(no subject)

Jun 25, 2009 03:50

Who: Mokuba (chibi_kaiba) and Seto (shutupandduelme)
What: First time flying for the boys!
When: June 24th, sometime during the day
Where: All over the place!
Warning: Nothing of note!

Seto wasn't willing to spend a lot of time on fixing his shirt properly. So the cuts were slightly uneven, the shirt was pretty much ruined...but it fit. And hopefully, would have enough room for each wing to move properly, without revealing too much of the skin underneath. But for one of the few times in his life, perfection could wait. He had to go check on Mokuba before he tried something dangerous. Or started giggling like some of the others had. That would not be tolerated.

It would have been safer to just walk to Mokuba's apartment. But Kaiba Seto had never been one for safety, and if he could beat Yami and Jing into the air..well, it would do wonders for his mood. The brunet simply climbed to the highest point of the house he could reach, and jumped, his wings snapping open at the last possible moment to take him into the air. Seto had studied the mechanics of flight before designing his holograms. Every move of his dragon's wings had to be perfect. But neither that, nor flying his jet, his helicopter, even his fastest cars had ever felt like this. He was rather tempted to stay up there all day, but no..Mokuba came first. Always. He angled awkwardly and skidded to a not so perfect landing on the roof of Mokuba's apartment building. Hn. Something he'd have to work on.

Of course, as soon as Mokuba heard the skidding on the roof of his studio apartment, he quickly moved to head up there. The sight of his brother in a not-so-perfectly cut shirt, with large bat-like wings spread from each shoulder, caused the young boy to grin. It wasn't so much of a stretch to instead think of Seto's wings as those of a dragon. His own wings flexed slightly, spreading wide before folding against his back. His own t-shirt had been cut a tad bit neater than his brother's, but not by much.

The brunet hissed in annoyance at the landing, before glancing up and smirking at Mokuba. "Hey kid," he said lightly, taking in the image of his little brother with broad white wings that were just about too big for him. The smirk softened into more of a smile. "Not jumping off of roofs, are you?"

"No, but it look like you did," Mokuba said lightly, half-scolding his brother. Although Seto would have known that the boy didn't mean it, if only because not a second later Mokuba ran forward and hugged his brother. "They look good on you."

"Hn. I'm the one who's supposed to be doing the dangerous stuff for you," Seto replied, before accepting his brother's hug and ruffling his hair slightly in response. "If you say so. I think they're awkward as hell and I don't particularly like ruining my shirts for them," he murmured absently, "but yours suit you."

"They take a bit of getting used to," Mokuba conceded, grinning and stepping back. At the mention of his own wings, his feathers fluffed slightly, making the appendages seem even more big and awkward than they actually were. "Mine are big. It took me forever to figure out how to maneuver them into this shirt. It's like they don't want to move how I tell them to."

"I'd imagine feathers are like that. It's not like you can move them back into place," Seto replied, brushing down the nearest wing without thinking, like he had done before with his brother's hair. "You just have to be careful not to knock them into anything, I suppose."

"So, how was flying?" It was a simple question really, but Mokuba knew it was more than that. He'd always known his brother had dreamed of having wings when he was younger - Mokuba wouldn't deny he'd once fancied the idea as well. Especially when they'd been in the orphanage. The idea of just flying away from everything had left him with pleasant dreams on more than one occasion.

The CEO glanced at the sky thoughtfully. "Better..than I expected," he replied blandly. He couldn't really put it into words. "It's not as hard as flying the jet either, no gauges you have to pay attention to or anything," he went on absently, his attention caught up in the sensation of it. He never would have said so, not even to Mokuba, but he had enjoyed it.

Of course, Mokuba didn't need to hear his brother say he enjoyed it to know he had. He grinned, and bounce absently, his wings flapping in his excitement. He hovered a tad bit of the ground with the action, and almost instantly squeaked. He quickly forced them to still, his feet scuffing on the concrete.

The soft sound jolted Seto out of his thoughts. "Careful, Mokie," he said, the smirk returning, "with wings like that you might get blown off the roof. Have you flown yet at all?"

"Not yet. I'm kind of nervous about falling or something," Mokuba admitted, his cheeks flushing.

"A Kaiba? Fall? Not likely," Seto dismissed with a snort. "You spent as much time studying flight mechanics for the Solid Vision projectors as I did, Mokie. You'll be fine." He stepped back over to the edge of the roof and looked over the side. "And I suppose you can go jumping off roofs now that I'm here. I'll catch you if anything happens, you know that," he added, meeting Mokuba's eyes.

It was a long moment before Mokuba nodded. He trusted his brother more than anything, and he knew that in the event that he did fall, Seto would catch him. So he went to the edge of the building, spreading his wings and stepping up onto the ledge with a nervous gulp. Now or never...

The young Kaiba spent a long moment steeling himself before he finally got the nerve and leapt off the edge of the building. He half expected to plummet to his death then and there, but his wings snapped open almost instantly. The first few sweeps of feather against air were nervous and unsteady, but it wasn't long before the boy got the hang of it. And when he did, his face lit up.

Seto breathed an inaudible sigh of relief as Mokuba's wings lifted him upwards. Of course, being Kaiba Seto, he couldn't let his younger brother get away with just that. "Mokuba! You can go faster than that. Those wings are almost bigger than you are!" he cried, hoping the boy would be able to hear him.

Mokuba merely rolled his eyes at his brother's words. He was still getting used to simply flying. He didn't need to go faster... Yet.

The brunet shook his head slightly. There was no point to it if he wasn't going to go as fast and as far as possible. He was itching to get back into the air, and Mokuba's reluctance certainly wasn't helping matters. Oh well. His brother would have to get used to sharing his air space if everyone else could fly too. He might as well start getting used to it now. Seto took a running start and didn't fall nearly as far this time before his wings opened. "Mokie! You're afraid!" he called again, more of a teasing sound in his voice than he had had in years. With a tuck of his wings, Seto was very quickly shooting past his brother, practically daring him to answer his challenge.

Of course, once he was challenged, Mokuba wasn't about to just hover around doing nothing. His wings snapped to his sides and he dove after his brother with a grin.

It was easy enough to lead Mokuba into a more challenging flight than he probably had intended to take. Swoops, dives, even some weaving inbetween the buildings on restaurant row were not out of the question. Never anything as dangerous as Seto wanted it to be however. Flights to see if there was any land beyond the Island, or anything that went inbetween the trees in the forest would have to be something he did alone. But this was pleasant enough. "How long do you think you can go, Mokuba?" he called back.

"Dunno! Maybe another half an hour?" Mokuba called back, grinning ever as he did his best to keep up with his brother. Seto had an advantage in size; he could get farther with a single beat of his wings than Mokuba could in several beats. But the younger Kaiba wasn't about to just give up without trying.

"Hn. I'll hold you to that, then," Seto replied, looking over his shoulder for a quick smirk before putting on another burst of speed. He continued on like that for some time, careful to maintain his position in the lead while not letting Mokuba get too far behind. It was a position he was very familiar with. He was, however, growing tired; back muscles that had only been used for keeping his frame straight in a computer chair would be aching by the end of it.

"You better not go getting tired before me!" Mokuba joked, grinning at his brother. Although after a moment, he grinned and darted out of their line of flight. Luckily, he was a bit more used to using his back, if only for going out and about. And he knew Seto's line of thought well enough to cut around in a circle and fly out in front of his brother.

"Mokuba!" Seto snapped without thinking, before pushing harder to catch up. Normally, he might have floated the thought of allowing the younger Kaiba to stay in his position, but with how often he had been losing lately, the brunet was not so comfortable with it now.

Mokuba couldn't help but grin at the sound of his name, and he turned again, quickly moving to give his brother a hug in midair. He could only hope he still had wings when he woke up tomorrow... This was certainly an interesting event, or whatever else it was.

Seto grunted awkwardly when Mokuba grabbed him mid-air, as he was forced to compensate for another body and two big fluffy wings in front of him. Still, it was nice. After hearing the wind rush in his ears for the entire flight, it was pleasant enough to feel the press of his brother's strong and rapid heartbeat, to practically feel the blood running through his veins and-

Wait, where had that come from? The brunet let his wings buffet them apart, his lips curving into a frown. That was..odd. "Mokuba," he said, trying to distract himself from the bad feeling he was getting, "I don't want you overexerting yourself. We should probably head back."

Mokuba would have whined, but he could tell something was off in those few seconds of silence. He nodded, quickly picking out the roof of his building and angling towards it. "We can fly again tomorrow, right?"

"..Yeah. If it lasts," Seto replied, a little less pleased than he had been at the beginning of the race. His suspicious feeling was nagging at him badly..and nothing good ever happened when he felt so off about something. "And you still have to land first, kid," he added quickly.

"I can do it! I managed to fly after all," Mokuba said indignantly, even as he neared his building. He wasn't going to fall on his face or anything. His initial landing wasn't the most graceful, but he used his wings to soften the landing, flaring them when necessary until his sneakers scuffed against the gravel of the rooftop.

There was a thing to be said for boots with heels on them. It was hard to get long limbs coordinated enough for a graceful landing, but Seto cheated, grounding himself heavily on his heels to keep himself from sliding forward. As he folded his wings, he winced slightly, almost invisibly. Yeah..that was going to hurt tomorrow. "So you did. Fine, Mokie, you can fly without supervision. I suppose," Seto said with a put-upon sigh.

"Alright!" Of course, Mokuba wouldn't have listened even if Seto had told him not to. Flying was too much fun to just stop doing because he wasn't the best at landing. But he grinned in his brother's direction none-the-less, looking for all intents and purposes like an angel without a halo.

Seto rolled his eyes. "Stop it. You're not fooling anyone," he muttered, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Oh fine," Mokuba said, rolling his eyes and grinning.

The brunet shook his head, then ran a hand through his hair to straighten back into place. "Come on inside, Mokie. I'll buy you dinner," Seto said, inclining his head towards the stairwell into the building.

"Fine. But you're eating too," Mokuba said, grinning and eagerly jogging over to the stairwell. He wasn't about to take no for an answer with this.

Seto snorted and walked past. "Fine," he huffed, a bit miffed at Mokuba had put that on as a condition so quickly. It was so very typical of him.

seto kaiba, mokuba kaiba

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