Who Atem Mutou and OPEN
What Atem reflects after work, sitting all by his lonesome on a bench in the mall.
When Night time?
Where The Salkia Mall, outside the Going Green store.
Warnings Depends on who shows up I guess, but general angst for starters
You've really done it this time, haven't you? )
Cheese-kun dangled covered in sand in the crook of her left arm as she wandered about the surrounding area, amused.
"..Now where's the Pizza Hut?"
Leaning back up he looked at the girl. She was soaking, it seemed and he had to arch an eyebrow to that, at least. "You're going to catch cold if you go around like that." It was freezing- perhaps not in the mall, but outside.
"Not much choice considering the entrance I was forced to make." She said cooly, dusting off her skirts.
"And my suitcase is soaked so any clothes I have are in the same condition. Have any other suggestions?"
"It's much more sensible mulling around here and looking for - ... Whatever it is you are looking for." He hadn't quite caught her question, or perhaps it was that he didn't understand what a "Pizza Hut" was.
"Never heard of Pizza Hut?" She asked curiously, clearly surprised. "What kind of place is this then?"
"No, I haven't. And this is an island. You've been taken captive." As Kaiba used the word so very often. "It's strange and unnatural, but I suppose I should tell you to get used to it."
"Captive? Then who's the captor? The island?" She mused.
"I have no idea. I'm new to all of this and haven't really gathered any useful information just yet. Just that we are here, we are not going to go home if we actively try, death means nothing to this place, and there are events and if you do not do them you will be punished." He listed these things off in a rather monotone way, showing disinterest for all that he had learned.
They were rules- rules in a game that he could, and would play. That was all.
"Whoever this person is better cook a decent pizza. " At his remark of death C.C. could only blink. "Hm, it didn't mean anything to me here, so that's a pointless alteration. " Punishments?
He chose deliberately not to address her obvious remark towards immortality. "There's a line of restaurants down the way from the mall. Though it isn't wise to be traveling alone right now, people are getting taken."
"Yes, taken. People are being picked up off the street, though for what purpose has yet to be discovered- kidnapped." He finished the sentence with the more operative word.
"Kidnapped is it? Interesting thought. Should you really be out here either?"
"Who are you anyway." She mused,resting her legs a bit as she held Cheese-kun, looking up at the sky.
He rested one leg upon the other as he lounged back. "My name is Atem. And you are?"
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