Who: Lavi, Daisuke, Mustachio, Hikari-chan, and Ken!
What: Celebrating Dai's birthday!
Where: Little Italy~
When: Today!
Warnings: None hopefully~
Daisuke ran his fingers through his hair once more as he applied more gel to his already spiked hair. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. For once he wasn't in his trademark jacket. He managed to splurge a little money on himself and was able to afford a new blue long sleeved shirt with a lighter blue vest. Smiling he plucked Mustachio off of the counter and walked to the living room.
"Laaaviii! Are ya ready?!" He called as he watched Mustachio scuttle in his hand. He looked like he was doing better, he was actually feeling up to pinching things. That was a good sign, right?