Sometimes, words DO speak louder than actions

Oct 14, 2004 22:17

OK heres a true story that I wrote. Thnk about it..

I once was a Happy and popular child. In fact, I was popular in kindergarten. I remember crawling around outside like a cat. Soon, all the kids were following me around, mewing and purring. Once I pretend to play dead. They all began to “cry” and mourn over the death of their “cat mother”.

And so my happiness of life continued. I was a smart student. I always got god grades and was in honors in second grade. But I was moved out of honors next year because I wasn’t as smart as the other kids.

Third grade is where my life takes a turn for the worst. I was in a class surrounded by people who I didn’t know. I remember crying when I found out what class I was in. For some reason all the kids thought I was weird. I was hated, made fun of, and was declared a loser by age 9. I began to walk around the school alone. I would just eat by myself and then walk around for the remainder of the lunch or snack period.

I had no idea why I was never accepted. Even my two teachers hated me. They thought I was a “special” child. I was always in trouble but it was never my fault. They made me sit next to the class clown. I would burst out laughing and I couldn’t stop laughing for several minutes.

Once A kid in class told two girls that I had said the “B” word. The girls went and told the teacher. The teacher was thinking of a different word than what I said. When I told her the truth she didn’t believe me. I had detention for the rest of the day.
I stopped caring about my grades. I wouldn’t apply myself. When I didn’t understand something the teachers wouldn’t listen to me.

When it was fourth grade I was once again Happy. I had gotten the two teachers I wanted (some teachers pair up and they work on certain days). Even though I didn’t know anyone from my class or they were from last year, I didn’t care.

However, this class came with the popular people. All they cared for was clothing and looks. I was always a tomboy so they pitied me. They gave me “beauty lessons”. I was always laughed at because of my hair. I would usually just go to school with out brushing it. My heigein was horrid cause I would only take showers on Sundays. They would teach me how to dress and act. I began to think of them as friends. But they we’re only laughing at me and making me a rag doll that they could use for whatever they wanted.

Finally, girl from they class told them to stop. She didn’t want them to change me. But I was still without any friends. I continued to walk around the school alone. They kids came up with a disease for me. They called it “Jenna-Titus” Other kids would stay away from me in fear of catching it.

But even though everyone had made fun me at least once, I was determined to this destroy me. Instead of becoming shy, I became involved with the performing arts. Since first grade I knew I wanted to be on TV. Originally as a newscaster, but after my second grade play, I wanted to become an actress. And so I took part of a chorus group. It was mainly focused on singing but it had acting in it. I was finally in the spotlight… for a reason I loved.

In fifth grade things began to turn around. I had a new teacher, and I was ecstatic. I finally made a new friend. “Macy” was really the first friend I had in about 2 1/2I hung out with her, I played with her and finally I had a sleepover. But then after that sleepover she ignored me. She never spoke to me and never returned any of my calls. I was devastated. I now think that this was part of a cruel joke. For her to be able to survive a night with an infected child.

I was still in chorus and I had landed another solo in it. After that day, I had all of these sixth graders coming up to me and asking me to sing it over and over again. It wasn’t tell we were packing up to go home that another girl went up to me and told me that they were just making fun of me. That was the worst I had ever felt. I went home that day and just cried my eyes out. I don’t think I ever told my parents.

But near the end of the year I was actually able to make honest to god friends. A group of three accepted me into they’re clique.
For once I was Happy to go to school. I had made friends again.

Sixth grade rolled around and I can truly say that that year was the worst of them all. I was constantly being bullied and I didn’t return to my old friends until the middle of the school year.

But even then my life was becoming a world of torture. Kids would make fun of me for things that seemed pointless. From what I wore to how I talked. Probably the thing that started it all was the fact that I had a lisp. And I didn’t find out until I was made fun of it. I would try to let it all just bounce it off me but every now and then, a few remarks would get in and torture me to no end. I was always strong willed and I would never go for help.

The breaking Point was one day in PE. We were doing a Jump rope competition and all the girls were to go on one giant jump rope. If you messed up you were out. All the boys would sit on the side and watch us until it was their turn.
And all thorough the entire time I was on the rope. The boys would yell things like “It was Jenna’s fault! “ ”Jenna’s out!” and even while the rope was going, “Jenna, mess up!” “Jenna screwed it up!”

I felt tears begin to form and lost my concentration. When I messed it up, all the boys laughed and continued their sayings.
The boys were then quiet as I sat out for the rest of the competition. I took all of my dignity to keep from crying.

I was helping my PE teacher pick up the ropes. When I was done she said something that I needed t hear. That None of this was my fault. She also said a quote from a move called Princess Diaries. At one point in the movie, Mia was called a freak. Mia’s Response was “Some day I will grow out of it, But you will never stop being mean to people.” or something along those lines. That day I went to the principle and told her my story.

The school finally took action and addresses many of the students in the sixth grade. The torture stopped for a while, but eventually it came back.

Even now I am still made fun of. But I have more friends then I ever thought I could achieve. I am now strong, and I hardly ever back down. I could care less if you made fun of me, but if you were to make fun of my friend I would make sure you received the highest punishment possible. My dream of becoming an actress is as alive as ever. The torture pushed me toward being in public instead of away.

There are still some problems that I face. It’s very difficult for me to make friends. When I’m In a class of people I don’t know I sometimes have to have a voice in my head tell me to go up to people and say hello.

I am a lucky case. I do not turn away from people, I can still trust easily. Bullying has not completely changed me. Others, however, become shy, and keep things to themselves. The worst of all is making them think that their life is so worthless that they commit suicide. You can become a murderer with only your words. Sometimes, words DO speak louder than actions.

The last thing I have to say is this: Even though you do not bully others directly, you still do it. You have the power to stop this cruel punishment once and for all, but because you simple walk away, the victim will think of you as a coward. All you have to do is be a friend.

PLease take this into consideration next time you see a kid that has no friends and is always being made fun of. What have they done to you that makes them deserve that torture?
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