Немного о праве собственности и спецназе Англии

Feb 04, 2022 13:11

My Dads friend was an SBS operative which is the aquatic equivalent of the SAS. One night in the 1950s he walked into Scottish High Command which was based in a castle in Scotland and said to the Major in charge that he owned the Castle by birth right of the fact it was his Scottish family clans ancient ancestral seat as he was the tainist (Successor to the clan chief, his father). They politely said Middleton-Stewart f***-off and concern yourself with being busy causing chaos and mayhem elsewhere. We are busy and quite happy at home squatting in your family house and have no further intention now or forever more of vacating it for you or anyone else. If you don't like it I suggest you take the matter up with the Queen.

There was a really good programme on TV about 9 years ago when they took a fresh pseudo but very fit group of 22 special forces recruits from the UK public and allowed them to be trained by special forces from all around the world including Russian Spetsnaz for two whole weeks. There were Indonesian, Russian, Israeli, American and German teams - Most of the teams had operatives who were +1.8m tall with hulking great muscles and dressed in their tactical military gear.
Then the shorty arsed SAS turned up in their smart adidas trainers and casual wear looking like solid drinkers from north of the border on a Saturday night piss-up in the hardest drinking area of Newcastle. Of all the World Teams, the Russians looked the scariest until the SAS turned up because these boys looked like an unpredictable drug gang. - пишет мой британский друг)

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