(no subject)

Oct 23, 2021 21:51

Неаполь, Италия 1973 год.
Это черно-белое фото, которое сейчас хранится в архиве Карбоне, было сделано на площади Пьяцца Муничипио (здание банка на углу с Виа Верди осталось почти таким же). Он изображает неаполитанских граждан, одновременно демонстрируя под резиденцией муниципалитета Неаполя необходимость вакцины против холеры для всех. Да, потому что в то время проблема заключалась именно в нехватке флаконов. «Десять тысяч флаконов во всем городе», - гласила одна из газет того времени.

Сейчас в Италии протесты против вакцинации.

Vaccinated early to a high % level. As a result the mutation has overtaken the vaccine and the position of Vaccination 'Versus' the Virus progression is now offering higher than acceptable mortality.
Government has become complacent over the level risk and assumed that there would be little or no further mutations of strength. The mask order was only recently rescinded as were other contingencies without key acknowledgement of the of sub-variant emergence.

The Government has shafted the NHS and they do not want to treat the people as they are tired and worn out.
The sub-variant has arrived, but has mutated to a more virulent strain and has now began renewed and effective killing spree in conjunction with environmental circumstance of colder weather conditions and unmasked congregation in doors. We are now very rapidly back at Aprils death figures.

There is now issue with uptake of AZ vaccine and the take up figures are low, very low indeed.
There is issue about the availability of vaccine doses not reaching the vaccination hubs.
There is issue about the notifications not being sent out in the mail and the text messages.
There is controversy about mixing the flu vaccine with the AZ covid vaccine.

There is controversy about mixing the Flu vaccine with and Pfizer over already vaccinated with AZ to create vaccine cocktails.
The Government for some stupid reason is playing the stiff upper lip and blagging it by insisting that masks are now non-essential, but the position is constantly under review.

There are doing the usual British thing about warning prior to making official mandate in U-turn to make people look like they infected themselves and each other.
The increase in virus comes as we have allowed the Americans et al in.

There have been systemic technical failures in lateral flow laboratory testing units and 40'000 positives have slipped through the safety net. Many of these happened in the south of England where the airports and high density conurbations are located. This story broke two weeks ahead of this current infection rise to try and demonstrate disassociation and that rectifications were being put in place ahead of a known issue.
They have dropped the use app months ago because of the ping demic. Little or no people are using this and all NHS teams are now told to turn it off.

It is a catalogue of disasters by people who are not qualified to, and taking control. Politicians subduing technical knowledge and prioritising policy.

The lorry drivers shortage and the lack of medical staff is casting a very bad shadow over Brexit and it now looks like Brexit is shafting the pandemic, or vice versa. We have no blood testing kits. No cancer diagnosis or treatment. And a bag log of 5'000'000 patients requiring surgery.

Johnson is now dealing with, COP26, Climate Change, Pandemic and Brexit fallout, petrol shortages, lack of food in the supermarkets, lack of meat and toys for Christmas and now the South China Seas escalation and the annual Russia Vs UK Derby match of political tit for tat etc..etc..etc. Then 'Bodger' fucked-off on holiday knowing there was a pandemic figures resurgence. Posh boy fucked off because he thought he deserved and break from lying over the facts.

Now the Tory MPs are mocking the population regarding mask wearing and saying that it is not necessary as the vaccine is effective and Torys all know each other. It is now a known fact that the AZ wains after 6 months. People are now getting very scared.

Last week a Tory MP was knifed to death just down the road from me in Essex. Its seems the security that was put in place 6 years ago following the earlier Jo Cox MP murder was either insufficient, not heeded and not implemented because they were making expenditure savings. It rhymes with complacency, lack of teflon and ballistic re-entry speed for a full political burn up with no parachutes.

They fail to see the truth in anything and only see the implementation of policy regardless of national circumstance......It is now being referred to as Orwellian in the press.
Johnson is simply losing control of the scant reality he once had. -говорит бритиш.

Я ношу маску, я привита, но у меня не было ковида, поехать я туда, куда хочу, не могу.
Я бы дала Харламову ещё такой вопрос задать: будет ли считаться прививкой одобренной вакциной, но уже в случае ревакцинации 1 дозой или не будет?)

история в фотографиях, вирусы, видео, вакцинация, Англия, здоровье, Италия, Россия, вакцина, наука, права лиц

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