five things...

Dec 08, 2006 13:23

Merci à ubergreenkat pour ce truc à faire

5 Choses que le féminisme a fait pour moi:

1- Multiplier la variété de modèles... finie la dictature de la mère-ou-nonne... j'ai pu ouvrir les yeux et découvrir pleins de femmes différentes et bien dans leur peau.

2- Me donner un sentiment d'appartenance qui transcende les frontières, les langues, les conditions économiques, l'éducation...

3- Me faire regarder les gens dans les yeux et pouvoir me définir d'après un choix que j'ai fait sans en avoir honte. Oui, je suis féministe.

4- Me donner pleins droits sur ma sexualité et mon corps... (ok, work-in-progress... je demeure quelqu'un de trèèèèès "shy" sur ce côté)

5- Me faire rencontrer pleins de magnifiques personnes!!!!

Alors je passe le mot!

Five Things Feminism Has Done For Me [09 Oct 2006|01:45pm]
As a collective web-response to the attacks being levied at Status of Women Canada/Condition Feminine Canada, over at, they've asked us bloggish types to post five things that feminism has done for us. All over the Canadian internet people have posted well-thought-out, reasoned, touching, empowering lists. The following may or may not be one of them. But that's because I hope to point out that feminism has as much impact on the quotidien as it does on the global.

Because of feminism...

1 - I wasn't shunned for not bringing a date to my high school prom
2 - I can build a career as a sex writer, and as a stage manager
3 - I don't feel obliged to shave my legs (or anything else for that matter)
4 - I can choose whether or not I want to have kids
5 - I'm taken seriously when I open my mouth to speak. Or if I'm not, it's because I'm an annoying, mouthy person, not because I'm a woman.

There has been tagging attached to this list: I'M TAGGING ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE. If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged. And if you do make a list, please drop me a comment (as I'd love to read it), 'cause I'm not great at keeping up with friends page reading


Status of Women Canada/Condition Feminine Canada, the federal agency responsible for funding women's groups in Canada, as well as conducting gender-based policy research, has just had its budget radically sliced up by the Conservative government. Its mandate has been altered so that it no longer includes the word "equality," and as recently as this week, groups who receive funding through Status of Women Canada/Condition Feminine Canada are now no longer able to use those funds to do government lobbying.

But guess what Stephen Harper, the feminists are coming, and they're pissed off.

If you'd like to learn more, or to get involved, please leave me a comment, or you can check out the fledgeling site:

féminisme, ubergreenkat

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