Chapter 2: No Chance No Way, I Won’t Say I’m In Love

Feb 13, 2009 00:09

She squealed as she looked at the calendar. The day of looove~ She sighed in happiness and a wandering glance went over to her notepad and pen. She blinked and the proverbial light bulb clicked above her head. Why should SHE be the only one to experience the joys of love? She should share it with the residents of Salkia!

Clouds gather in the sky above the town, but rather than being dark gray or fluffy white, they were a cheery and vibrant red. As soon as the clouds appeared chocolate truffles started to rain down onto the island. Rather than causing any harm or damage to the houses the truffles fell down slowly. As if able to pluck them out of the air and eat them.

That’s right! In honor of the holiday of love the writer has decided to force share the feelings of love with your character. How is she doing it? By having chocolate rain down on the island (and magically enough once it hits the ground it disappears). There are six different chocolates for your character to choose from! However, the chocolate you eat has a catch.

Bitter-Sweet Chocolate- If you eat a bitter-sweet chocolate you become emo and depressed and filled with angst because no one loves you and never will.

Milk Chocolate- If you eat a milk chocolate you develop a crush on the first person you see after eating the chocolate

Semi-Sweet Chocolate- If you eat a semi-sweet chocolate you form friendships with your worst enemies

Dark Chocolate- If you eat a dark chocolate you fall in love with the first person you see

82% Dark Chocolate - If you eat a 82% chocolate you become hornier than a rabbit in heat and will screw anything that walks on any number of legs. You don’t care if the opposite is willing (Mod Note: PLEASE confirm with other muns first should you decide to do this one).

White Chocolate- And lastly if you eat a white chocolate…. Well white chocolate will actually just be white chocolate, it’s a rebel!

((ooc: Right so we said that you don’t have to participate in this event, your character DOES have to eat a chocolate thus - if you don’t want them to fall in love/lust just have them eat a white chocolate. The effects of the chocolate last ONE WEEK. If you eat more than one chocolate you will experience the other’s chocolates effects as well but still for only one week. So if you eat all six you’re character will experience something every single day and then repeat the cycle until the week is over. And if they eat more of the same chocolate it will still only last one week. Please thread outside of this! ♥ Just put it under friend lock if it gets um... >.>.... steamy.))

Edit: So to address a few questions. Can your character crush/lust after different people? The answer is sorta. For this to happen your character would have to eat two different chocolates. An example would be if Zack ate a milk-chocolate and saw Cloud and then ate a dark and saw Cissnei right after than he would crush on Cloud the first half of the week and then be in love with Cissnei the second half of the week.

chapter two

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