Science Show Ω 01

Dec 10, 2009 19:33

Who: Szayel Aporro Granz, Open
What: Arriving in the city.
Where: The city streets.
When: Evening, sometime after the dinner hour.
Warnings: None... maybe. It is Szayel.

God deserted you. )

suzaku kururugi, szayel aporro granz, open

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honored_knight December 11 2009, 04:32:34 UTC
Suzaku usually wasn't out this late. He wasn't a very social sort so there was no reason for him to go out on his own. But they had just run out of milk and eggs at his apartment and he figured that it would be good to have them stocked back up and waiting for him and Sebastian in the morning rather than trudging to the store when he was hungry ( ... )


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 05:28:06 UTC
Szayel glanced over his shoulder, not the least bit surprised at the human approaching him. His glasses hid his eyes in the reflected light from the moon, hiding the fact that he was studying the young man despite his obvious shortcomings. As he expected, the youth was nothing special; strong for his age, certainly, but other than that he was just a normal human. Ugh...

"Do I look like I'm in need of assistance?" he replied, turning around after a moment.


honored_knight December 11 2009, 05:38:16 UTC
Suzaku blinked as the other turned around. Usually new arrivals were very confused...latching onto anyone who spoke to them first. This man was different. Either he was not a new person at all and Suzaku had been mistaken or he was the type of person who did not like asking for help.

He decided to go the middle route.

"Well, it's just that it is getting rather late and I just noticed that you were alone without a clear destination. I'm sorry if I troubled you, sir. I did not mean to offend. It's just that I'm alone as well and we could walk to the apartments together. Where everyone else is," Suzaku said politely.


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 05:46:21 UTC
Well, he couldn't argue with the boy's logic, and he was respectful enough to someone who was (obviously) superior. Szayel would just have to tolerate it for now, as much as it made his stomach twist in disgust. With a dramatic sigh, he pulled out his communication device, holding it up so that the boy could see the key dangling from it.

"I do not know to what building this key belongs to," he replied, holding it out for him to observe, like he had just given the boy some great honor.

[[ooc: s-sob, the mods haven't given him a room yet.]]


honored_knight December 11 2009, 05:57:12 UTC
"'s nearby but..." Suzaku said as he peered at the key and then at the instructions. It was pretty cold outside and he wanted to get back as soon as possible. But he couldn't just leave this person to figure everything out or just dump him at his place. Even if there was already someone occupying the space, it would be extremely awkward between the two of them. Suzaku knew how lonely and jarring it was. The Britannian army wasn't exactly all about helping one with one's new living quarters; much less so when one was an Honorary instead of from the homeland and even less when he hailed from the newly conquered Japan.

Even if Szayel never warmed up to him, he at least wanted to leave a good impression for the sake of the island.

"Why don't you come back to my place with me? All the apartments are very close together so I could take you to your unit after we eat. I'm sure my roommate Sebastian wouldn't mind," he said cheerfully.

((ooc: aww. He can sleep in the bushes. :D ))


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 06:16:15 UTC
Szayel narrowed his eyes; did the boy just seriously offer for him to not only follow him into his living space, but eat human food? How disgusting; he made a face, returning the communicator to his pocket.

"That won't be necessary," he replied, mentally adding, Unless you want to be the meal. "Showing me to the apartment that is to be mine will suffice."

[[ooc: But it'll do a number on his hair!]]


honored_knight December 11 2009, 06:20:47 UTC
"...very well," Suzaku nodded as he shifted the things in his arms. It seemed as if Szayel was not a very open sort of person at all. But that was not exactly unexpected and so he did not take insult to it. They did not know each other after all. He started walking, motioning to Szayel to follow him.

((ooc: aw. but having twigs and leaves in it is so in right now))


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 06:24:10 UTC
Szayel folded his hands behind his back as he quietly followed the boy, eyes flicking back and forth between the buildings they passed, trying to get a sense of the individuals that lived inside. An accurate analysis would save him from embarrassment later... like what happened back on his world. The thought made a bitter frown flash across his face, but it disappeared quickly.


honored_knight December 11 2009, 06:28:12 UTC
It was awkward walking next to Szayel. The other did not converse with him and Suzaku could sense him looking about him to observe the surrounding buildings. It was a little strange to say the least. Even if the other was a very private-minded man.

"So what is your name? Mine is Suzaku," Suzaku finally broke the silence as they approached the apartment buildings.


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 06:34:41 UTC
Szayel's gaze flicked back down to Suzaku, managing to hide his displeasure that time. Why ever would he want to know the human's name? Honestly; could he not figure out by now that he did not care for something so normal? He let out a very put upon sigh, reaching up to adjust his glasses.

"...Szayel Aporro Granz."


honored_knight December 11 2009, 08:29:16 UTC
Suzaku had never heard of such a name and he was not too well cultured so he could not even begin trying to place its origin. And it was probably useless considering everyone came from different worlds. The cold response was universal enough though.

"I see. It is nice to meet you, Mr. Granz," he replied politely and then fell silent. He finally got the idea that the man was not interested in anything but the most essential of information. They soon came to the apartment buildings and Suzaku quickly found his way to the indicated unit. The lights were all out and there was no sound so the place was either unoccupied or the current resident was outside. With all the recent room swaps, it was difficult to say who had the room if it was taken.

"Here we are, sir. If you need any help whatsoever, don't hesitate to contact me," Suzaku said. He had a feeling that Szayel would not be doing so any time soon.


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 21:26:10 UTC
"Mr." Granz? The boy didn't even have the decency to refer to him in a proper tongue? His opinion of the boy was dropping by the second, not that it was very high to begin with. He folded his arms over his chest once they stopped, mostly ignoring the apartment (it was probably less than adequate for what he would need, but it would do for now), reaching up and placing a finger on the bridge of his glasses.

"...Suzaku-kun, was it not?"


honored_knight December 11 2009, 23:02:42 UTC
"That's correct, sir. Suzaku Kururugi to be precise," Suzaku said, a bit surprised by the honorific. Was the man Japanese? Or had he simply noted Suzaku's nationality? Either way, he was still used to the western arrangement of first name and family name.


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 23:26:13 UTC
"Hm... I'll be certain to notify you if I require any further assistance," he replied rather abruptly, turning toward the door. Westernized human... Szayel was not very sure if that made things worse or not. He shook his head, reaching to put the key in the lock and just enter...

...only not. Szayel frowned down at the key, trying to turn it, but it refused to budge. He turned it a little harder, cursing the damn human made contraption as he tried to get it to move...

Unfortunately, even if he was one of the weaker Espada, he still had rather abnormal strength. So suddenly finding himself holding the doorknob and the key in his hand was only met with a sigh, if a frustrated one.. Funny, now the key moved.

" seems that I will be in need of your assistance sooner than expected," Szayel continued after a tense silence, practically grinding his teeth.


honored_knight December 11 2009, 23:39:09 UTC
"Is something the matter, Mr. Granz?" Suzaku asked carefully.


omnomspecimens December 11 2009, 23:41:28 UTC
Szayel merely held up the door knob by the key for Suzaku to see, not bothering to turn around. After a moment, the knob slipped off of the key, thudding loudly to the ground.


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