Science Show Ω 05

Jan 11, 2010 00:01

Who: Szayel and whomever
Where: Streets of the city
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Bored'sada is bored, and hating being human.
Warnings: Depends on who replies; this is a GREAT time to get CR with him that wont end in character death. At least, your character's death.

Humanity Blows )

szayel aporro granz

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i_am_kagome January 13 2010, 00:33:59 UTC
Kagome walked down the street, lost in thought. Ever since this strange event, she felt as though she lost part of herself. Realizing that she drew more on her Priestess powers then she thought, she just felt lost without them. The love for the ninja powers have disintegrate and now she just wanted to be herself. Feeling low since she had not hit one target at the archery range with her bow and arrows, she trudged home.

As she walked by a man who was brushing snow off of something, she did not pay any mind to him until she heard his statement. Realizing that he could be a menace, she quickly drew her bow and aimed an arrow straight at his heart. She didn't realize that without her Priestess powers she could not do as much damage.

"What are you then?" She asked in her determined voice with her arrow unwavering.


omnomspecimens January 13 2010, 02:35:33 UTC
Szayel turned, eyeing the woman and her bow. He really couldn't look any more disinterested in her or the fact that she was pointing a weapon at him.

"An arrancar, if you must know," he drawled, waving her away.


i_am_kagome January 13 2010, 02:45:13 UTC
Kagome watched him eye her with he didn't think she could hurt him did he. Not wanting to shoot prematurely, she relaxed the bow but did not put the arrow back in the quiver.

"What is an arrancar?"


omnomspecimens January 13 2010, 03:03:34 UTC
Somehow he managed to look even less disinterested as she lowered her bow, turning away from her as if she did not matter -- which, in his perfect opinion, she didn't. Still he answered her question anyway, sounding like he's had to say this a million times before as he replied.

"An arrancar is an advanced form of hollow. You humans think of them more as corrupted spirits, though there is certainly much more to it than such a simplistic explanation."


i_am_kagome January 13 2010, 03:37:59 UTC
As he turned away, her anger dare he act like she didn't matter! As he answered her question, she could tell that he had recited the answer many times and she felt bad. Still he said a word that she did not know...what was she suppose to be...a mind reader.

At his answer she thought of Kikyo and kept her bow lowered...remembering that Kikyo almost killed her once before had the bow back up and the arrow pointed once again at his heart. Without her Priestess powers she had no hope to kill this spirit but he did not need to know this. "If there is more to them then that then why don't you tell me the full explanation." The thought occurred to her that he had said that he hated being human meaning that he was no longer this...arrancar. Her bow once again lowered (ooc: sorry she can't make up her mind) and she faced him warily. "So with this whole event lost the ability to be an arrancar...that does not seem possible?"


omnomspecimens January 13 2010, 03:40:59 UTC
He glanced back at her again, her uncertainty making him roll his eyes.

"Why should I waste the effort?" he replied. "Your feeble human mind won't even be able to process the concept, let alone understand what I am saying. I have no interest in wasting my breath on a hopeless individual."


i_am_kagome January 13 2010, 03:46:55 UTC
"Worthless am I? You don't know the first thing about me you arrogant jerk. Why am I even wasting my time talking to you if all you are going to do is insult me. I am glad that you are a human then...may you suffer the fate that all humans do and die!"

Kagome refuses to leave and stands still with her eyes glaring. The body is tense with anger shaking her to her core..who does this guy think he is anyways? "What is so great about an arrancar that you think you are superior to humans? If you are going to insult us then you should at least give us a good reason why!"


omnomspecimens January 13 2010, 03:51:48 UTC
Cue another bored sigh as Szayel turned away, staring in another direction. He raised a hand, waving to her dismissively.

"I do not need to know a thing about you," he replied. "Humans... they're all the same; so assured of their own superiority, they have no idea that they are the weakest creatures to ever breathe life."

He paused a moment, turning to give her a sly smile. "As for why my kind is superior to you creatures... well, it's simply a matter of fact. After all, a mere human who cannot even decide to hold her weapon up or not cannot hope to lay a hand on an arrancar."


i_am_kagome January 13 2010, 23:54:44 UTC
Kagome was really furious now!

"It sounds to me that Arrancars have a lot in common with humans!"

Kagome took a breath to try to control her anger when she accidentally lets go of the arrow. It sailed over his shoulder and barely missed him. Rushing forward to make sure that he's okay, she apologized insistently until she remembered his cool and haughty demeanor. Taking a step back she faced him squarely and said with a smug attitude "Maybe you should remember that for the time being, you are a human and that a young human girl could have killed you." Smiling up into his face, she turned around with an air of self righteousness.


omnomspecimens January 14 2010, 22:35:32 UTC
As soon as her back was turned, Szayel's hand came down hard on her shoulder, squeezing it as much as he could with his feeble human strength. He leaned down to whisper in the girl's ear, a wicked sneer on his face.

"And my dear, if you ever managed to kill me, I would come after you as soon as this event was over," he hissed darkly. "After all, these can only last so long..."

He let go of her then, waving her off dismissively, before going on his way. Well, that was productive; he'll just be adding her to the list of specimens that was piling up in his head...


i_am_kagome January 15 2010, 02:12:55 UTC
Kagome gasped as he squeezed her shoulder but she did not cry out as another would likely do. The pain was excruciating but she would never let this man..demon..spirit or whatever he was know. Besides she had been in worse pain then this. As he let go and went to turn away, she suddenly flipped into the air and landed in front of him, eyes sparkling with anger

"Is that a challenge?" Staring up into his eyes, she said the only thing she could think of "I am not afraid of you! I have faced worse beings then you in my sleep besides with how often you turned and walked away, I would be inclined to think that you were a COWARD!" The last word she shouted at him.

[ooc: List of specimens...what is he going to do to her =)]


omnomspecimens January 15 2010, 02:19:49 UTC
Szayel returned her defiance with a bored look, before brushing right past her.

"Cowardly?" he replied, not bothering to look at her. "I rather think of this walking away as convenient. It gives you time to attempt to ponder a way to stop me..."

He paused, and when he spoke again, the sneer in his voice could be easily heard.

"...and me plenty of time to imagine how wonderful your insides will be when I cut you open to toy with them."

[[ooc: he has a dos and don'ts list in his journal; I suggest filling it out if you want further interaction once he becomes an arrancar again.]]


i_am_kagome January 15 2010, 02:43:29 UTC
Kagome was sick and tired of this man shrugging her off and she was about to give up and walk away...after all if he wanted her to stop him then by not stopping him, she was going against what he wanted. Yes that made sense and she refused to be anyone's puppet

As she took a few steps forward when she heard the last statement and her blood turned cold. He would do it too and she could tell that he would most likely enjoy it. Not sure what to do she pondered it and realizing her life was in danger, she once again aimed her arrow at him. "You really mean that don't you? What kind of sick spirit or man or whatever you are...are you? What is the matter with you? If you wish to live then I suggest you answer my questions!" Her voice was firm as she prepared to defend her and those around her to the death.

[ooc: I filled it out!]


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