You are 89 % disturbed!!!!!
Here's the Breakdown.... Where do you fit in? 80% - 100%: WOW, You are one FUCKED UP individual. Don't even TRY to make excuses! There's no DOUBT in my mind that you are going to hell... and most likely, jail. 71% - 80%: Yup, you're definately a strange one. You're parents did a pretty bad job raising you and I would make sure to let everyone know to avoid going out with your crazy ass, because you're just plain fucked in the head. 60% - 70%: Yeah, you're pretty messed up, but it could always be worse. You're the type of person who says and does the odd thing here and there that would be deemed 'pretty fucking weird', but it's what's IN YOUR MIND and what you DON'T say that makes you fucked up. Not too shabby. You're probably good to be around for a few laughs. 50% - 59%: You're in the middle. This could be either bad or good... depends on who you talk to. If you're a guy, you're pretty normal in this category... it's somewhat expected. Now, if you're a GIRL, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.... you nasty bitch. 0% - 49%: You're either one of three things here: a.) A Christian b.) A complete liar! c.) Just another BORING person. Well that's it! Hope you've had some fun with this test!!! :D Feel free to re-take this test from time to time to see if you've changed your SICK IN THE HEAD ways!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on twistedness
The r u SECRETLY SICK IN THE HEAD? Test written by
Wpg_Chris on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test is anybody realy surprised by this
thanks to moztoo