Aug 29, 2008 15:54
so i write in here much more than i thought i would when i got it. am im okay with that lol.
hmm so im waiting for it to be four so i can start the long journey to my car across campus so i can go to work for five. im glad that im just in the desk tonight, because i fucking hate running the front. the people there are stupid and dont know how to do anything themselves.
but o well. i almost went to psych today, except i dont have it. i have french discussion, but that class was canceled today because it being the first week, there is nothing to discuss.
i've already talked to mrs. mchugh and mrs. white lol. i think thats funny.
hmm what else (i want this to last the next few min so i dont have to just sit here)? im excited for paramore tomorrow, but i really really reeeeaaaaallllyyyy want to see fucking the classic crime. i would kill to see them.
hmm also i want to be a vampire =(>) <-----(i failed but o well).
the end.