[In Progress] Stay This Way

Aug 29, 2009 18:29

Who: Kuran Juuri, Ichijou Takuma and Doumeki Shizuka
When: Saturday Evening
Where: Juuri's apartment, House 8
What: Mama Juuri is getting some answers after the recent death of a human.
Warnings: Will edit as needed

Protective Vampire Mama )

kuran juuri, ichijou takuma, doumeki shizuka

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not_my_grandpa August 30 2009, 00:53:49 UTC
Ichijou was a bit tired, his sleeping schedule becoming more and more off kilter since he had started sleeping earlier and earlier in the morning. He fell asleep at around one in the morning and woke up at about noon, a time a vampire normally wasn't awake. But he needed to see Juuri and have a talk with her along with Doumeki. He'd probably pull an "all day-er" and reset his clock.

When he and Doumeki reached Juuri's house, he knocked on the door. He knew very well that she knew they were there, but he wanted to be polite, of course and announce their arrival properly.


talldarknsnarky August 30 2009, 01:10:42 UTC
Ichijou had still been sleeping when he left for his lesson with Cissnei, so Doumeki had left out some of the eggs and rice he'd made for breakfast for him to eat, wrapped up in the fridge with a note.

After getting back from his lesson and conversation with Cissnei, Doumeki had felt drained and had a bit of a nap in lieu of the afternoon drink or two he would normally have had. The urge to drink was still there, and strong, but he was fighting it. Cissnei had given him some things to think about, just as Ichijou and Kunogi had done.

After waking up from his nap, he had a quick shower, and walked with Ichijou to Juuri's house, keeping quiet, standing just behind Ichijou, his senses on alert in case of Zero or that Alucard.


orchid_lovers August 30 2009, 01:18:22 UTC
Standing, Juuri left the table behind to answer the door. Opening it, she smiled at them both, hoping to put them both more at ease. Of course she knew Takuma, but this was her first time seeing Doumeki. "Please come in, you two. Have a seat at the table. Tea will be ready in a minute."

She left them at the door, to pick up the kettle a second before it started whistling. Pouring tea for all of them, Juuri then placed the tea tray on the table, setting cups down at the empty chairs waiting for the two boys. Now back in her seat, the desserts were there for them to take should they want them, she however, would not be taking one.


not_my_grandpa August 30 2009, 01:31:45 UTC
Ichijou smiled back at her and nodded, stepping inside and taking his shoes off at the door. He made his way over to the table with Doumeki behind him and he took a seat and eying the sweets that were placed out for them.

He gave her a bright smile for her hospitality. "Thank you, Juuri-sama", he said picking up a sweet between two fingers and taking a small, delicate bite then placing it onto one of the empty plates that was next to his tea cup. He remained silent for the moment, not knowing where to start with the conversation. He was feeling a bit sheepish because even though he was told he wasn't in trouble, he still felt like he did something wrong. It was like he was eight years old again and he did something a little foolish.


talldarknsnarky August 30 2009, 01:37:41 UTC
Doumeki ducked his head respectfully at Juuri - she was younger and prettier than he'd been expecting, her face gentle and her hair long. He could see why Ichijou was enamoured with her, especially if she was a mother figure for him. He felt a pang, missing home, his own mother, his home, his father as well.

He slid his sandals off at the door, and rearranged his shirt a little, still unused to the Westernized hippie clothes, and followed Ichijou to the table, settling into the seat that Ichijou hadn't occupied, and picked up his teacup, blowing at the top for a moment before taking a measured sip. He would wait for his stomach to settle a little before trying any of the sweets.

Ichijou seemed a bit abashed, a different aura surrounding him, and Doumeki got the feeling like there might be trouble - Juuri hadn't seemed to believe him when he said that Ichijou hadn't harmed him, but he couldn't see why.

Sighing, he sipped at his tea again, keeping quiet for a bit longer.


orchid_lovers August 30 2009, 02:03:40 UTC
Once they were all seated at the table, Juuri curled her hands around her tea cup. The smile did not slip from her lips as her maroon eyes watched them both. She too sensed Takuma's sheepishness, but it was to be expected and Juuri had felt it the last time he had come to visit. While she was glad that he was taking this matter seriously, she wanted him to realize that she did not take to violence on any matter.

Doumeki on the other hand, seemed like the strong, silent type. Much like her Haruka, whom she was missing deeply. Already the vampire knew that he was the protective type. That was clear from the boy's last post.

"Now, I don't expect to be told everything that happened as I'm sure there must be some parts that are not my business. However, I must know what transpired between you two for there to be bloodshed and death." Juuri spoke softly, not a hint of anger in her voice, only kindness and understanding.


not_my_grandpa August 30 2009, 02:16:58 UTC
The noble took a small sip of his tea as Juuri spoke. He pondered where to start in the story and he felt bad that everything had gone out of hand when he was merely trying to help his friend in need. He set his cup down and looked into the lightly coloured liquid as it rippled then settled.

Folding his hands in his lap slowly, he looked up at the Pureblood across the table from him. "I looked on my LP and saw that Doumeki wasn't feeling well and he called for my help. I tried contacting him on the LP first, but I didn't get an answer, so I rushed over to his apartment and went immediately to his room to check on him. There were...sake bottles all over the place and he was lying on his bed looking very, very ill, so I ran to get him some water and a cool cloth...", he paused in speaking in case Doumeki wanted to add anything.


talldarknsnarky August 30 2009, 02:28:44 UTC
Doumeki also felt bad that things had gotten so out of control when he hadn't intended for anything to go this way. He hadn't intended to die, he certainly hadn't intended to get Ichijou into the amount of trouble he'd gotten into. Not with Zero, not with Kaname, not with Juuri. He hadn't intended for people to think Ichijou was a murderer.

He listened to the boy's explanation, nodding to show his agreement, his heart speeding up slightly at the description of that. The water and cool cloth.

He licked his lips, after a moment, lifting his chin and looking at Juuri, in the eyes, "I had too much to drink." he said, his voice calm, "I'd thrown up, but there was still too much in my system." he paused for a moment, and gave a nod, "I did that myself."


orchid_lovers August 30 2009, 02:43:52 UTC
The human confirmed that he was indeed a protector. Going so far as to protect a vampire who he probably hadn't known for very long. He was one of those types that once he was involved, he would never let go. For that she was glad. Takuma was like one of her children and she was glad that he had found someone he could trust so fully. It was a step in the direction of peace.

"Continue," Juuri said, her eyes closing. Too many times had she seen humans lose themselves in alcohol to escape their pain. Three thousand years was a long time to live among the humans and make friends with them. Such short lives they lived compared to vampires.


not_my_grandpa August 30 2009, 03:04:13 UTC
Ichijou nodded and shifted in his seat a bit. He looked down as he was about to explain the next part. The part that had gotten him into so much trouble. He took in a deep, silent breath. One that only Juuri could hear, perhaps.

"I asked him...if he had vomited and he nodded, which meant the alcohol had spread to his blood stream already and made its way to his vital areas. That's when I....I bit him. I wanted to suck some of the alcohol from his veins to try to clean at least a little bit out of him before it overtook his organs...but it was too late....Then he started...he started...", he took another deep, slightly shaking breath as he remembered what it sounded like for his heartbeat and breathing to fail...slowly and painfully. Struggling to hang onto life. He tried to finish his sentence, but it was stuck in his throat that was starting to become dry.


talldarknsnarky August 30 2009, 03:20:18 UTC
Doumeki allowed Ichijou to explain about why he'd bitten him, and when he started shaking, obviously remembering what it felt like to listen to Doumeki's own heartrate and breathing slow down, something that had obviously upset him. Even if he hadn't known from Ichijou's shouting the day before, he would know now by the way he was reacting.

Moving a little, he slid his hand out, closing his fingers around Ichijou's wrist and pressing his thumb against his pulse point again, though his attention was turned to Juuri, taking over what Ichijou had been saying.

"I died because of the alcohol poisoning." he said, his voice low, "Ichijou didn't take enough blood to kill me." he paused, after another moment, "If he'd taken blood against my will, he wouldn't have been able to stomach it. I have...certain protections built into my blood."


orchid_lovers August 30 2009, 03:52:48 UTC
Carefully watches the two of them. She too knew what it was like to have someone die in her arms. To feel their life slip away while all she could do was watch. Of course, it had been a long time ago. Back when she was still young and thought that at that stage turning them into one of them would have saved them ( ... )


not_my_grandpa August 30 2009, 04:04:27 UTC
Ichijou looked up, a warm feeling spreading through his chest when both Doumeki and Juuri's hand touched his own comfortingly. He knew they were there for him and a warm smile crossed over his lips before he looked up.

"Kaname was there. He picked me up after I made a post to him because I was panicking. He believed me. He was the only one that did at the time and I understand how bad it looked to an outsider. Another one of my human friends, Himawari-chan, who is also Doumeki's friend, she believed me as well...I was grateful", he explained, then took a sip of tea to wet his dry throat.


talldarknsnarky August 30 2009, 04:34:10 UTC
Doumeki sipped at his tea again, leaving his long fingers wrapped gently around Ichijou's wrist, his thumb against the reassuring throb of his heartbeat. For some reason, he found himself touching Ichijou's pulse a lot. Perhaps it was because of what they'd shared, the vampire drinking from him, and the knowledge that his blood had entered the boy's system ( ... )


orchid_lovers August 30 2009, 05:19:12 UTC
Juuri smiled proudly at the two of them, glad that they had both taken care of things themselves. Still, she had to worry about the five-year old in the other room who had smelled the blood shortly after her mother had. Without knowing what was going on, Juuri had to merely push the subject aside for the time being. Now that she was informed, she could tell Yuuki that Ichijou wouldn't be punished.

As confident in her strength as she was, Juuri didn't like to fight and would only do it if one of the many children, both adopted and real, was in trouble.

"I'm glad you've found some good friends, Takuma." Juuri continued to smile. "You'll have to come back later to play with Yuuki again. I'll be sure to hide the hair accessories and the LP so she can't show everyone."


not_my_grandpa August 30 2009, 05:26:43 UTC
Ichijou let out a light chuckle and nodded. "I'm glad that I've made some good friends as well. They've been nothing but kind to me", he said with a warm smile.

Another light laugh escaped his lips when she mentioned the thing about the hair accessories. "I don't mind playing dress up with her. I just got a bit embarrassed when it was revealed on the LP" A slight blush tinted his cheeks remembering how his friends giggled at him about that, but he knew it was all in good fun.

"Oh! And Doumeki is going to try to get embarrassing stories of me out of you. Be resilient, Juuri-sama and don't give him what he wants", he said in a cheerful, more playful tone. He felt like he had gotten quite a bit off of his chest and that there wasn't much more to worry about.


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