Who: Insane Spirit and Open
What: He's running around.
When: After Subaru's death.
Where: Everywhere, but he'll probably stay out of heavily populated areas.
Warnings: If you want to actually have a game with him I ask that you contact me beforehand, as it is he's just mucking about, talking to himself, and making plans. Come visit him if you want some insanity and cruelty thrown your way, or if your character was confused as to what was going on. [Also separate comment threads are love]
The boy was weak. Atem was weak. They were all weak; in their own way, and if they stayed away from each other he could tear them apart one by one. It was a delicious prospect, one that made his spine tingle. This place wasn't home, but Atem's memories filled him in to that little note. There were people here he should be wary of, that much he knew as well.
Kaiba Seto for one and that insipid girl... she was on top of that list. As it was now he was just scouting the area, sticking to the shadows as the sun had gone down. Shadows made him feel safe, protected, his ability to move about them made it all the better. But in the darkness his puzzle and Sennen symbol upon his brow would glow, giving him away. Such was life.