mokuba hadn't had much more experience with people outside of the family who cared about him than he had.

It was good for his brother. Kaiba just had to keep telling himself that, as irritating as hosting a party was.


note_atem July 8 2010, 02:25:29 UTC
"There should be no problem, then." He smiled a little more, the emotion leaking a bit into his voice. He hadn't had much call to be smiling lately. This entire setting and the events within it had been straining and upsetting. So he was really hoping hard that no one showed up to ruin the calm air here.

For Kaiba's sake if no one else's. "At least it is quiet in here.." He murmured, though perhaps it was more trying to draw Seto into talking about his own condition. Atem knew that wasn't about to happen, but he could try.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 02:36:35 UTC
"It will not last," Kaiba said bluntly. He knew better. One of the residents would show up and break something, or would bring in one of those irritating horns. The blond woman with the cloak would show up and start throwing meaningless threats around. The girl would show up and decide to summon a dragon in the middle of the party. Nothing ever went right on Salkia.

"If anything, the others are coming. Neither you or Mokuba has the tendency to attract the quiet type as a friend."


note_atem July 8 2010, 02:40:35 UTC
There was a nod then a sigh, a small drop of his shoulders. "And you still take issue with me trying to help with those sorts of residents, yes?" For a moment his hand dropped, brushing slightly over his puzzle. That young blonde woman had really started to irk him lately.

But the thought didn't persist, his hands dropping to his sides before pressing lightly against the wall. No, he wouldn't do that- especially not here. And he trusted Kaiba to be able to handle whatever happened. Yet... if he needed to, he would definitely take the chance.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 03:12:35 UTC
The brunet's mouth twitched down slightly. "It is not your responsibility, and I am perfectly capable of handling it anyway," he said sharply. He could take care of his brother no matter what he was involved in. He had always done so. Not to mention, if Atem got hurt, it would be his fault. That was something Kaiba wanted nothing to do with.

"If something drastic happens and you wish to be useful, you will take Mokuba and get him a safe distance away," the CEO added. "That is a far more important duty than getting in anyone's face."


note_atem July 8 2010, 03:16:36 UTC
Atem did spare a small glance upwards at the brunet, but it was gone in another instant. It was all he needed. After another minute had passed, he nodded simply.

"You have my word." He'd do whatever he could to help the Kaibas. If that was all Seto needed him for besides the invites, then he would do it. Somewhere in him he just wanted to be seen as useful, still fighting off the sting of their fight. He wanted to have his place back despite the reason for the fight or how it had affected them.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 03:35:05 UTC
Kaiba's eyes finally opened slightly, glancing at the shorter man near him. He had expected more of a fight than that. Usually the other wanted the right to get involved however he pleased.

He smirked slightly and kept his tone light. He was too tired to fight, even if he had wanted to. It felt good just to go back to the usual back and forth they had always had.

"I could get used to such easy agreement," he said.


note_atem July 8 2010, 03:36:33 UTC
He smirked slightly, allowing his eyes to close fully for just the moment. It felt nice, not to have to be physically on guard or assaulted by noises or stressed- and to be so near to the other.

"I wouldn't suggest that you do." Putting up a fight against Kaiba's ideas was what he did best.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 03:56:36 UTC
The smirk grew, though Kaiba couldn't spare much more energy than this. Perhaps this was a good sign. Perhaps, just maybe, this party could go off without a hitch and no one would blunder in and interrupt. At least everything felt all right for once.

"And when have I ever taken your suggestions?" he quipped back without missing a beat.


note_atem July 8 2010, 04:00:05 UTC
"Doing so wouldn't be as fun, I suppose." He even chanced a small chuckle. Yes, this felt right. It was good and a nice reminder that through all this crap they could find things that were nostalgic after all.

He took a deep breath in, releasing it just as slow. "If fun is what you do it for, though I think I might doubt that." No, they challenged and smirked and fought because that was what they did. Maybe for the small bit of fun, but it was just natural. Atem liked that.


shutupandduelme July 8 2010, 04:17:49 UTC
"I don't have fun," Kaiba replied. "The extensive preparation of this place might have indicated that, had you paid attention. There are no party stores in a summer camp."

There was no suitable food either, besides the chips and other things that only had to be arranged. He had spent all night setting all of this up. There had been nothing at all fun about it, or anything else he did. Especially how he talked to Atem. That was all business, of course.


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