Mar 08, 2009 05:05

Who: Neji and Lavi [OPEN]
Where: Mall
When: Upon Lavi's arrival
What: D| Covering up Lavi's nether bits.
Rating: PG-13


lavi, hyuuga neji

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eighthsight March 8 2009, 15:49:39 UTC
Adjusting the waistband of his jeans, Neji let out a low sigh, wishing for his old clothes back for the third time today and grabbing the blanket off his bed. He rolled it up tightly and tucked it underneath his arm, stepping up onto the windowsill and jumping out.

The brunet landed easily on his feet and took off in a sprint towards town, hoping that he hadn't made Lavi wait too long in the middle of all those people, seeing as how he was naked.

Once he reached his destination, he stopped and glanced around curiously, pale eyes locking onto the rather . . bare redhead that was trying to cover himself up then glaring towards the passerbys to make them keep walking.

He unrolled the blanket and moved forwards behind the other male, carefully wrapping the object around his shoulders with a light blush. ``I'm late,`` he murmured, looking away quickly. ``Sorry.``

[ ooc: LOL SO. i was totally going to reply to this last night, but the power was out ALL freaking night. D: laaame. ]


hammer_tiem March 8 2009, 21:16:58 UTC
Lavi jumped slightly at the blanket being wrapped around his shoulders then he turned around to face the other male. He pulled the blanket around him entirely covering everything save his feet.

"Nah, it's fine. Thanks a bunch" he said with a big grin on his face. People around them looked relieved (some disappointed) when he was finally not offending anybody with his nudity.

"So...uuhm. Neji right? Where can I find some clothes?" the red-head asked looking around the place then back at the black-haired man.

[[ooc: XD It's fine. My brain was exploding]]


eighthsight March 8 2009, 21:47:16 UTC
When Lavi jumped, Neji jerked his arms away and took a half step back, only stopping when the other pulled the blanket around himself completely. He relaxed, tilting his head just barely to look up.

``You're welcome,`` he replied, glancing towards some of the people then back at Lavi once more, his arms crossing over his chest.

``. . . right. Well, we are next to the mall.`` He lifted his hand, motioning back towards the large building. ``I have some money if you want to buy some, but you'll owe me.``

[ ooc: hate when that happens. :C ]


hammer_tiem March 8 2009, 22:20:35 UTC
Lavi turned and looked at the large building filled with all sorts of shops. "I already owe ya" he laughed bashfully and scratched the back of his head while the other one was fastened around the opening of the blanket, keeping it closed. "But yeah, clothes would definitely be somethin' I needed right now"

He waited for the other to start walking so that he could follow him since he wouldn't know where to look first.


eighthsight March 8 2009, 22:37:22 UTC
The younger male hesitated for a minute, glancing down at the shirt he was wearing then mentally sighing; he liked this shirt that Ritsuka had gotten him, but Lavi needed something and it would save him some monies.

He lowered his arms and pulled the long sleeved green shirt over his head and off, straightening it out before offering it to the other male. ``Here's to start.``


hammer_tiem March 8 2009, 22:57:32 UTC
Lavi took the shirt and looked at it. It would be a bit tight on him, but it was better than nothing. He let the blanket drape around his waist and put the shirt on. He wiggled around a bit making it fit. It was surely going to be stretched out now since he wasn't as scrawny as Neji was. But oh well, he offered.

"Thanks" he said still smiling. He wrapped the blanket around his waist like a towel. It looked like he was wearing some sort of skirt.


eighthsight March 8 2009, 23:07:24 UTC
Rubbing his now bare arms slightly, Neji glanced back towards the mall then lowered his hands to rest on his stomach, pale digits running over equally pale skin. He wouldn't have called himself scrawny, though he was rather skinny for his size.

It didn't matter. He wasn't going to change anything about his looks anyways.

``You're welcome,`` he replied, a soft smile gracing his features before he turned quickly and began to lead the other towards the mall.


hammer_tiem March 8 2009, 23:28:48 UTC
Quickly, he followed close behind the shorter male. He put his hands behind his head, only moving them to keep his make-shift man skirt from. "So where're ya from?" he asked casually. He looked like he was Japanese, but where he was from, Japan was nearly obliterated. At least Edo was.


eighthsight March 9 2009, 02:23:09 UTC
He tucked his arms back over his chest, continuing forwards then reaching out to pull the door open when they reached the building, holding it so Lavi could go inside first. ``I'm from Konoha,`` he answered quietly, gripping the doorhandle. ``Where are you from?``


hammer_tiem March 9 2009, 03:28:37 UTC
Lavi stepped inside thanking him for holding the door open for him with a nod. "Konoha, huh? Never heard of that place before which is strange for me. I'm from, well, everywhere. I've been traveling ever since I can remember" he informed. His green eye darted here and there taking in everything around him. Being from the 1800's, he'd never seen a shopping center like this before.


eighthsight March 9 2009, 03:38:44 UTC
Nodding back towards the redhead, Neji blinked lightly then followed him inside, letting the door shut behind them. ``That's . . interesting. Are you a time traveler?``

He began to lead them to the clothes store, doing his best to ignore the stares they were getting before he eventually started to glare back, rolling his eyes when they finally looked away.


hammer_tiem March 9 2009, 03:57:07 UTC
"Time traveler? Oh no way" Lavi said with a laugh. "That's be amazing, though" he said thinking of how much easier it would be for Bookman-ing. All he'd have to do is go back in time and watch all of the things that happened. "I just traveled pretty much all over the world recordin' wars and stuff like that" he explained.

He watched as the other glared at people's stares while he himself was just casually walking around ignoring the looks they were getting. He was reminded of his friend Kanda.


eighthsight March 9 2009, 04:04:58 UTC
``Oh,`` he whispered, biting down onto his lower lip and tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Well, time traveling had been the first thing he could think of, but apparently you could be brought to this island from any time. ``Did you like doing it?``

Neji glanced back for a minute, head tilting and a genuine curiousity in those pale eyes. He stopped walking, his hand coming up and resting on the door of the place he had been searching for.


hammer_tiem March 9 2009, 04:10:49 UTC
"Eh. It's interesting. Ya come to realize people are kinda stupid" he shrugged. A job was a job. "I guess I enjoy what I do or else I wouldn't do it, yeah?" he said with a grin. "But now I'm pullin' double duty as a Bookman and exorcist. That's not easy, let me tell ya" he said with an exasperated sigh.

"Enough about me, though. I've never heard of Konoha. What's that place like?" he asked with great interest.


eighthsight March 9 2009, 04:19:35 UTC
He leaned against the door for a moment, nodding his head towards Lavi's words and tilting his head once more. ``It doesn't sound like it would be very easy, but I am sure that you are good at what you do.``

The brunet glanced back, lifting his hand to touch his bottom lip then shrugging, pulling the door to the store open finally. ``It was a great place, but now . . I think it's in trouble.``


hammer_tiem March 9 2009, 04:30:38 UTC
"I guess I'm okay at it. I'm not dead, so there's gotta be some skill" the red-head shrugged with a slight laugh.

He walked into the store once the door was opened and looked at the shorter man with curiosity. "Oh yeah? Trouble in what way? Is it crawlin' with Akuma?" he asked.


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