It's time you knew

Jun 28, 2009 18:42

Who: Kairi and Riku
Where: The beach
When: June 27th
What: Riku’s back and he and Kairi need to patch things up.
Warnings: Riku angsting and…possible confession? >.>

Kairi didn't think Riku would come back to the island, though secretly she hoped and prayed he would. She wanted her best friend to be with her, but considering how things were prior to his sudden departure.... The auburn girl shook her head as she descended onto the beach. her flying lessons with Namine improved her flying a lot.

She saw the silver haired teen right there. He was in her reach but she wasn't sure what to do. She was still upset at him but having him back was over powering that anger. She took a tentative step forward, afraid if she made any sudden movement he would leave. "Riku?"

He kept looking back at the town from his spot at the beach. Would she come? Maybe, maybe not, he had left her on the best of terms, but was hard to remember just what they had been fighting about, besides the fact he was stubborn. Stubborn, an idiot...Everything he did seemed to turn out the wrong way.

And he hated it.

He saw Kairi land in front of him, and he was...speechless. She was like an angel, the Princess of Heart. He had always known this, but seeing Kairi here, like this...He had never deserved her friendship after what he had done, and defiantly had no right to the feelings of something more. The older male exhaled slowly as she approached said his name and he blinked ocean blue eyes. "Kairi..."

He couldn't say anything that he wanted to say to her. He had no right.

Kairi had to keep it together. She had to stay strong. Crying wouldn't get her anywhere, Zexion reminded that when Riku left. Still, how could she not get over emotional seeing her best friend like this? No...he wasn't her best friend...he was more than that. She had been foolish in not telling him before he left...but now....

If she told him he would run away....and maybe not come back.

The young girl curled one hand into a fist, her nails leaving smiley faces on her palm. Keep it together, she told herself, unaware she was sending those words to Riku. Even though she promised not to cry it still didn't stop her from running over to him.

She said nothing as she wrapped her arms tightly around the older male, mindful of his wings. His precious white wings. You're're back.

He blinked when he heard those words. Keep it together? She hadn't' spoken, nor had he, but.. He didn't have time to think about it as she ran to him, and he opened his arms to receive her and hug the girl to him just as tightly. "I'm sorry..." was the only thing he could manage to say, though his mind said so much more. 'Don't be mad at me. I know I messed up. I want to fix this more than anything'

Being in his arms made her heart soar. She shook her head against his chest, squeezing his torso for a moment. "No, I'm sorry...if I had spoken to you earlier..." she closed her eyes shut. If she had told him earlier why she was upset at him maybe then he wouldn't have gone away. The words he said in her mind made her open her eyes. Indigo clashed with ocean hued eyes. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for being so stupid. I should've told you. I should've been more understanding." she rambled.

He rested his hand between her shoulder blades, looking away from Kairi until she looked up at him, forcing himself to meet her gaze. How could she look at him after everything he had done? "Don't blame yourself. Never Kairi." It wasn't her fault, it couldn't be. Everything he did always turned out the wrong way...Wanting to go to new world, wanting power, wanting to beat Sora...Wanting things to be normal.

She shook her head against, determination shining through her eyes. "No, it is!" she continued, her feathers bristling with her statement. "I should've told you how I felt! If I had done that, then things...things would've stayed the same." Even though I want them to change.

"Kairi..." He wasn't sure what she was trying to say, and the older boy paused, hesitant to release her. He didn't want to mess things up again, but it always seemed inevitable. "You’re saying two different things." Riku said softly, although technically, she wasn't speaking, he had yet to figure that out.

Confusion came across her eyes. Was she saying two different things? The girl was saying what Riku wanted to hear while keeping what she wanted to least she thought so. She shook her head. "I...You want go back to…they will..." towards the end of her sentence she looked away. If this is what he wants...if this is what will make him happy...then that's fine.

He looked at her for a moment, blue eyes studying the girl's face before raising a hand to brush hair out of the way. "Kairi, what do you want?" It shouldn't be about him, it never really was. He wanted what was best for her and tried so hard to find it...'I want her to be happy more than anything else.'

Kairi’s heart beat loudly against her chest feeling Riku’s hand sweep away a lock of hair from her face. How did he have so much power over her that with one single touch he could fill her stomach with butterflies? Indigo eyes clashed with Ocean blue. “…you” she finally managed to say.

He didn't say anything for a long moment or move, thoughts racing...she...He cared about Kairi so much, but she shouldn't care back, not it this way, not after everything he had done, things that could most likely never be atoned for. "Kairi..." He said softly, but nothing further than that. What was there to say? 'I care, but I'm dangerous, wrong, someone who will never be forgiven.'

She rested her forehead against his chest, her hands grabbing clumps of his shirt. Kairi closed her eyes frustration bubbling inside of her. He was wrong! How many times did she have to say it? "You're not dangerous or wrong. I've forgiven you, Riku." I forgave you a long time ago...

It was more than that-she could forgive him, but he could never forgive himself for all those things he had done, sometimes it felt like he wouldn't ever be able to. But when she said that...Maybe, maybe there was a little part of him that wanted to believe that more than anything. The taller boy hid his face in her hair, mind and mouth echoing the same thought. "...How?" Even after everything how can she...

"Because I love you!" the words quickly fell from her lips before she had time to really think about what she was going to say. Maybe it was an automatic reaction...or maybe after all this time and all the things they went through those words had to be said. Fear sunk into her heart. She had really gone and confessed her feelings to him. He's going to run. He's going to run.

He stayed shock still. She...Kairi wasn't supposed to feel that way about him, it had always been her and Sora, hadn't it? The Keyblade Master and the Princess. And he hadn't minded, even though somewhere he always knew he would care but...

He pulled away just enough to look down at her, still keeping his arms around the girl. "Kairi," He started, unsure. How am I supposed to tell her I feel the same back? "I..." He wasn't good with words, Riku never had been. I wish you could understand what I want to say.

Hearing the unsure tone in his voice made her recoil. Embarrassment and shame washed over her. How could she be so stupid as to confess like that? She felt him pull away and forced herself to look at him. Kairi promised herself she wouldn’t cry. The Princess waited for him to continue, instead she heard something…

He…felt the same way?

Her walls crumbled at that moment. Tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes. “I …I understand what you’re trying to say, Riku.”

Without words he couldn't do anything more than just look at her, watch her eyes fill up with tears and know he had messed things up again, as he always would. But... then those words, and he opened his mouth to say something but couldn't find anything there, instead he brought his hands to her face and rested it there on one side, thumb brushing at the corner of her eyes. "Then don't cry, please Kairi." 'I love you and I don't want to be what hurts you, ever.'

Tears began to leak out of the corners of her eyes, despite how badly she didn't want to cry. But how could she not? She had confessed her feelings to him...and he was returning them. She closed her eyes in hopes of stopping her tears. Kairi felt his hand on the side of her face causing her to blush slightly. She reached up to touch the hand that laid upon her cheek.

"I...I can't help it." she hiccupped. You're the only one who can make me cry when I'm so happy...

He didn't look away from her, not this time, and he promised himself he wouldn't do it again. This was someone who cared about him more than anyone else...the person who cared about him more than anyone else. And he loved her back.

It was that simple.

He laughed softly; not at her or her tears, but at himself. Always to make a girl cry, even after all of this. Riku tilted his head down to bring his face closer to Kairi, eyes closing as he finally brought himself to do something he had wanted to for the longest time. A kiss, and he meant it more than anything else.

Kairi opened her eyes. Was...was Riku really laughing at her? At a time like this? Her feathers bristled once more as she wanted to voice, or think, what could be the source of his laughter. She parted her lips to speak as the older male lowered his head.

Indigo eyes went wide for the sweet kiss placed upon her lips. The action took her by surprise but slowly she closed her eyes and kissed him back. Her heart soared as more tears of happiness rolled down her face.

She soon found herself enveloping the boy again in her arms, holding him tightly as her wings brushed against his.

It was strange in how perfect, how right this felt to Riku to do this. He moved to secure one arm around her waist again, the other remaining on her face to stroke her cheek. Anything, if anything he could of done to change this he would of found a way to tell her sooner, not to of put her through so much. But then again, that was how they had gotten here, wasn't it? It didn't excuse anything, but all the same...

He had always just wanted her to be happy, he hadn't known that meant being here with him. But all the same it made him feel like maybe there was more than just a screw up somewhere inside the person known as Riku. Someone who could be cared about.

He pulled away after a moment to look down at her, wings stretching out before folding securely around them. He wouldn't leave her or run away, never again.

Kairi meant it when she told him when the heartless were invading. She was willing to give him her heart if it meant he would come back...that was then and she had given to him freely and in return she received his.

When he pulled away from the chaste kiss she rested her head against his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart. She was happy beyond words., this was the love the other Princesses of Heart spoke about.

Kairi raised her head feeling something warm and soft enveloping her. A smile graced her lips seeing Riku had placed his wings around them. She chuckled to herself as she felt her wings begin to twitch with the happiness she felt.

"..If you're going to go again I'm coming along.." she whispered.

He smiled, the first time in a long time since a true smile had crossed his face. This, this was the redemption he had looked had always been right in front of him. Some of it anyway, the beginning steps to forgiveness.

His Way to Dawn had always been here.

"I won't leave you behind." He promised Kairi, and he meant it from the bottom of his heart. "Never again.”

Seeing that smile on his face warmed her heart. It wasn't one of the half ones he gave out to reassure her. It was a sincere smile that she hadn't seen in such a long time.

His words reassured her and as she pulled back she smiled at him. Kairi, unfortunately, had to let go of Riku to wipe away any remaining tears in her eyes. Once she was done she reached out o hold his hand. "Do you want to go back now? I know everyone's missed you."

He squeezed Kairi's hand gently, wings spreading back and then folding behind him as she pulled away. He would never make her cry again for any reason, he swore to himself. "Yeah, I missed them as well." 'But most of all you'

Kairi's wings spread open as she squeezed his hand. She missed the feel of his wings over her skin but perhaps later they could...snuggle again. Just the thought of that dusted her cheeks light pink. "Then we should get going." she replied, opening up her wings for a moment to catch the cool breeze of the beach before folding them. I missed you too. She began to lead him down the sandy beach back to town, holding his hand and staying close to his side.

kairi, riku

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