What were you thinking? - [COMPLETE]

Sep 30, 2009 19:31

Who Yamato & Kouya
What Yamato has wished for her name back, and now that she has it she's going to find Kouya during the fire.
When During the fire.
Where Beach
Warnings Never know with those two. Will update this accordingly.

Yamato made her way through the city, determination coursing through her veins. People ran past her hither and thither, but she couldn't bring herself to care about any of them. She had a path set before her, and she would not be deterred. She could feel Kouya's presence. It was an over powering feeling after so long without it, and even before she had lost her name it had all been fading, dull. This- this was like when she was young, when she felt Kouya before they met, knew her before knowing her.

People ran into her as she walked on, but she cared not. She felt the heat of the flames, but no burn, no pain. The smoke filled her lungs, and it did not burn. No pain- she had forgotten the sensation, or rather, lack there of. Should she have missed it as much as she now realized she did? Perhaps not, after all, it made her not human, it made her not safe. She had no gauge for what was too much for her body. However, none of that mattered in the end because without it she was not bound to Kouya, and she suddenly realized just how very painful that loss was.

Chaos raged and screamed around her, but her pace was sedate. There was no real hurry. Kouya was safe where she was. Yamato need not hurry to excess. The path to the beach was quite long, especially with the rush of people around her, pushing her to and fro, but she would walk forever to get to her partner, especially now.

And there she was. The seemingly always moody fighter. Yamato approached. Nothing needed to be said quite honestly, Kouya could surely feel her this time, but Yamato had never been one to keep her mouth shut in any situation.


sakagami kouya, nakano yamato

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