A Thread log~ :D

Mar 04, 2009 09:29

WHO: Zack Fair- Open
WHEN: Today :D
WHAT: Zack is on his way to the forest to fight some monsters. Anybody free to bother him or join him :D
WARNINGS: This thread has not been rated.

Zack Fair had not only come to the conclusion that this place was in fact, very weird, but that this place also caused problems for him that he would normally not encounter on an everday basis. First problem (or just weird thing) was the fact that he was once again alive. He was a living breathing mako-infused human being again. This wasn't so much a problem as it was something he thought was just.. weird. Second problem was Cissnei. She still didn't know about his...death. Either ShinRa had some really good cover up to even hide it from the Turks, or something else was going on here. Third Problem was Yuffie. First of all, the kid had stolen his curaga materia, so he had to rely on Potions. Second, she was saying weird stuff about darkness and heartless and summoning crazy shadow creatures. She was weird... but not that weird. Fourth Problem was... Tifa. Which was now an awkward situation. Tifa wasn't that close of a friend before, but now... He wanted to consider her a friend, but... well, things were a bit awkward.

In fact, the only thing or person that wasn't bothering Zack at the moment was Cloud. Other than the fact that Cloud was hardly around, he wasn't a problem.

Then there was Reno and Vincent, but he couldn't say much on those two. Except that Vincent was a Pedo.

He stretched his arms over his head and headed to the forest. Nothing cleared a SOLDIER's mind like killing a few monsters.

zack fair, open

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