Apr 10, 2007 04:15
At this point in your lives allot of you may be feeling useless and worthless, well I’ve got a news flash for ya Walter Cronkite… you are.
A dilemma in modern day sociology is that most cultures around the world raise their children with both words and actions in the idea that they are worthless, useless drains on their blissfulness, tolerance, and money. Then when these children grow up they feel that their children are useless and worthless as well.
Now what does being Useless really mean. I mean since when are we supposed to make ourselves useful. I once stated that “The primitive realities surrounding the human condition, the way of the planets, the galaxy, and everything in existence for that matter, seem to exist beyond the delicate unpreserved fashion and style that society seems to dictate to us.” Let’s have a look at an onion. An onion is a living thing. It breathes, it feeds, it reproduces, and it dies. But it still fulfils it duties in the natural order of things. There are three types of people. Leaders, followers and people who do what they want. Leader’s feel that they need to impose their morals and way of thinking on other people in order to be “useful”. They feel that it is their “duty” to help others. Followers do whatever it is the leader says blindly following any bullshit the leaders tell them. But followers can also confuse peoplw who do what they want as leaders and eventually become someone who does whatever he or she wants.
The only way you will be able to give off even an ounce of good in the world is to do what YOU want. Do what brings you bliss or at least diverts you from your missery. Unless you have an immature underdeveloped logic of understanding and compassion that force you to find joy in doing things that harm others, and if that’s the case ignore this bulletin and seek professional help!
Some of you are thinking, “Well, if I people just do whatever I want then everyone would just be living for themselves and nothing would get accomplished.”
Take the time to study those around you. You may notice some people trying very hard to be of use to others. In my case these people don’t really help much they just annoy the hell out of everyone else with their optimistic unrealistic attitudes and incessant hectic intrusions.
The people who emit the most good are those who simply do what they want and don’t spend their lives trying to make themselves useful. They are usually fascinating exciting to be around, because they are doing things that fascinate and excite them. They understand and value funnage and know how to laugh and not take anything too seriously. They inspire other people to figure out what it is that they want to do by example, thus causing more people to be interested in life and interesting to be around.
These people who are living for themselves are the people who have the greatest positive impact on us and make our lives better in the most unique, significant way. Can you really call that useless? Sure, saving the environment or helping the sick will help people, but if you're suffering for it because you don't really want to be there, those around you will see you for who you are and hate you for being didactic, straight laced and two-faced, and you will end up causing more damage than good. So, revel in your perfect uselessness. It's the useful thing to do.
What if everyone in the world just did what he or she wanted? Wouldn’t it be anarchy?
Yes it would. But anarchy is not necessarily bad.
If you can prevail over the stigma of uselessness, you are one step closer to getting over insignificance. Because insignificance is often just the moral judgment you place on yourself when you think you are useless. But, insignificance goes deeper. Insignificance entails that your existence is meaningless and damaging to everything else in existence.
You are either one of the “blessed” or one of the “dammed”
Morality goes two ways. Good and bad, either people are essentially good, or they are essentially bad. 99.9% of the world's population believes that people are essentially bad, and that's a problem.
If it is true that people are essentially bad, then there is no hope for us.
Democracy is damned, and a compassionate dominion or monarchy is unattainable because no essentially bad person could stay compassionate once introduced to supremacy.
The first thing you need to understand is that people are not essentially bad.
Each and every person is doing their best to get by with what they have.
Deprived underprivileged upbringings cause many people to not have much to do their best with. Such is life.
Criminals consider themselves to be powerless, so breaking the social contract is the only way they think they can get what they need and manage to feel somewhat powerful.
People without that complex can see that cooperation and respect are really how things get accomplished, but both of these kinds of people are simply trying to live a satisfying fulfilling life using the methods that they think have the best chance of working.
So you see, people are basically good. They are all trying to do their best. They often just need some help with socio/emotional, mental, physical and spiritual development.
Obviously, you are in the same boat. You are doing the best you can with what you have. You are already living the most moral and correct life you know how to live. There is no more that you can do at this moment to be a better person. You are already a good person. You do not have to strive every moment to be better than it is possible for you to be. Smile at yourself. You're OK.
This doesn’t mean that you cannot improve. As a human being you are constantly changing and adapting. But improvement is not accomplished by beating yourself over the head for bad things you've done; those things couldn't be helped. You were just doing your best with what you had. What you can do is learn where your blind spots are. Watch others. People who at first glance are just plain old bad people are on further investigation suffering from horrendous misconceptions about how the world works. You also have misconceptions about the best way to get what you want. Find those misconceptions and wake up!
Form an identity as a self-starter. We must strive to develop a steady durable core of ourselves as persons who are capable of accomplishment in a variety of areas such as social interaction, as well as self-identity.
Develop a sense of self in relationships. Expose your mental self to others and to own internal thoughts and desires.
And above all, master the practice of complete openness. Most people judge new things according to the old things they already know. But we must not confront a new communication immediately with our own opinion. We must instead always remain alert for the possibility of learning something new. We must develop the ability to listen, because it enables us to encounter matters with the greatest possible openness.
But, don't worry if your progress is slow and unsteady. You will make progress, but after all, you can only do the best you can with what you have.