In a cafe, drinking chai

Dec 19, 2005 17:37

In the warm space after the storm, I forage out through the branches and leaves that cover the road, and walk to the middle of the hill above the ranch in order to check the view and sit on a fencepost to comtemplate things. The green is particularly shining. Below me is the land that I love and the smells that make me happier than anything else. Back in my warm little cabin with the woodstove burning, is my SO and his band, starting the first of three days of musical collaboration. I am a thrilled voyeur. I am officialy unempplyed, and if I died tomorrow, I could say that I was living my life exactly as I want to right this very minute. I wrote an article for a newsletter, and will be going home tonight to do some more writing while the bass and mandolin frolic with the banjo. Last night four of us drank four bottles of red wiine, comsumed a pint and a half of non-dairy frozen goodness, and talked about all kinds of things. I felt much less lonely.

Sunday morning went adventuring with Mom and Brita to the Conservatory of flowers in GG Park, and almost got out umbrella blown out of our hands. I got completely soaked as thunder and lightning went off around us, and striped off my coat and hat and gloves at the entrance of the conservatory so that I wouldn't drip all over. Highlights for me were the Orchid exhibit which was very stark and modern, and I got to learn nifty facts about orchids. There was also a cool sculpture of an Amazonian water lily that I wanted to climb into and sleep in, right above the lily pond, with the sound of rain on the glass panes above me. Then we went to have dim sum, and can I just tell you how perfect of a meal dim sum is? Lots of small plates of yummy food that come around and you get to try them all! Amazing!

Still excited about the holidaze. Good food and friends to you all.
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