[In Progress] Ramen eating--s'gonna be FUN!

Sep 10, 2009 23:51

Who: Kid!Uzumaki Naruto, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, Hyuuga Neji, Uzumaki Naruto and OPEN
What: Eating ramen. 10 bowls! Because Minato said he would.
Where: Minato's apartment (which he shares with Kushina), at House 12.
When: During the Cat event and onwards (may or may not be backlogging)
Warnings: Family cutez tiems?

Naruto looked up where mister was pointing. He'd never been to anyone's house, so it felt kind of weird, but that was okay, right? You were supposed to feel weird when you went somewhere new--he didn't know this place very well.

Who was this guy, anyway? He sneeked a peek up at mister when the blond man wasn't looking and then at the hand that he'd gotten mister to hold for some reason. Naruto didn't know WHY he had wanted his hand to be held--it just felt like he wanted to.

It felt very weird, not knowing what he wanted and why, but it didn't feel bad, either.

"So, so...uhm...married means..."

He didn't know what married meant. He didn't know who this Kushina person was either. He hoped it was a nice person because mister was a nice person and letting Naruto touch his ears--but Naruto STILL wanted to pull mister's tail. It was a TAIL. Weren't you supposed to pull it? Still, he kept it to himself and looked back up at mister.

"Is it fun t'get married?"

uzumaki naruto, uzumaki kushina, hyuuga neji, namikaze minato, kid!uzumaki naruto

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