Mar 20, 2005 23:55
I put a tube of superglue on my desk for 5 minutes while I was fixing things, and the damn thing stuck to it.... Then when I took it off part of my desk came with it... So now theres a big brown hole in my nice white desk. Oooops.
I have a really constructive day planned for tomorrow. Lets see... Chicken sushi for breakfast (apparently seaweed has lots of calcium in it, rice has carbohydates, perfectly good substitute for cereal)... Then I have to find an envelope, find a stamp, post a letter, put my washing away and I might do a bit more of my knitting while watching Stargate dvd's. (Today Lisa and I realised that between us we have over 60 Stargate dvd's, if you then add Tysons and Lukes... a little geeky of us perhaps?) Anyway, with any luck I'll have a mangled looking but finished stripey scarf by the end of the week... I really should turn the lights on next time though. It's all great that I can knit a scarf, but if it looks like I did it in the dark no ones going to wear it, are they.
I might cook dinner for my grandparents too, if they are brave enough to eat any of my cooking. (Highly unlikely, but worth a try).
I have no life... but at least it's a pleasant one?