(no subject)

Jun 21, 2009 11:43

Who: Cissnei and Zack
What: Cissnei needs to get her mind off of things, so she goes to see Zack.
When: Sunday Morning
Where: House 5
Warnings: Fluff like woah, Breakin' ur canon pairings.

Cissnei pushed the door open to House 5 and entered, slightly amused at the fact Zack left it unlocked...it baffled her almost how he could be so trusting, though. But when it all came down to it, there wasn't much that could really be stolen or attacked...Sans Sephiroth, and apparently her kitchen table. The woman stepped in and paused to roll one shoulder back that had been bothering her since her fight with Sasuke, but she ignored it after that. There wasn't any lasting damage from it, so it could be easily ignored. "Zack?" She called out to the other, already heading up the stairs to the other's room. It wasn't that early in the morning...by her standards, anwyay.

The key words there were "her standards." When in SOLDIER, Zack was used to waking up at the crack of dawn, and at strange hours of the day. Here, he had appreciated the new luxury of sleeping in everyone and a while. Every once in a while eventually turned into every day... And this morning was of course no exception. He was sleeping in his boxers, hugging a pillow to his chest, and half of his blankets were thrown off.

The former turk made her way up to his room, opening the door and getting it open noiselessly as she always had. Old habits died hard, and even more so when she had only just casted them off. The woman stood in the doorway for a moment to just look at the other. Zack, what it the world was he thinking? His materia was out of reach and his Buster Sword across the room and- She caught herself before diving into inner breakdown of all the ways Zack hadn't protected himself even while sleeping and just allowed herself to look at him for a moment. Alive. Here. Just himself. Cissnei sighed lightly and made her way to the bed, perching on the end near his head before touching the side of his face lightly. "Slacking, I see."

"mmmm..." he turned over. "Don't wanna go to work, Angeal..." he mumbled and snuggled into the pillow. He was tired and sleepy, and it was way too early to go on a mission, and Angeal couldn't make him if he didn't want to and and and... "mmm.."

A slight smile crossed her face, and this time she managed to keep her turk, her guard dog voice from telling her what was wrong. The woman made a quick grab for the rest of the sheets and tossed them off to the side. "Come on puppy, it's almost ten."

S'only five." He mumbled and pulled the sheets back over himself. He wanted to SLEEP. He wanted to be warm in bed and sleep and catch up on rest he missed out on. "lemmie sleep..."

"Whatever time schedule you’re on, I want to be there too." She laughed lightly but let him pull the covers back over himself, leaning her back against the headboard to watch the other. It should of been obvious by now that she wasn't his former mentor, but hey, If he wanted to think that... she'd just tease Zack about it later.

One eye opened to look at the other. It took a few moments for her to come into focus and another for the SOLDIER to register that it was her. "Oh hey, you." He said, voice slurred with sleep. He shifted a little and threw an arm over her legs. Cuddle time? She was here already, why not get the cuddling over with already?

Cuddle time. Like she could resist puppy, even if he was a sleepy one. She smiled a little once more and shifted to move closer to him, grabbing a pillow from the bed that he wasn't holding onto and pulled it under her head, her other hand going to rest on his shoulder. "Took you long enough."

"It's not my fault you came in when I was sleeping." He grinned, pulling her closer to him. Well this was certainly nice. If he could wake up to something like this every morning, he'd have no complaints. "Plus I like sleeping.. especially if you're there when I wake up."

She let him pull her body close, glad to have the foresight to toe of her shoes before settling down beside the other. After all, it wasn't the first time this had happened, even if it was the first time since they had come back to the island. "You're so soft, for a SOLDIER." Cissnei said, content where she was right now and resting a hand on his arm. Soft, knew what to say to make her feel the same. She had been right of course, when she told him that he affected people, sometimes more than they knew.

He frowned a bit at the compliment. Soft? Soft wasn't the best word to be used for a SOLDIER. "You couldn't have used a better word?" he asked, letting one of his arms trail down her side. "You know, something like, awesome? Tough...." He thought for a moment and smiled. "Sexy...?" Sexy was a good word. He liked sexy.

She hadn't exactly meant it as a compliment, but in a roundabout way it was. Cissnei...wasn't used to all of this, in the end. But all the same, she liked being with Zack, that he wanted her there as well. And she grinned a little bit more, turning her face to rest it against his shoulder. "Sexy huh? That goes without saying."

...Well, that was definitely not the answer he EXPECTED. Not that it was bad, it was just... well, it was something he wasn't expecting. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her. This right here, this happiness was something he hadn't experienced before. Yes, he'd been in a relationship, and yes, he could probably say that he had been in love. But things like this? Waking up to find someone you cared about so much, in your bed, smiling, waiting for you. Nothing else on his mind, but how much time he wanted to spend with this person and what to eat for breakfast... this right here, was true happiness. "I don't know why it took me so long," he sighed.

He put his arms around her, a possessive gesture no matter how you look at it, even if he wasn't thinking about it at that moment. She enjoyed the gestures, the little things that where alien to her almost, despite her age and maturity- to be cared about in this way and maybe even... Cissnei pressed her lips against his shoulder lightly before looking up at him as he spoke, processing his words. "What do you mean?"

"You..." he smiled. Something about being with her, like this... it was great. Things like this moment, he didn't want to end. If he could wake up next to her every morning, if he could stay with her at night, be there for her when she needed him, and even stay around when she was sick of him, he would be content. He cared about her. He could say that aloud, but he knew the truth that only he would admit to himself. He loved her and nothing could change that. "I didn't realize it until now."

The redhead let her gaze drop for a moment. Even though this wasn't Gaia, and that anything could happen here because it was here...She should be in hiding, and he should be dead. But there were here instead, on his bed talking and together and... Some of it just didn't seem real. Most of it actually, but it was and as hard as it seemed to believe, deep down she knew. Cissnei looked back at Zack after a moment, watching his face as she spoke carefully, evenly. "You've been important to me for a long time, before we...even came here." An admission, one that was hard to make but she did all the same.

"I didn't know." his hand moved along her back, fingers tracing random patterns. He didn't know, or didn't realize it. It'd taken him so long to see her this way. To see her as someone this special to him. "...But I know now," he smiled. "And that's all that matters, right?"

She half closed her eyes, relaxed by his hand on her back, calm and comforting. Of course part of her can't settle for this sort of thing, not yet, but she does her best because Cissnei believes Zack, believes in Zack more than anyone else anymore. "Yeah." She agreed, reaching up to run a hand though his dark hair, to press a kiss to the other's cheek. So what if it shouldn't work elsewhere? This...this made her happy.

For some reason Zack vaguely remembered a quote from Loveless. Something about how when the goddess finally came, everyone who followed her would be lead to happiness. Somehow he wondered, if he'd seen this Goddess, and if she was who he saw when he had died back on Gaia. Because he had never been happier than he was here on this island."You're the best thing that's happened to me."

Cissnei paused for a moment, fingers lightly playing threading in his hair before she released Zack, shifting to sit up. She didn't know what to say to that, it almost made her feel uncomfortable because... Well, this wasn't something she was used to, this happiness, this feeling of comfort and being the one who made him happy. "We can't sit in bed all day." She half teased the other, a small smile on her face as she moved.

... Not the response he expected, but all things took time, right? Zack moved to cuddle into her, head almost landing in her lap. She'd get used to this eventually. He believed in her, after all. Besides, he knew she felt exactly the same way, she just couldn't express it, right? "Mmm But I like it here. I'm comfortable."

The former Turk smiled a little at Zack, not yet moving to get up off of the bed, but lingered for a few moments longer. "Lazy, you mean." Another teasing jab, but that was just her nature, or at least what she showed others most to all of the time. "Come on, I'll make breakfast; I’ve actually gotten a little bit better at it."

Zack looked up at her, "Awesome, you mean." It was a correction, not that it was necessary. He pulled himself up and out of her lap, yawning as he did so. Alright, he was up. Finally. "Soo...you don't burn the eggs like you did last time?" He joked. She burned eggs, but he was far worse. He burned toast... and soup. He still didn't know how he did the last one.

"Awesome, then." She amended with an almost-laugh, waiting until he had moved before standing, deciding to leave her shoes where they were after a moment. Cissnei turned to look at Zack when he mentioned her cooking skills... between them, they probably had enough skill to make sandwiches and not blow up the house. Maybe. "I can scramble them too. Who knew?"

"...Look out, don't wanna get to risky there." Zack grinned. He slid off the bed, bare feet touching the floor and looked around for a shirt to put on. Finally, he found one on the floor and slipped it over his head. He could ignore pants for now. It was just Cissnei here, anyways and she'd seen him at Costa del Sol before. "So did you learn how to make pancakes, too?" he asked. Hey, a guy could hope.

"Not yet, I'm not a high enough level." She laughed and reached for the door, opening it and stepping out into the hallway. As far as she knew, Zack didn't have a roommate, and that was a good thing unless somehow that had changed overnight. "But it just takes practice, right? I'll figure it out."

zack fair, cissnei

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