Playing Peacemaker

Mar 03, 2010 21:54

Who: Kallen, Lelouch, Suzaku
When: A few days after return to Salkia
Where: Around town
Rating: Uh PG-13?
Summary: Lelouch wants Kallen and Suzaku to make peace and has a brilliant idea to have them all go spend an evening together. This can only end in pain.

Now that they were back in Salkia, Lelouch had decided that the time had come for Kallen and Suzaku to make peace. He and Suzaku were getting more serious in their involvement, and Lelouch had recovered his friendship with Kallen. There were few enough people that they could trust in Salkia, and Lelouch knew that both Kallen and Suzaku were people worth trusting. Especially given that Kallen had lost two of the most important people she had in this place, it would be much better for her if this division between her and Suzaku could be eased.

Getting Suzaku and Kallen together in one place was not going to be easy. Suzaku would probably humor Lelouch's request, but Kallen would be a more difficult sell. It would take all of Lelouch's considerable powers of persuasion to get her to agree to an evening out with Suzaku. Thus, he decided to convince Suzaku first. Then, he could work on Kallen. At least in a public place, they wouldn't be able to try to kill each other...

He sat on the sofa beside Suzaku after dinner was done and rested his head against the other's shoulder. "I was thinking that tomorrow would be a nice night for dinner and a movie..." Lelouch murmured, approaching the topic as subtly as he could. "What do you think?"

"Hm, that sound nice..." Suzaku murmured distantly, munching on a potato chip as he watched television.

Lelouch smiled faintly as he turned to watch Suzaku. It was nice to see the other relaxed at home again after all this time. "I thought so. I was thinking that I would invite Kallen to come with us..." he added, waiting for the words to sink in and for Suzaku to react.

"Sounds nice..." Suzaku murmured as he ate another potato chip. After weeks of bouncing around different worlds, it was such a relief to finally be settled back down into normalcy. A normal sort of normalcy in any case. He hadn't returned home and so he took it as a sign that he could relax just a little bit more for a while longer. More time to spend as Suzaku Kururugi and not Zero. More time to spend with Lelouch and Kallen.

Suzaku then did a double take and coughed up the latest potato chip, getting crumbs on his shirt.

"Wait. What did you say?"

Lelouch waited patiently for Suzaku to process what he had said fully. He had to hide a smile when Suzaku did a double take and nearly choked on his food in surprise. It was quite obvious when Suzaku had finally realized what Lelouch had suggested.

"I said that I would like to invite Kallen to come with us. I know that she hasn't been nice to you... and that she views you as an enemy. I want to put an end to that. There is no reason for you two to be at odds now..."

Suzaku looked apprehensive, biting his lower lip as he thought about it. The few times he had attempted to talk to Kallen had not ended well at all and he recalled her threatening to kill him if he ever approached a young boy that she had more or less taken under her wing. Dealing with Kallen was like dealing with an angry mama bear.

"I don't know. She really doesn't...I mean, she has good reason to hate me and I don't know. I don't see it ending well."
"It could end badly," Lelouch admitted softly, taking Suzaku's hand into his.

"But I won't force her or lie to her to get her to come. In the end, the choice will be Kallen's. She has good reason to hate me too, but she doesn't. As hard as it can be for her to forgive... I believe she has it in her.

"She is pretty alone here on the island, now that both Fletcher and Yoite are gone. The one person she has is me. If she finds out we're together as things stand now... I don't know what she'll do. I don't want her to be all alone..."

Suzaku remained silent, not looking any more relaxed. He didn't want Kallen to have a miserable life on the island but he didn't want to really be more involved either. He could accept her hating him for the rest of her life but trying to patch things up and knowing that it would most probably end up making things worse was a little more worrisome.

"I don't either, but..."

Lelouch sighed softly. "I won't try to force you to go either. I know how difficult it would be..." he said.

It would not be fair for him to insist that Suzaku do this. Lelouch knew how hard it was to confront a person who had such a strong feeling of hatred. "I just think that it would be better for both of you not to have to spend the rest of your time on the island as enemies. But in the end, the choice belongs to both of you... not me."

Suzaku sighed after a long moment of silence and nodded.

"Well, I guess I can't say I didn't try if we do this then..."

"That's true," Lelouch replied, giving the other an encouraging smile. He squeezed Suzaku's hand reassuringly.

"There is a very good chance that Kallen will say no... at least if I can persuade her to take a chance, maybe all three of us could put the conflict at home behind us. Thank you for giving it a chance."

"Yeah. I just hope it'd go alright," Suzaku murmured, squeezing Lelouch's hand in return though not as confident as the other was.

"I hope so too. Either way, you aren't going to lose anything. You just have something to gain..." Lelouch replied. That was his promise that none of this would divide the two of them. Even if Kallen refused to ever forgive Suzaku or soften her behavior toward him, Lelouch would not change his mind about what he had with Suzaku.

Suzaku gave a small smile and then nodded.

"I suppose that's true. It could only go up from here," he laughed a little and then took a potato chip and pressed it between Lelouch's lips.

"I really do hope to make things up with her if she accepts, you know. "

Lelouch regarded the other with a bemused look but accepted the potato chip all the same. For some reason, the simplest things tended to make Suzaku happy sometimes. Lelouch chewed and swallowed the salty snack before replying.

"I know. You put away your anger about all of those things a long time ago..." The truth was, they had both given Kallen plenty of reasons to be angry at the end. It had been deliberate, to make sure she stayed away. Now all of that was over... Lelouch only hoped that it could be for Kallen as well.

"Mmhm. That's all a part of the past. As for our future though..." Suzaku murmured, running his hand through Lelouch's hair. He gazed as Lelouch thoughtfully as his fingers slipped against Lelouch's nape and ears to cup Lelouch's cheek.

Lelouch sighed softly as he felt Suzaku's hand slipping through his hair. He leaned closer when the other's hand alighted against his cheek. "As for our future...?" Lelouch echoed, raising his eyebrows slightly at the other's words.

"I'm not letting it go like I did with the rest of my past," Suzaku said before he leaned in to kiss Lelouch softly.

Lelouch closed his eyes as he returned the kiss, absorbing the gentle sensation of the other's lips against his own. "I wouldn't let you," Lelouch whispered, opening his eyes as he drew back for a breath. "This is something I'll hold onto with both hands..."

"I'm glad to hear that," Suzaku said. He reached for Lelouch's shirt, playing with the buttons for a second before he drew back. Just what was he thinking? This wasn't the right time for it. Not yet...

He had to make things right first. It just didn't seem right with things so unresolved. And Lelouch might not have wanted to move quite that fast yet. But Suzaku was starting to get impatient.

"Shirt was crooked..." he lied.

Lelouch looked down when Suzaku's hands alighted on his shirt. He made no move to protest, but the other drew his hands back a second later. He let his eyes rise to meet Suzaku's once more.

"You're a terrible liar," Lelouch murmured, shifting closer to rest his head against the other's shoulder. They had hardly had time to think of such things with the turmoil of shifting worlds again and again. It was different now... and the closeness between them had only grown stronger with time.

"Soon," he added softly, a small smile lingering on his lips. No matter what happened with Kallen, there were some things that would not wait forever.

"Excuse me for trying to be a gentleman," Suzaku sighed as Lelouch shifted close to him. They hadn't had any true time alone or at ease to go much further than simple kisses and holding hands and that was if they were lucky to have a moment. There was only those rare moments during Christmas when things did go a little further but....

Suzaku wasn't sure just how things would go beyond that but he knew he was curious about it. He returned Lelouch's smile and nodded.

kallen stadtfeld, suzaku kururugi, lelouch vi britannia

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