
Jul 21, 2009 19:50

Who Vegeta and Kakarot Goku
What Vegeta is in Salkia and he's pissed
When NOW
Where Wherever the bloody hell Goku is at the moment
Warnings Vegeta XD

Kakarot. He better damn well have an explanation )

vegeta, son goku

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sillysavior July 22 2009, 02:33:34 UTC
Said Saiyan had been taking a walk, but when a sudden surge in power level appeared on the island. Goku stopped straight in his tracks his eyes narrowed. He concentrated at the energy he was feeling. He didn't feel like anyone's that was already on the island, but somehow it felt very familiar. It felt almost like...but that wasn't possible the power level was so much higher than....but then again, Goku had been on Salkia for quite some time. What if in that time Vegeta had gotten stronger? He had to go see. If it really was Vegeta then he should have news about Gohan and Chichi, and Krillin and Yamcha, and the rest of the gang!

The young Saiyan took off at a run across the beach his silver and blue sneakers creating craters in the fine sand before he had the sense to take off and fly into the direction of the forest. It wouldn't take long before the two rivals would find each other, and what a surprise Vegeta would be in for. The island sun had tanned Goku's skin a light golden brown and he still wasn't wearing his training gi or boots (he really did need to get that shirt fixed). The only part of his old uniform left were the blue weighted wristbands that he was currently wearing. Otherwise a pair of dark blue jeans and a bright orange shirt with blue and silver screen printing of a Chinese dragon adorned his person.


hesover9k July 22 2009, 06:14:42 UTC
Having had just literally arriving to Salkia from what he thought was a quick nap, all Vegeta had on was a pair of spandex shorts and a black tank top. Clearly not is usual combat garb, but hopefully there would be no reason to have to do battle with the hero... though inwardly, the Prince didnt see that as an unfavorable outcome.

Spotting the familiar Saiyan, with a grunt, Vegeta stopped mid-flight in the air, meeting up with him half way. "Kakarot!" He growled, teeth clenched. "You better give me answers now, or you're about to be in a world of pain!" Already, starting with the threats. Charming.


sillysavior July 22 2009, 21:27:51 UTC
Though Goku knew Vegeta was very likely to punch him for this, the younger saiyan didn't stop when he spotted Vegeta. He kept moving forward, wrapping his arms around Vegeta, and giving the older male a tight squeeze known as a hug. "Vegeta I'm so glad you're here!" Goku coo'ed hugging the older man too him. It'd been so long since he'd seen anyone from his world that the young saiyan was overcome with joy. He didn't even pay attention to Vegeta's threats much less his questioning how he got here.


hesover9k July 22 2009, 21:35:46 UTC
Completely unsatisfied, and uncomfortable with the hug, Vegeta shoved the other Saiyan hard, away from him and punched him straight on the jaw. "What the bloody hell are you talking about??! Try that again, and you'll get much worse than a punch to the face, do you understand me?!!"

He got into a defensive stance, almost as if he assumed Kakarot was going to try being friendly again. "What did you mean you were glad that I'm here? Who brought us here and why?" He growled under his breath. "Answer me!"


sillysavior July 22 2009, 21:41:32 UTC
Goku grunted as he felt his jaw and face forcefully moved to the side. He turned his face back to look at Vegeta and rubbed at the skin which was quickly turning red. The Saiyan Prince really had gotten stronger. Goku stared at Vegeta for a few moments wondering at how he'd managed to get so strong in what seemed to him a short amount of time. He also wondered if Vegeta was in fact stronger than him again. If he was, then it was a good thing the two of them were allies, otherwise he'd be in trouble.

He removed his hand from his face allowing the pain to settle. Oddly enough, it felt good to be hit like that again. There just wasn't any real action on the island, not that he was looking for it, and a friendly spar between pals would be nice. Judging by the look on Vegeta's face however it probably was not in Goku's best interest to suggest something like that.

"I don't know who brought us here exactly...." Goku said speaking honestly. "They just call her the Goddess of this world. There's a lot of people from different worlds on this island. It's actually kind of cool!"


hesover9k July 22 2009, 21:48:20 UTC
Finally getting an answer, Vegeta relaxed, crossing his arms across his chest and letting out an irritable breath. "Can this Goddess be killed? I dont have time to play games unless there's something to gain from all this." With a scoff, his nose scrunching just slightly, he gave Kakarot a glare. "...its hardly 'cool'. We've been abducted against our will." He grunted, letting his ki lower as he brought himself down to the ground.

He'd never understand Kakarot. Though Vegeta felt in constant competition for him over power, at least he knew he had brains and sense over him.


psht you wish you were smarter than me! XD sillysavior July 22 2009, 21:53:30 UTC
"Vegeta you shouldn't say that!" Goku admonished his face instantly going into a frown. It always seemed the Prince was the only person, besides bad guys, who could manage to put a frown on that ever smiling face. "But no....I don't think so. And it's really not so bad!" The smile returned with a vengeance.

"You get to meet a lot of interesting new people!" Goku's mouth fell open in realization as his brain jumped from one topic to the next. "That reminds me! Vegeta what happened! To Gohan and Chichi and everyone else!" Obviously Vegeta was alright but then again....He himself had arrived on this island after committing kamikaze... "And you! You didn't die did you!" A look of concern was plastered on Goku's face as he looked at his comrade. Obviously if Vegeta had died he was alright, but that didn't really make it any better.


hesover9k July 22 2009, 22:02:40 UTC
"Wh-..." Vegeta was taken back about several, if not all of Kakarot's statements. His brows narrowed once more as he scoffed. "First of all, I'm not your family's watchdog. I dont know what 'happened' to them, but I'm only assuming they're fine." Considering Goten and Trunks' last hang out, and Gohan dropping off Pan to play with Bra. "And OF COURSE I didnt die. I'm right here infront of you, aren't I? What instance are you talking about?"


sillysavior July 22 2009, 22:06:51 UTC
Goku blinked a few times allowing his thoughts to settle. Though Vegeta said he wasn't his families watchdog, if he could talk about it with such easy surely that meant that they were all alright and had survived. Maybe his kamikaze attempt at worked? Well, it didn't matter. As long as they were alright that's all that mattered.

"Well...when I transported Cell to King Kai's planet I ended up here after he exploded." Goku said speaking softly. "I was worried something like that had happened to you..."


hesover9k July 22 2009, 22:24:44 UTC
...And then Vegeta paused. .... This... wasnt the same Kakarot he knew. Well it was, but... He was sent here at his death? Vegeta let out a breath. "No, your son took care of Cell." He informed, shaking his head. "... listen, I think this is more serious than you think." Slightly curious... Vegeta went on. "...What's your power level?" Was this Kakarot stuck at the level he was when he had fought cell?


sillysavior July 22 2009, 22:30:00 UTC
"Gohan did..." Goku's voice dropped and he looked at the grass and sand below them. So my sacrifice was for nothing... Goku thought to himself as he frowned. The thought upset him, a lot, but the fact that Gohan had managed to beat Cell on his own made the saiyan feel proud. His son really was strong...

"Huh?" Goku looked back up at Vegeta as he realized the Prince was asking him a question. "Well, gosh, I guess I'm still around the same power level I was when I died. I haven't really been able to train here and the monsters on this island are actually kind of weak." Though he'd never bothered to go too far into the forest either. Maybe there were stronger creatures the further you got in.


hesover9k July 22 2009, 22:48:20 UTC
Vegeta blinked, and soon growled, clenching his fist. "You're a saiyan warrior, its laughable that any warrior of our class would be resorted to fighting petty monsters in a forest!"

With a huff he didnt care. Kakarot still hadnt answered his question and Vegeta was determined to know. "Fight me."

[ooc: ok XD going for reals now]


sillysavior July 23 2009, 20:53:48 UTC
Goku frowned. Saiyan warrior or not he wasn't about to pic fights with random people on the island. Besides if any of the people on this island with high power levels were like most Goku didn't want to come off as challenging. "But Vegeta there's...fight you?" Goku blinked not understanding his words at first.

It wasn't long after however that his eyes widened in joy. "Okay sure!" Sure Vegeta's power level felt much stronger than it had been, but Goku was dying to know just what Vegeta had learned. It had been ages, or so it felt to the warrior, that he'd sparred with anyone and Goku wasn't about to pass up the opportunity.

He dropped into a fighting stance the grin on his face instantly going serious. So far his clothes had held up against the monsters in the forest but he wondered just how well they'd survive against the Saiyan Prince. "Show me what you got."


hesover9k July 23 2009, 22:54:29 UTC
Naturally, the Prince didnt waste any time. The moment Kakarot appeared ready, he launched himself ahead, throwing his first couple of punches. He wasnt one to hold back, but he didnt want to break Kakarot if it turns out that he was stuck at the power level he was when they fought Cell.

In the back of his mind, Vegeta didnt like the thought. If Kakarot was weaker than him.. what was all he ever wanted, wasnt it?

But where did it leave him in this absurd island he was stranded in?

No. Kakarot had to be stronger than that! He HAD to!


sillysavior July 24 2009, 04:09:20 UTC
Goku dodged the first few punches, but just barely. It wasn't just his strength that was held behind his speed wasn't nearly as good as Vegeta's either even if the Prince was holding back. Goku's eyes narrowed at their differences.

He's holding back. Goku thought to himself as he threw a roundhouse at Vegeta's head.

There was no way he was fast enough. Simply no way.


hesover9k July 24 2009, 04:27:47 UTC
Vegeta blocked the roundhouse easier than he thought possible. The prince was now getting concerned. "Come on!" He taunted, hitting Goku back, throwing a couple hits in his direction.

If he was right about Kakarot.... what then?


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