The threesome!!
AIM IM with orbasm5
8/23/04, 4:18 PM
Jenna Druce: bethany says HI
orbasm5: yay
Jenna Druce: and i have claimed bethany's right arm as mine
orbasm5: larry says hi as well
Jenna Druce: i shall put ,y name on it!!
orbasm5: no way i own that arm
orbasm5: wait
orbasm5: which one
Jenna Druce: hahah jennas a loser
Jenna Druce: lol
Jenna Druce: sorry i left earlier
4:20 PM
orbasm5: its okay,thought your computer was messed er something so i was like, meh
orbasm5: or you hate me
Jenna Druce: yeh it was
Jenna Druce: nooooo
Jenna Druce: haha
Jenna Druce: yes thats it i hate you and yet
Jenna Druce: i am going out
Jenna Druce: with
Jenna Druce: u
orbasm5: heh
Jenna Druce: that makes perfect sense la\rrrryyyy
orbasm5: merp
Jenna Druce: meh
orbasm5: exactly
Jenna Druce: almost
orbasm5: so watcha doiin
Jenna Druce: jennas writting all over my right arm and left hand
orbasm5: nice
Jenna Druce: she owns my are and my hand is for rent
orbasm5: heh
Jenna Druce: arm*
Jenna Druce: what u doin
4:25 PM
orbasm5: talkingto my mom on the phone
orbasm5: alright done
Jenna Druce: cool
Jenna Druce: hahaha i had cheese
Jenna Druce: and i cut it!!!
orbasm5: lol
orbasm5: scorwe
orbasm5: *score
Jenna Druce: hahaha
Jenna Druce: harry potter rocks my socks!
orbasm5: i cut the strawberry earlier,
orbasm5: to make a smoothie
Jenna Druce: evan is.... ew
orbasm5: you dont like strawberrys
orbasm5: oh
Jenna Druce: we're haviong a threesome!
Jenna Druce: having**
orbasm5: not without me
Jenna Druce: 4 some
Jenna Druce: cyber!m jkiljl'ihy0ioiyukshfukhll
Jenna Druce: \\]\
Jenna Druce: \,jbk m\
orbasm5: thats nice
Jenna Druce: no
Jenna Druce: jk789
Jenna Druce: yl,pb jk
Jenna Druce: jk
Jenna Druce: jk
orbasm5: lol whos screwing with the keyboard
Jenna Druce: me!
Jenna Druce: and everyone else!!!!!
Jenna Druce: 99 bh
Jenna Druce: that was evan.
Jenna Druce: 69
Jenna Druce: lol
orbasm5: lol
Jenna Druce: EWW
Jenna Druce: hahaha
Jenna Druce: thers more than one person here
Jenna Druce: bfff\ =lk.hgncbn
Jenna Druce: .j
Jenna Druce: n ,sdxvb
Jenna Druce: ]\ ;/
Jenna Druce: hehe
orbasm5: rock on
Jenna Druce: for shizzle
4:30 PM
Jenna Druce: [o[]\
Jenna Druce: 69 '
Jenna Druce: 69 bthany
Jenna Druce: ec\vans retrded
Jenna Druce: that was evypoo
orbasm5: nice
Jenna Druce: yesh
orbasm5: im gonna call him that from now on
Jenna Druce: lol
Jenna Druce: Sooooooooo
orbasm5: what did you do today?
Jenna Druce: i like pickles
Jenna Druce: I ate one
orbasm5: pickles are good
Jenna Druce: it was GOOOD
Jenna Druce: i also recieved a funny looking plant from some guy
Jenna Druce: i smoked it!
Jenna Druce: i felt funny
orbasm5: oh my
Jenna Druce: still do
Jenna Druce: is that bad??
orbasm5: maybe
Jenna Druce: why?
Jenna Druce: he also gavwe me some poweder!
Jenna Druce: it went up my nose
orbasm5: cuz im not there smoking it with you
Jenna Druce: :P
Jenna Druce: larry...
orbasm5: bethany...
Jenna Druce: 1kissy
orbasm5: 1 kissy face
Jenna Druce: 3 kissy face <-------- its a threesome
orbasm5: heh nice
4:35 PM
Jenna Druce: 7 kissy faces <------ its an orgy
orbasm5: kissy with:P = :D
Jenna Druce: kmao
orbasm5: heh cool
Jenna Druce: lmao
Jenna Druce: hahaha
Jenna Druce: i put a pic of me on the internet...
Jenna Druce: here
Jenna Druce: Ugly pic
Direct Instant Message session started
orbasm5: lol
Jenna Druce: im sooooo sexy
orbasm5: i see you had a bit to eat since the last time i saw you
Jenna Druce: just a cupcake
orbasm5: that was the size of a jacuzzi
orbasm5: thatd be cool actually
Jenna Druce: no, the size of nate
orbasm5: is that a diss to him or is it because hes kinda tall
Jenna Druce: both
orbasm5: rock on
Jenna Druce: i know
Jenna Druce: :D
orbasm5: heh
4:40 PM
orbasm5: yay
orbasm5: i commented on your picture
Jenna Druce: kool\
Jenna Druce: heres another on
Jenna Druce: i put it on jenna's site
Jenna Druce: theres music
Jenna Druce: so turn the volume up
Jenna Druce: blah
Jenna Druce: something wrong?
orbasm5: loudness
Jenna Druce: lool
orbasm5: it was already turned up and yeah
Jenna Druce: lol
Jenna Druce: ok
Jenna Druce: umm
Jenna Druce: the whole time since after u talked to ur mom on the phone
Jenna Druce: was JENNA
Jenna Druce: *pic of me with eyes crosses*
orbasm5: blah
orbasm5: why you gotta do that
Jenna Druce: lmao
Jenna Druce: k
Jenna Druce: hers bethany
orbasm5: ah its you!
Jenna Druce: really
orbasm5: heh alright cool
Jenna Druce: ok i was sittinng here dieing
Jenna Druce: i tried to stop her
orbasm5: lol
4:45 PM
Jenna Druce: well, she was sitting on me preventing me from stoping her...
orbasm5: blah
Jenna Druce: then even sat behind me
Jenna Druce: so i was between his legs and jenna was betwen mine
Jenna Druce: i was trying to stop jenna
Jenna Druce: ad even
Jenna Druce: was trying to stop me
Jenna Druce: and rape us both
orbasm5: ill rape evan for you
Jenna Druce: hahahaha
Jenna Druce: ew
orbasm5: lol yeah thats no good
orbasm5: so watcha doin
orbasm5: ?
Jenna Druce: blah....trying to undo this thing jenna done
Jenna Druce: or i think she did
Jenna Druce: and my stomach hurts
Jenna Druce: from laughing at u
Jenna Druce: and jenna
orbasm5: lol
4:50 PM
orbasm5: i used permanent marker on my face then took a picture for the next orbasm album thing or for orbasm flyers and stuff
Jenna Druce: what have i told you sweetie about using those toxic markers on your eyes...
orbasm5: yeh i know, but i didnt use it near my eyes this time
Jenna Druce: ok good boy
orbasm5: i did in this picture awhile back though.....
Jenna Druce: YOU BI?
orbasm5: uh
orbasm5: well
orbasm5: not full on bi
orbasm5: no wait
orbasm5: for a bit i was like bi-curious
orbasm5: then when i posted that i thought about it a lot for a couple days
orbasm5: and i was like, no
Jenna Druce: rightttttttttt
orbasm5: like every now and then ill think a guy is kinda good-looking but the thoughts wont go that far
orbasm5: er they wont go any farther than that
4:55 PM
orbasm5: so meh
orbasm5: like id probably never really full on kiss a dude
orbasm5: meh
orbasm5: you there?
Jenna Druce: yes
orbasm5: ok
Jenna Druce: reading
orbasm5: ok
orbasm5: thought you were giving me silent treatment
orbasm5: i probably shouldve talked to you about that earlier but i was just still unsure
orbasm5: im totally straight now but yeh just some confusion for a bit
Jenna Druce: reading....
orbasm5: bah okay ill leave you alone
Jenna Druce: reading....
5:05 PM
orbasm5: im going to get off the computer and stuff
orbasm5: please call me later sometime
Jenna Druce: Druce: bye
orbasm5: alright bye sweetie
Jenna Druce: °K